The Inevitable Collapse of AI Generated Content (But it Can Save Your Business)


  • AI has made content creation easier but has led to a flood of low-quality content, damaging the appeal and authenticity of many online materials. To stand out, it's crucial to create unique and genuine content.

  • Relying on AI to fully generate your content can make it sound generic and bland, losing the personal touch that makes it engaging. Add your own stories, experiences, and insights to make your content memorable.

  • AI-generated content is often seen as trust-breaking, as people can find similar information anywhere. Trust and authenticity are essential for building long-term relationships with your audience.

  • Google's AI search is changing SEO by providing quick answers directly on search pages. This reduces the chances of people clicking through to articles, making videos and podcasts more effective for detailed information.

  • Short-form videos are good for grabbing initial attention, but long-form videos—at least five minutes or more—are better for building trust and deeper connections with your audience.

  • Consider creating video podcasts and sharing them on platforms like YouTube, which is becoming a prominent place for podcast content. This format combines the intimacy of audio with the discoverability of video.

  • When creating content, focus on being authentic rather than trying to be over-the-top. Share your unique perspective to engage your audience, as this is what makes you stand out from AI-generated materials.

  • Use AI for framework and basic content generation, but enhance it with your personal stories, case studies, and analogies to provide a richer, more relatable experience for your audience.

  • While AI technology is evolving, it cannot replicate genuine human experiences and insights. Real, personable content will always hold a unique appeal that AI cannot match.

  • Remember, people are drawn to content that feels real and relatable. Share your knowledge with your own flavor of storytelling to make your content both informative and engaging.


How To Take Action

I would suggest creating content that's genuine and adds a personal touch. This means sharing your own stories, experiences, and insights. Using AI for the framework of your content is fine, but make sure to weave in your own personal touch to stand out from the flood of generic AI content. Think about your unique experiences and how they can enrich the content you produce.

A good way to connect deeply with your audience is by creating long-form videos or podcasts. These formats allow you to showcase your personality and expertise, building trust with your viewers. Sharing your content through platforms like YouTube can make it more discoverable while maintaining that personal connection. Try focusing on content that is at least five minutes long to build real engagement.

Consider using AI to help with basic content generation or script outlines, but always enhance these with your unique stories and case studies. This gives your work authenticity that AI content lacks. Remember, people are drawn to real, relatable content rather than something that reads like it could have come from anywhere.

Social media also plays an important role, so I would recommend using short clips to grab attention. However, prioritize lasting relationships by showing a real human side through authentic and thoughtful communication. Your emphasis should be on quality over quantity, making memorable, insightful contributions instead of producing repetitive, generic outputs.

Quotes by Author

"AI writing assistants were everywhere promising to solve all of our content problems"

"AI is churning out articles faster than ever and the problem is they all sound the same"

"In the AI era trust is the new SEO"

"Trust takes years to build and seconds to break"

"They want to watch real people with real life experiences sharing hard won advice and opinions"

