Overwhelming amounts of marketing advice can be confusing because much of it is ineffective and can keep you stuck. Focus on actionable, reliable strategies that genuinely fit your business model.
SEO is shifting to encompass all platforms, not just Google. With over 46 billion searches happening across various platforms, optimizing your content everywhere enhances reach and effectiveness.
Engage with micro-influencers who have under 100,000 followers, yielding an ROI of 36.71%, compared to negative ROI with larger influencers. They connect more personally with niche audiences.
Consider diverse content forms like webinars, case studies, and podcasts. However, podcasts are tougher for audience growth compared to platforms like YouTube, which suggest content and foster connections.
Optimize content for AI platforms like ChatGPT, as 30% of people already use AI over traditional searches. Ensuring your content appears in AI recommendations builds visibility.
Shift content use from just building an audience to focusing on driving revenue with long-form videos and case studies, rather than relying on likes and retweets.
While you might start without a website, illustrating the quality of your work and nurturing a strong network is crucial. However, a website contributes to portraying a professional business image.
Essential website elements include real-world examples of work, client testimonials, detailed applications, and the inclusion of pricing, which can enhance credibility and clarity for potential clients.
To boost prospects with digital tools, focus on capturing traffic, creating welcoming and educational content, and maintaining social proof through reviews and testimonials.
Success on YouTube stems from engaging thumbnails, relevant content, and maintaining consistent themes or topics to attract and retain subscribers. This organic growth can extend brand visibility.
Crafting an engaging homepage involves a strong value proposition, a clear call to action, and supportive visuals. An effective homepage communicates what you offer and guides visitors on their next step.
Embrace organic social media, with platforms like YouTube as focal points. Long-form, evergreen content can offer more value and engagement than shorter, transient content on platforms like Instagram and TikTok.
For effective email marketing, maintain a balanced frequency, design simplicity, personalized and engaging copy, and analyze performance. This strategic approach ensures your emails are valuable to your audience.
Traditional marketing strategies, like cold calling, can still be effective but generally require resilience and a thick skin. Inbound marketing can build stronger connections by offering valuable content that attracts prospects.
Organic growth and effective digital strategies involve genuine engagement, honesty, and expertise. Building credibility comes from sharing valuable insights and solutions to your audience's problems.
- Instead of chasing virality, focus on reaching your exact target audience. Providing content that aligns with their needs and timing is more valuable than random mass exposure.
How To Take Action
If I were talking to small business owners or people interested in growing, I’d suggest some key steps to put these strategies into action.
First, focus on real SEO and see it as "search everywhere optimization." Don’t just think about Google—people search on multiple platforms. Optimize content for YouTube and even AI platforms like ChatGPT, where 30% of people already seek answers. This way, your content can pop up everywhere people are searching.
Next, consider using micro-influencers if you want to try influencer marketing. These folks have fewer than 100,000 followers but offer a much higher return because they connect better with niche audiences.
For businesses starting without a website, make sure your work and network shine. But having a website can help convey a professional image. On your site, include pages like a home page, an about us section, services you provide, testimonials, and pricing. This helps potential clients understand and trust your business.
Try diversifying your content by exploring webinars and case studies. These often give more back in terms of revenue compared to just chasing likes on social media.
Lastly, focus on creating social media content that’s authentic and engages your audience meaningfully. Helpful, genuine content will always build better connections than trying to go viral with fleeting trends. Remember, consistent themes on platforms like YouTube can engage viewers more organically and build lasting brand visibility.
In all these efforts, remember that honest engagement and providing value to your audience are key.
