- My business revenue grew from $60,000 to $800,000 by using YouTube effectively. This shows the power of having a strong presence on this platform for business growth.
- YouTube is the second-largest search engine after Google. Every business should consider using it to reach potential clients.
- To succeed on YouTube, follow a strategic plan like solving a Rubik’s Cube with specific steps.
- Evergreen content is essential. These are videos that stay relevant over time and continue to attract viewers, such as tutorials or how-to guides.
- Evergreen videos, like "how to paint a room" or "write an incredible resume," have continued attracting millions of views years after being published.
- Address specific problems in your videos rather than broad topics. Specific topics may attract fewer viewers but are more likely to convert into clients.
- Focus your content on frequently asked questions from your audience to provide long-lasting value.
- Use appropriate keywords that match your audience’s search queries to increase video visibility in YouTube search.
- Use YouTube's auto-suggestions for keyword ideas, helping you align your video titles and descriptions with actual user searches.
- Simple FAQ videos make a great foundation for your channel, as they address direct questions potential clients have.
- Develop a video roadmap: start with simple FAQ videos, then expand to detailed how-to videos and thought-leadership content over time.
- Optimize your video descriptions with targeted keywords to help YouTube's algorithm categorize your content appropriately.
- Place links at the top of your video descriptions to guide viewers toward taking action, like booking services or downloading resources.
- Direct your video content to include strong calls to action that match the content's theme, prompting viewers to the next step with your business.
- Limit linked distractions in your video descriptions to maximize the chances of viewers clicking on your primary call-to-action links.
How To Take Action
I would suggest starting by using YouTube to help your business grow, just like how my revenue jumped from $60,000 to $800,000. YouTube is the second biggest search engine, so having a presence there is smart. Begin with Evergreen content—videos that stay important over time. These could be about common problems that your audience faces. Think of making simple tutorial or how-to videos, like "how to meal prep on a budget."
Focus on answering specific questions. Create FAQ videos about things people often ask you. This will show you know what you're doing and can help solve their problems. Make sure your video titles and descriptions use keywords that match how people search. You can use YouTube's auto-suggestions to find good keywords, which helps people find your videos.
Build a video roadmap. Start with FAQ videos, then move to how-to videos that explain tasks in detail. As you get more experience, make videos showcasing your expertise or offering insights.
Be sure to optimize your video descriptions. Put links at the top to guide viewers where you want them to go, like scheduling a consultation or downloading helpful content. Avoid adding too many links that could distract viewers. Stay focused on using the main links that grow your business.
Over time, this strategy can help turn viewers into clients without costing too much money or time.
Quotes by Author
"YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world coming second only to Google"
"Evergreen content is such a critical part of this YouTube strategy"
"It's not about making random moves but about following a step-by-step system"
"92% of YouTube viewers regularly use it to learn not just to be entertained"
"Creating videos is great but to turn viewers into clients you need to make it as easy as possible for them to take that next step"
Full Transcript
my business tripled from $60,000 to $200,000 in Just 2 years then it quadrupled from $2 200,000 to $800,000 a year since and it's all because one day I mustered up the courage to post my first video YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world coming second only to Google so if every business needs a website for Google why wouldn't you want to take advantage of YouTube too this is the exact YouTube system that I'm using to help hundreds of small service business owners become profitable on YouTube in 2025 in this video I'll share what types of videos all business owners should make how you can make them profitable from day one and the secret trick to moving them back to your website where they become loyal paying clients but before we dive into how YouTube can transform your business in 2025 let me ask you this have you ever tried to sell solve a Rubik's Cube at first glance it seems random and complicated but in reality it's all about following a specific sequence of moves without that sequence you're just twisting the cube endlessly with no progress YouTube marketing works the same way it's not about making random moves or doing everything at once but about following a stepbystep system that sets your business up for long-term success and the sequence for business success on YouTube has some key moves that you got to master in the right order YouTube stands out from every other platform because it's built for longevity think about platforms like Instagram or Tik Tok where your content's good for a few days maybe a week if you're lucky but after that it's just gone buried under new posts on YouTube though it's completely different you know your videos live on for months even years because people use YouTube like a search engine they're always looking for an to their problems which means that if you create the right content YouTube's going to keep showing your videos to new people long after you've hit publish that's why Evergreen content is such a critical part of this YouTube strategy so Evergreen content just means videos that stay relevant for a really long time they don't rely on Trends or short-term Buzz instead they answer common questions or they solve ongoing problems