Full Transcript

if you're a small business owner you were promised that content marketing was going to get way easier when AI came out all you'd have to do was use chat gbt to write content post it online and wait for the clients to roll in just one sticky problem though everyone else had chat GPT too and it's making it too easy for Content creators marketers and business owners to create crappy content and flood the internet with it so if you're still relying on at gbt to handle your content marketing you're way behind and there's no reason for people to come back to your content or to your business but it's not all bad news there's one way to use all of this to your business's advantage in this video we're going to talk about how AI is collapsing the content creation landscape why it can hurt your business and how you can use Ai and the right kind of content to become the client attraction king of your Niche so how did we get into this content mess to begin with let's rewind back to 2010 I remember stumbling upon the book inbound marketing and feeling like I had just struck gold the idea was pretty simple you know create a ton of blog posts rank high on Google and just watch the leads roll in all on their own it seemed pretty perfect but there was a really big catch creating quality content was really timec consuming not every business had the resources to have a team of writers that are just turning out articles day and night it was really a game of who had the most patience and the deepest Pockets fast forward to November 2022 so chat GPT burst onto the scene with all the energy of the Kool-Aid man at a funeral and suddenly AI writing assistants were everywhere promising to solve all of our content problems and marketing gurus were shouting from the rooftops use AI crank out content dominate your competition it sounded too good to be true and guess what it was here's what happened people got lazy they started relying on AI to do all the heavy lifting so they'd ask chat gbt to write entire articles barely giving them a once over before hitting publish what we wound up with was a sea of AI generated fluff you know the internet is busting with articles videos and social media posts that all sound the same they're just regurgitating the same old ideas and people are getting sick of it so what does this mean for businesses well if you've been relying on educational blog posts to help you bring in new clients you might be in for a rough ride that old create content rank on Google get clients Playbook it's starting to fall apart and AI isn't just messing up one kind of content it's leaving its robotic fingerprints all over the Internet first up and most notably blogs right they've definitely taken the biggest hit AI is churning out articles faster than ever and the problem is they all sound the same they tend to overuse the same word choices over and over again in fact there's a really funny post that shows how much the word delve has increased in usage in medical papers since chat GPT latched on to it but it's more than just simple word choices right these AI written blogs they lack the Personal Touch the experiences and those expert insights that make you go hm I never thought of it like that it's all just blah but what about videos they don't get a pass here they're to blame for this mess too we're talking everything from AI generated scripts voiceovers you can even get an AI Avatar of yourself this is mine what do you think whenever I click on one of those videos they're not hard to spot in the first few seconds that they're pretty obviously AI generated and I just go back and look for something else pretty much immediately AI videos just don't have the human spark that authentic connection that makes you want to keep watching instead they're pretty much Hollow shells made to game the system and rake in that sweet sweet ad revenue and then there's social media so AI is pretty much flooding our feeds with generic posts that are about as riveting as a rerun on the Weather Channel you know those inspirational quotes that sound like they came from a fortune cookie factory yep that's AI hard at work for you so let's talk about the first big problem with AI made content which is falling into the commodity content trap AI is pumping out tons of content really fast but here's the thing just cuz there's a lot of it doesn't mean it's any good you know this AI stuff is missing some really important things unique point of view expert opinions and real life experiences so what we end up with is a bunch of content that all sounds the same and doesn't really grab anyone's attention it's like being stuck in a Time Loop where every day is exactly like the last groundhog day but make it digital here's why that's a problem so if a brand keeps making this kind of basic generic content they start to look just like everyone else they lose what makes them special think about generic content like getting a burger from any drive-through restaurant it satisfies your craving for immediate information but once you're done with it you'll never think about it again good content on the other hand is like a fun meal at a cool restaurant with your friends it not only answers to questions but it's memorable and it makes you want to come back for more cuz when you keep making content that could have come from literally anywhere you're missing chances to show off what makes your brand better than your competition you know your unique voice your expert knowledge all that good stuff gets lost but there's another problem Google's AI search is shaking up SEO remember when we used to Google something and click through to a website to get our answer well those days might be numbered because Google's getting smarter they're now using AI to answer searches directly on the results page sounds convenient right but here's the catch it's making life really tough for both AI generated and human written blog posts take NerdWallet for example this financial advice Powerhouse recently reported that their organic traffic dropped by 15 to 18% in just one quarter that's a significant hit and it's not just them it's happening to many businesses that rely on search traffic this is turning the whole SEO game on its head those how-to articles and ultimate guides that businesses used to use to attract visitors they're losing their punch because people aren't finding them nearly as often as before you know think about it if you can get a quick answer right from Google why would you ever click through to an article and if you want more in-depth info you might just go straight to a video or a podcast where you can hear from a real expert because in the AI era trust is the new SEO and my recommend for how to actually still be able to use AI content to build massive amounts of trust to get new clients it's coming up in a few minutes but first let's talk about the robot elephant in the room people just don't like AI generated content you know how we all have that one family member who always tells the same boring stories well that's how people pretty much feel about generic AI content they're over it and here's why that's a big deal engagement rates for this stuff are in the basement people aren't clicking they're not sticking around and they're definitely not coming back for more for businesses that means fewer leads and fewer sales but it gets even worse