Quotes by Author
"The only thing they care about is themselves"
"People don't read, they scan"
"A viewer to come to your channel and they see that this is all for them"
"You need good work and you need a good network"
"Show how you are all about them and how your product transforms their life"
Full Transcript
marketing advice you consume the more confused you get about what actually works well there's a reason for that see I've spent the last decade helping small businesses with their marketing and I've discovered something pretty unsettling the most popular marketing advice out there isn't just ineffective it's designed to keep you stuck that's why I had my team pick out some of the most popular marketing advice Tik toks that they could find some good some bad probably some terrible so that I can weigh in and let you know what advice to actually follow and what will probably kill your business if you do all right let's start with our first one top five digital marketing trends for 2025 Trend one companies will start doing SEO for all platforms not just Google check out how many daily searches take place on all platforms over 46 billion so that's really good advice right there what he's saying is basically we can't rely on Google anymore for SEO too much has changed they are not only trying to answer things with AI right within Google but they're prioritizing so much extra content from the maps to YouTube videos on the side to people also asked kind of boxes so let's say you were to get that number one spot well congratulations you're already pushed kind of way down to page two so smart advice already especially if he's talking about YouTube that's definitely a good place to focus on SEO although Google is a leader with 8.5 billion searches daily it only controls 18% of the market share so the new SEO will be search every everywhere optimization instead of search engine optimization Trend two micro influencers will boom paying someone with millions of followers doesn't work well the ROI for influencers of over 500,000 followers is -1 12.04% while paying influencers under 100,000 followers creates roughly a 36.7 1% Roi Trend three markers will shift their content creation Focus most people focus on video and text based content that's an interesting St I've never heard that before but uh Neil knows this stuff when it comes to this it's Neil Patel that is a good piece of advice to concentrate not on like the Kardashians of the world if you're going to be doing influencer marketing you want to concentrate on the people who have Niche audiences that overlap with yours the most you'd think like people that are more famous would get more engagement but no it's the smaller people cuz people feel more of a connection to them they feel like they almost know them in a way that you don't really feel like you know Kim Kardashian right but if you might feel like you know an Neil Patel or or someone like that so smart however content types like webinars case studies live streams email newsletters and podcasts have a higher return on investment potential TR four companies will prioritize marketing or AI Platforms in 2020 we ask people how they find answers to their question I do want to push back on what he said about podcasting so I love podcasting I've I've actually done a few in my life the problem with podcasting I I don't know how you can measure that you get a better Roi for that it's easier to do a podcast generally speaking it's just Audio Only You don't have to to focus on the visuals although video podcasts are becoming more and more of a thing too the problem with podcasts is it is very hard to find an audience for them think about like YouTube finds you an audience like if you do everything right there's people there there's eyeballs people searching they know what you like they push stuff to you on a homepage there's nothing like that in the podcast Arena like if you go to Apple podcast it's just going to show you like a grid of like the most popular podcast it doesn't really get to know you and your taste in that same way so I do think podcasting is not going to say it's a way out I just think it's less of a sure thing unless you're going to do video podcasting and you're going to really concentrate on putting it on YouTube and then you can put it everywhere else too almost everyone said searching is like Google we asked the same question in 2024 roughly 30% of people use AI platforms like chat GPT to answer their question companies have no choice but to optimize their content to show up on these AI platforms TR five companies will shift how they use content historically companies use content to build an audience on the Social Web or drive SEO so I love that I've actually done a video about that it's called generative engine optimization so it's basically Geo is the new SEO in a way I don't know about you but when I have a search now I go to perplexity or I go to chat gbt like the Deep research mode it's going to give you so much better of an answer and people are really quickly catching onto that so we were going through a surrogacy journey right now and we're we we're trying to pick between two different surrogacy agencies and uh we went to chat gbt for it the Deep research mode CU it's so much easier than just to look through a bunch of search engine results where there's nothing there to grab on to other than their own marketing language so the more you can do to show up be the business that AI recommends in their recommendations and their suggestions that's going to be key going forward and although likes and engagement are cool they don't necessarily mean more Revenue specific content types such as long form videos or case studies are more likely to encourage people to purchase in contrast channels like podcast and short form videos are great for building awareness I think podcasts are terrible for awareness actually um because like I said people are have a hard time finding them but when someone listens to your podcast and they really start absorbing it it's a good long form content play that can uh result in a lot of sales short form video though he's right about that short form is great for quick eyeballs quick attention not so good for sales do I need a website to get clients