that your clients will likely have today tomorrow and years down the road take a look at this video from Jeff Sue called write an incredible resume it's 3 years old now and it's racked up over 3.4 million views and counting in fact if you look at this graph it's still gaining views steadily every single day and this video how to paint a room is nearly 3 years old too and with 6.6 million views it's climbing just as steady and the reason is these are common issues that Their audience will always need help with you know know the more you focus on these kinds of topics the questions and the problems that your clients constantly ask you about the more long lasting value your videos are going to have but here's the key don't try to cover too much in a single video you know broad topics like you know how to get in shape may seem like a layup but they're just way too General instead it's better to focus on more specific problems for example a video called how to improve ankle Mobility or best Str stres for shoulder pain zero in on a particular need and sure these types of videos May attract fewer viewers but when you're using YouTube for client generation it's not even about going viral it's about getting found by people who are looking for solutions to specific issues and those are often the people who are much more likely to become your clients then once these Evergreen videos are out there they keep doing the heavy lifting for you even if you're not constantly creating new stuff those videos can continue bringing in views and potential clients for months even years I have videos that are over 5 years old now that still get lots of views every day because the information in them is still good Evergreen content is really powerful but it's only as effective as your ability to get it in front of the right people 92% of YouTube viewers regularly use it to learn not just to be entertained which means people are actively turning to it to get their questions answered and to help solve their problems so to get your videos discovered you need a strong search-based strategy one that targets exactly what your audience is searching for here's how to do it so first your video titles need to match what people are actually typing into YouTube think about the specific phrases and questions that your potential clients are typing into that search bar a lot of video creators have been told to you write titles that are more vague and clickbaity which is fine if you're a bigger Channel and YouTube just you know shows your content on people's homepages all the time but when you're smaller you can't really copy the bigger channels strategy because you're far less likely to show up on someone's feed when you're new so if you're a nutritionist rather than a title like filling my freezer with 22 scratchmade freezer meals which people probably aren't C searching for right you want something more to the point like how to meal prep for a week that title is much more likely to match with someone's typing into the search bar and that increases the chances that YouTube's going to recommend your video next optimize your video descriptions even though some experts want to downplay descriptions they actually do still play a really important role and how YouTube's algorithm understands your videos so your description should repeat your main keywords naturally so the algorithm knows exactly what your video is about for example if your title were how to meal prep for a week easy freezer meals your description might start with in this video I'll show you how to meal prep for a week with easy freezer meals that save time and reduce food waste by repeating meal prep for a week and easy freezer meals you help YouTube categorize your video better which just increases your chances of you know ranking higher in search results and a great Pro tip here is to use YouTube's Auto suggestions to get your keywords in the first place so when you start typing something into YouTube search bar it automatically suggests what other users are searching for this can be a gold mine for choosing the exact phrasing to use in your titles and your descriptions so let's just stick with our meal prep video example here so start typing how to meal prep into the search bar you're then going to see suggestions like how to meal prep for weight loss or how to meal prep for muscle gain these are real searches that are happening on YouTube so if you see something relevant to your video use that exact phrasing to match what people are actively searching for if your video is about budget friendly meal prep a title like how to meal prep on a budget seven easy recipes is going to align perfectly with those search suggestions and over time this builds momentum you know once YouTube starts associating your Channel with these topics viewers who find one video are much more likely to be shown another one of your videos in their recommendations which just helps increase your visibility even more and when creating a library of searchable videos probably the best place to start is with simple FAQ videos these are absolute gold when it comes to reaching people who are almost ready to become clients and FAQ videos work so well because they answer the exact questions that your prospects are already asking you know these people are actively searching for Solutions and are often at or at least really close to that decision-making stage and by providing them with clear thorough answers to their most common questions you position yourself as the expert that they need so I've got a few steps you can follow here to make it super easy on you step one is just to brainstorm your FAQs you know start by listing out every question that your clients and Prospects ask you about all the time you know think about consultations sales calls or any other kind of interactions you have where people are looking for advice these questions are your ideal first video topics for example if you're a digital marketing consultant you might get asked how do I improve my website's SEO or what's the best way