trust takes years to build and seconds to break and generic content is like a wrecking ball for trust when people read something that sounds like it could have been written by anyone or anything they're not thinking wow these guys really know their stuff what they are thinking is me I could have gotten this information anywhere so let's cut to the chase AI generated content just isn't going to cut it anymore your customers they're not buying it they want the real deal they're craving authenticity which is why they were already flocking to video overwritten content even before the AI boom chat GPT just accelerated that shift Tik tok's becoming the main search engine for Gen Z and YouTube it's the second biggest search engine right after Google people want to see faces hear voices and get real advice from real people you know that old phrase content is King well contents become all too common so quality is the king now but here's the million-dollar question how can you make quality content and still use AI to do it fast and do more of it so the answer is to lean away from commodity content and into personality Le content and since people trust content content that they can see and hear more than just reading words on a page we're talking about concentrating on trust building content formats like podcasts and videos let's break it down first up let's talk podcasts now I'll be honest podcasts can be tricky because the podcast apps don't really do much to help new listeners find you it's not like YouTube where the algorithm is going to suggest your stuff to new audiences but here's a pro tip make it a video podcast and put it on YouTube it's honestly the only way I'd recommend doing a podcast these days and YouTube is really making big strides to becoming the number one podcast app out there so it can really work out and this approach combines that intimacy of audio with the discoverability of video and speaking of video you know short form videos like those 30 second Tik toks or Instagram reels those are great for getting eyeballs on your content they're absolutely perfect when you're just starting out but there's a catch to it these benefits can be pretty shallow right someone might watch you for 30 seconds and then poof they're gone probably never to return and that's not great if you're trying to actually generate clients right now long form videos that's where the magic happens I'm talking 5 minutes or more these guys are fantastic for building that no love and Trust Factor they give you time to really showcase your personality and your expertise and if you're doing that video podcast thing that I mentioned earlier that Falls right into this category so if you're asking for my advice and you're watching this video so I'm going to assume you are I would say to concentrate on those longer videos so when you show up on camera you're giving your audience a chance to really connect with you as a person right they're not just reading words they're hearing your voice they're seeing your face getting a feel for who you really are so while everyone else is churning out AI written blog posts you'll be building a loyal following who feels like they actually know you you that's how you stand out but okay how the heck do you actually do that trust me it's simpler than you might think here's a secret sauce just take simple information and your teaching points and wrap them in your own stories that's it that's the magic formula and the cool thing is you can actually use AI to help you with those basic facts and points but the stories those got to come from you and when I say stories I mean your own experiences your clients's experience expences analogies your best advice and your opinions it's your stories and your unique way of delivering them that's going to transform those AI generated talking points into authentic thought leader level content and here's the best part you don't need to be some Larger than Life personality to pull this off being personality Le doesn't mean you need to be the class clown or the life of the party it just means being authentically you and I I know that sounds like a cliche but just the fact that you're a real person sharing real experiences that's 85% of the battle won right there now if you happen to be extra fun or quirky that's great that's the cherry on top Jamie wolfer is a wedding planner doing really amazing things on YouTube right now and she's definitely big on personality and she uses it to her Advantage but if that's not you don't even worry about it you know there are plenty of popular YouTubers who are just calm and straightforward take Anna Hickman or Ben Kusa for example they're killing it too without any over-the-top Antics remember people are coming to your content for information first and foremost but it's your deep experience and opinions that's going to make that knowledge stick think of it this way AI can do about 60 to 70% of the heavy lifting giving you the basic framework but that extra 30% that's all you baby your stories your case studies your analogies that's what's going to make your content really shine just look at YouTubers like Matt Diggity or Leticia Styles these are business owners who've nailed it they take their expertise and they sprinkle in their personality and their unique perspectives their content isn't just informative it's really engaging and relatable too so will AI eventually catch up and mess up personality Le content too look AI is getting better every day no doubt about it but it's never walked out into the world or learned a lesson the hard way or carried a client to victory in other words AI can't replace you your experiences or your unique way of connecting with your audience it can simulate those things but it'll never bring any new insights to the table and sure we might get to a point where AI can create talking head videos that look and sound just like you but here's the thing that Tech when it comes around it's probably not going to be cheap and and it's going to take a really long time to render probably longer than it' take to just record yourself for real and that's fine for talking head videos but let's say you're trying to show someone how to properly clean a window or groom a dog AI is going to have a really tough time getting all those little details right plus YouTube's not messing around they're requiring creators to disclose if their videos are AI generated so your audience will always know what's real and what's not and they want real now and in the future that ain't changing they want to watch real people with real life experiences sharing hard one advice and opinions there's just something about a real person on camera that AI can't replicate so yeah AI is going to keep improving but your real self going on camera sharing your unique experiences and perspectives that's something special that's something that AI can't touch now if you want an actual start to finish road map and how you can use AI to help you create the right kinds of YouTube videos that'll work for you for years to come that'll get you more leads and paying clients saving you a seat in my brand new free on demand Master Class where I'm going to show you my complete strategy and workflow so click right here I cannot wait to share this stuff with you it's really powerful see you there


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