no you do not need a website you need two things you need good work and you need a good Network now first and foremost you need at least an example of what you can do uh I have a lot to say about that right there you don't need a website let's say that's true it's not but let's say it is you need good work okay in other words he's saying your work will sell itself I haven't gotten through the whole thing yet but that's what it sounds like to me he's saying if you have good work people will just recommend you and you're good to go there's a couple problems here good work doesn't sell itself you need to be able to talk about it in a way that makes people see the value in it that's what a website is good for let me just see what he's going to say about the network thing first of all before I weigh in that doesn't have to be on your own website that could be on any of your social medias or it can just be a file itself and secondly you need people who can vouch for you people who can recommend you and let these clients know that they are in good hands your network is is just as important as the work that you do and those are the two main things you need in order to start your journey so I don't know if he's talking there about just people who are just going to recommend you you know it's the old school way of doing business and there's there's something to it I don't I don't discount the idea of in-person recommendations from Friends neighbors family that that kind of thing but you can't rely on it you can't take that to the bank every month and know okay I'm going to get five referrals this month you can't control that if you create content online or if you even if you do paid ads that is in your control and I think what he does have right here is you need people who can vouch for you that's testimonials that's reviews online that is definitely gold and as long as those are up and online they're doing work for you your neighbor down the street who used you one time how many people is he going to recommend you to in a daily basis or a monthly basis or every year so that is why you can't rely on Word of Mouth alone you can build a website at any time throughout your career if you have the time but I personally do not have a website and I haven't had a website for the seven years of my career and my work and my network speak for themselves I never needed a website to get that next job I don't know about how you think about it if someone doesn't have a website I do not think they're a real business to me it sounds like it is a either a hobby or um they couldn't get their stuff together enough to put together a website which means again they're not a real business in my eyes so having a website in 2015 was expected and the bare minimum if you're a business you cannot rely on your social media as an alternative to that here are three touch points that I find most pivotal for a business doing digital marketing prospecting tools if you're driving online traffic through paid advertising it's important you work on capturing that traffic in some way depending on your brand and you can try a value wheel giveaways a quiz or even the promise of quality content welcome flows it's the combination of educational content product teasers and limited time offers social proof If you have no reviews on your website your potential customers will be skeptical the difference between zero reviews and one review is Big you can't ignore this early on a lot of people ask me that question a lot like Wes what if I don't have any testimonials get a testimonial even if it's just one like he's right one is better than zero three is better than one five is better than three you know what I mean just make it a priority to get them in terms of what he was saying in the beginning here I mean it's basic stuff it's you need to get people on your email list and then you need to nurture that list two pieces of advice I definitely agree with if you want to get a lot of views and subscribers on YouTube then you need to watch this video YouTube is based on three main components making people click making people watch and giving the market what they want start with a thumbnail that people actually want to click then create it around a topic that people are actually interested that's happening in the news and then once one pops off create 5 to 10 okay so I think this is a little bit more geared toward entertainment YouTube he said make something that's like getting a lot of traction in the news I disagree with that wholeheartedly ideally speaking if you're going to be using YouTube for marketing you want Evergreen topics you want to make a video today that people can watch today tomorrow next year two years from now and it's still bringing you in eyeballs still bringing you in clients so I wouldn't think too hard about uh trending topics here are five must have website pages that we always include for our clients here is a website that the web team have just finished creating so the first page should be your homepage home page you should also include information about your business you should have a page showing your services or your products a page answering common questions and lastly a contact those page I have no problem with any of that she didn't really go into too much detail of what she to go on those pages you definitely need a homepage you definitely need an about us page where you get a chance to really talk a little bit about the why of your business because people do want to they want to feel some kind of a connection they want to feel like you get where they're coming from so that's important for that reason she mentioned fa cubes you also want a testimonials page and you also want a pricing page super important to have all of those so just missed a couple but what she had was good want to stand out and build your brand on YouTube you need to have a place where like-minded people can come together and that's how you actually build a community YouTube is very noisy there's a ton of channels out there and there's a lot of new YouTube channels that are getting started every single day now the goal is for a viewer to come to your channel and they see that this is all for them and they're going to subscribe when they see