to get more leads online each of these questions can be easily turned into its own video step two don't get stuck on ideas you know use tools to help you brainstorm so if you're having trouble coming up with 20 to 30 FAQ ideas you can easily use chat GPT to generate a list for you a great prompt to use would be something like just generate a list of frequently asked questions about then you fill in your service or industry that's going to give you a really solid batch of questions that you can start turning into videos right away then once you've worked all the way through your FAQs it's time to expand into lisal Style videos these are still highly searchable really engaging and give structured actionable information for example you might create videos like five tips for improving your SEO fast or seven steps to creating a killer email marketing campaign or nine mistakes to avoid when setting up Google ads I'll always remember this advice from productivity YouTuber Ali abdal I heard him say once that pretty much every video is just a list in one form or another whether it's a list of tips or steps myths or reasons to do something thinking about your videos like that gives them a natural structure that just makes them a lot easier to plan and write step three build a video road map over time so when you're just getting started keep things simple and focus on answering FAQs for the first 3 months at least these videos are going to be your foundation and they'll provide a ton of value to potential clients then after 3 to 6 months you can start expanding into how or what type videos that walk your audience through how to do specific tasks or tell them what they should be doing or avoiding for example how to create a menu in WordPress or 22 ways to use chat GPT those listicle videos fit really well into this category then after about 6 months you can start experimenting with why and should videos you know this is deeper content that answers decision-making questions like why email marketing crushes social media or should you Outsource social media management these types of videos really help position you as the thought leader and true expert that your viewers need then by the time you hit 9 months or more you can start adding in more discoverable videos you know videos that are meant to be shown to people that YouTube knows are interested in your topics right on their homepage or in their suggested videos on the sidebar these usually have those catchier titles that are more designed to Peak curiosity and expand your reach like I paid $24,000 for alexos system steal it creating videos is great but to turn viewers into clients you need to make it as easy as possible for him to take that next step this is where optimizing your YouTube to clients Bridge comes in making sure that your viewers know exactly what to do once they're ready to actually connect with your business now the simplest way of doing that is just by adding a link in your video description so every video should have a really clear call to action whether it's directing people to your services page or offering a free guide download of some kind or inviting them to book a consultation now it's really important to put this link at the top of your video description where it's easy to see and a lot of popular YouTubers do it that way Alex horoi puts links to his offers right at the top of his description along with the strong call to action Dan Martell does something similar by linking his newsletter at the very top which helps him build his email list so even though these links are front and center it really doesn't affect their views negatively it just makes it easier for people to take action I used to make the mistake of putting my Links at the bottom of the description you know thinking that putting it at the top would be a little too aggressive and make people less likely to want to watch my videos but it turns out that when I switched them to the top I didn't see any drop in views at all instead I'm just getting more signups for my master classes which directly fuels my sales now these links can either be direct sales called action something like book a consultation or sign up for my service or they can go to your lead magnets that are designed to build your email list and you know lead magnets or anything just like free ebooks checklists guides that they can download in exchange for giving you their email address and ideally you're going to have both of these things in your business right direct calls to action and Lead magnets so then you can Alternate which link you use depending on the relevance to the video topic itself just as an example if you're a business coach and you're making a video on productivity tips you might include a lead magnet link like you know download my free productivity checklist or if the video is more directly tied to the services you offer your call to action might be click the link below to schedule a free consultation the goal is just to make sure that the call to action matches the content of the video so that clicking on it feels like the natural next step for them and don't overload your description with tons of different links stick to two Maxs whether that's a lead magnet and a service link or just one key link that drives action so if you're linking out right now to your Instagram and your Facebook page and your LinkedIn take all those out and just concentrate on the ones that actually build your business the fewer distractions there are the more likely that your viewers are to click but I know how much it helps to see examples of all the stuff in action and I've got those along with much deeper instructions on how to actually get all the stuff done when you're busy running your own business so just follow me over to this link where you can sign up for my free masterclass training how to attract unlimited clients with YouTube so this deep dive session is going to get you on the right path in just 60 minutes so click right here sign up for free and we can get started right now I'll see you there