that there are similar videos all based around the topic that they are interested in the YouTube algorithm will actually reward you for doing this so what he's basically saying long story short you want to make sure that if you're doing YouTube you need to have a niche right you need to have kind of a topic cluster of of very similar topics you can't be all over the place you can get a little bit more outside as you go for instance on this channel at this point I talk about websites I talk about AI related stuff I talk about YouTube as a marketing channel but it's all under the umbrella of helping service businesses get more clients it's different topics all around the same thing but when I started I really had to hone in on like website stuff because otherwise YouTube wouldn't have known what I was about if I was talking about websites and just marketing and AIA I didn't really wasn't much of a thing then and YouTube it would have had a hard time categorizing me in knowing what audience is to put me in front of so when you start you really do want to start pretty niched down and then as your audience grows you can kind of start expanding a little bit but don't go too crazy with it I truly believe coold calling is one of the most effective Outreach strategies because it allows us to connect with people on a human level coold calling is coming full circle because I think people crave that human interaction yes people crave getting uh sales calls from people they don't know that they haven't necessarily got in the last couple of years because everybody's been so absorbed with technology and new forms of contacting people so I'm not going to say that cold Outreach does not have its place in business I'll be the first to admit I don't have the stomach for it so if that's thing and you're really good at sales and you want to do that I'm not going to say it's a bad idea what I will say is in my experience and this is just a human psychology thing if you make something their idea they're way more open to the prospect of it so for instance when you create content you're basically creating what we call inbound leads they're finding you they're coming to you as opposed to what he's talking about which is I'm going to get on the on the phone or I'm just going to blast people with emails saying hey here's why you should hire me I get those all the time mostly from like YouTube editors and stuff like that and like content writers and it's just like it falls on deaf ears because I get them so often and he's he's kind of making it sound like no one does it anymore which is like not really the case because again I get it all the time doesn't mean it doesn't work it just means I think you got to have the stomach for it you got to be a good salesman and you got to be willing to kind of piss people off too because I think you're going to do that a lot when you're cold calling really is no secret to co calling success it's repetition and the ability to be resilient and take no a thousand times over to get exactly a lot of NOS to get to a yes I would rather spend my time making content attracting them to me where once we get on the phone they're like already pre-sold makes it a lot easier all right here's the inside scoop people don't read they scan it's all about the f-shape pattern your eyes move from one point to another forming an f-shape that means your content needs to be scanmed not just readable whether you're designing packaging creating ads or developing a website the key is to make it easy for people to scan and absorb the information yeah so this is why you want to make really good use of headlines on your website you want to use like bulleted list whenever possible your website copy and just all your marketing copy should be as short as possible right you don't want these long these big blocks of text generally that's why you want to use images all that kind of stuff the headline tells them that it's this kind of content and they'll read further when they want to so good advice I think that email response rates definitely have gone down and you know I don't think that this is unique to our company I think it's across the board and I can relate to it as well because I get tons of like outbound emails coming to me every day and I hardly ever look at them if I have that need if I remember an email I might go and search for it and bring it up but I think uh the effectiveness of emails has really gone down so there's two things here so a like the question of is email dead that comes up all the time I've done videos where I talk about how much I believe in email marketing because I do and it's still very effective and I get constant comments back from people saying like no I I refuse to look at a marketing email here's the thing though what she's describing and what those commenters are describing it's a very different type of email marketing than what I recommend and what most people recommend who know what they're talking about with it I'm not talking about promos I'm not talking about those like designed emails that you get that look like a little mini website or that are just trying to sell you something today that doesn't work very well right but what does work is you get people through your content again a lot of talk about content because I I do believe that is the way forward now more than ever so you get people in with your content you sign them up to your email list with some kind of a lead magnet some kind of content that they um really need that's going to help them solve a problem then here's where I want you to pay attention you're going to send helpful content that helps them go further it's advice it's tips they're going to look forward to those emails I'm on several email lists that I look forward to getting every week because it's actual interesting stuff that I can use so if you do it that way and then every four or five emails then you hit them up with a little bit more of a direct offer but even then you're Sly about it and it's more like hey we've been talking about this topic I think you might want to go a little further a little faster if you need my help I'm here let's schedule a call as opposed to now it's time to like sell right it's still I would just want to help you even more so that's how that works well here are five things that every service-based business needs to include on their website real world examples of your work that's to back up the importance of your services testimonials from your previous clients a detailed application form for your services that detailed application process looked pretty intense now if you have the kind of business where it's visual like a designer show your work show your testimonials all that good stuff then on the the contact form she's cleverly called it like an application form not just contact it looked like she had about like 10 or so Fields there which can be overwhelming for people and you're going to get a lot fewer leads that way will they be more qualified leads probably the more questions you ask it leads to people who are more serious but you got to figure out that balance do you want one lead a month who's serious or do you want maybe 10 leads Who Um can be very easily sold right on the phone so that's just up to you and what you want to how you want to deal with that one of the best ways to find new design clients is just posting videos on YouTube now the best part about this is you don't have to have a big YouTube channel you don't even have to have a single subscriber but you can still put these videos out and get new clients now I started posting these videos a few years back and basically what I would do is I would finish a project and then I would record my screen and walk through the project Page by page I would show them what the website looks like and why I made the decisions that I made and then I would just talk to them about what about that website is actually working this would show them that I'm an expert and it showcases some of my work and it's just fun for them to watch this whole project come together yeah no and this is good stuff so basically he's saying he's talking about doing kind of case study videos which can work out great I would always recommend adding other types of content to that as well because some people um have a hard time seeing their own stuff in one case study you would also want to do videos just basically based on tips or should I do this or should I do that FAQs that kind of thing there's plenty of those kind of videos that anyone can make even you know especially a web designer so let's check out the rest now at the end of this video all you need to do is add a call to action or in other words just say hey go to my website or call me if you have interest in a website like this yes okay so this is where the rubber meets the road you've got people finding you on YouTube how do you get them as an actual client what he's saying you have to then Usher people kind of back to your website where you control the ball it's your home court advantage there where you can control the message so he's right having a called action what he's not saying and what I would highly recommend the way you would handle it is at the end of every video you have to have some kind of a called action right three out of four times that called action should be now watch this video right here for another case study or now that we've learned this it's not really worth much until you learn this right you get them into the next video and the next video it creates a binge session and that's where they feel like they get to know you then on every like fourth video video or so then you can say all right now there's a lot I can help you with one inone so click right here and set up a consultation with me I'd love to talk to you so you're not always driving them back to your website you can do that in your description you can always have a link in your description you can definitely have a link on your channel page that gets them there so don't always send them away from YouTube because YouTube doesn't like that right they're going to stop recommending your content if they see that a lot more people than usual leave YouTube after watching your videos and as long as you use the right keywords in the title people will always find this video and they'll contact you for a project he's basically saying you want to go for search on YouTube at first which is totally right there's a lot of YouTube advice out there that talks about the real riches are in having discoverable videos right where YouTube just shows them on the homepage and you find brand new audiences who weren't even looking for you great in theory but it takes a while to get there you can't start there start with search-based videos so that YouTube understands who your audience is and what your content's all about then you can start broadening out and then suddenly YouTube will show your stuff to people who weren't even looking for it because they just know like okay this is probably the right kind of audience for this video so start with search and then broaden from there there are three components to a high converting website and they're only the hero section the hero section is what you see before you start scrolling on the website the first one is your value proposition this is basically a headline that tells people what it is that you're doing on this website and why they should even care about this here in shopify's website it's bring your ideas to life for $1 a month now the second key component is the call to action what it is that you want them to do in this case you want people to start their free trial and give you their email address you must tell people directly what to do and put a clear button on the hero section and the third part is a visual remember images communicate faster than words words so in this case we have an image here that looks like a shop front with an you know add to cart button and a cursor okay I'm going to stop it right there so I like his advice you do need all those things but I'm going to go one step further he said value proposition right so he showed the thing of like you know here's what we're going to do for you basically here's the result we're going to get you very important and I love that as a headline but what's missing is the context right I see so many small business owners who follow this kind of advice and then they make that big Proclamation statement but what do you do right like that's where the sub headline has to come in we need to know exactly what that is and that's the thing that's missing on a lot of sites that I see these days 2042 I'm going to stand right here and be like you ID social media I mean it day trading attention means that you do not put anything on a pedestal I have no romance to social to Google to Facebook to Tik Tok to myself or anything I've done prior to my career I care about today right now and what is overpriced and underpriced Behavior to make the thing that I want to happen happen as of this moment organic social media creative is number one most important thing in marketing today they will continue to leave opportunity on table and I tell you there's not an organization in the fortune 5000 selling stuff that has organic social media as number one on their list meanwhile every business that's 5,000 And1 down it's the only thing they believe in it's why they're growing period so I don't agree with everything Gary ve says but I happen to really agree with that but I will take it a step further so he basically said said organic social media is what to do yes and no here's the thing you can spin your hamster wheel like crazy if you're doing the wrong kind of social media right and I'm not going to say what's right and wrong specifically but what I will say is if you're only concentrating on really short bursts of content if all you're doing is like Instagram like short videos or you know Tik toks or image carousels that kind of thing you're going to have a very hard time time really getting people to latch on to you as a business that's why you really do want to focus first and foremost on longer form content so when we think of social media you know I'm going to be a broken record and say YouTube again so while YouTube isn't actual social media it's much more of a search engine it's much more of a an entertainment platform than social media you want to focus on something like that first and foremost long form stuff then once you've got your feet under you there you can start repurposing it shortening it for social media for you know Instagram Tik Tok Facebook LinkedIn all those good things but you don't want to get too burnt out on this hamster wheel of having to create you know three or four things a day because when you're on Instagram that is what you have to do you have to put out content content content versus like you know YouTube one a week you can even do one every two weeks on YouTube and you're fine because it's searchable there's a long tale to it it's not here today gone tomorrow like it is with other social media platforms so yet another reason I like YouTube rich people don't sleep 8 hours a day that's a third of your life it ain't for 24 hours in a day you cannot be sleep 8 hours a day you can't live in LA L and wake up at 8:00 in the morning it's 11:00 on the East Coast the stock market been open two hours Steve Steve Steve this is the kind of thing I expected from Gary ve you cannot tell someone they deserve less sleep your rest and recuperation is just as important is the time you put in to working right if I didn't get my rest in my sleep I would come in to work being like a shell of a person and then I would get nothing done that day hosal culture is something that I'm really trying to kind of uh get people to let go of a lot because it's it's not helpful you need to go at a pace that's sustainable right when you're a brand new business you can do a little bit of hustle right to get yourself going if it's not sustainable then what good is it here's seven things to avoid in your email marketing strategy that people do way too often let's go number one don't send too many emails a consistent schedule is nice but don't be sending multiple emails every single day or else it becomes annoying number two don't forget your preheader text which when you view it from a mobile phone can be even more eye-catching than the subject line number three don't go over board with the design and images keep it simple I agree with everything you said so far especially that one because I get the question a lot when I talk about email marketing people are asking so Wes should I do the the kind of email that looks really pretty because like I got MailChimp or I got uh convert kit and it comes with all these really cool templates should I use those and I always say do not use those because they make your email look like an ad that's not what you want you want it to feel like it just came from someone who's there to kind of be a mentor figure and just teach you stuff number four don't be too pushy super aggressive marketing almost always can turn away prospects what did we talk about three out of your four emails are content then the fourth one can be a little bit more direct but it should still be from the mindset of I can still help you more if we got on the phone together or something like that so you're still helping number five don't sound too robotic okay you call me that try to make it sound natural number six don't forget to add your contact information to every email number seven don't ignore your analytics yep that's great advice email marketing is not dead don't let anybody tell you otherwise an email newsletter is very very low friction it's pretty easy to just get started writing if you know how to type something you can probably send an email newsletter whereas when it comes to an email newsletter all you have to do is type A few things and hit send and so it's one of the easiest kind of platforms that you can get started with as a Creator I like Ali AB doll's stuff but that's a pretty unhelpful uh statement it's basically saying like if you can just put some images on a screen you can make a website it's all about the content of the newsletter right it's about putting together something that people actually want and then marketing it correctly so newsletters are coming back but they're being talked about in a different way it's like you know I'll help you become a better marketer in 15 minutes a week or I'll help you get your dog trained in five minutes a week that kind of thing and it says every week then you would just send them a new email with either you know a tip right in the email or it would be a link to a you know your video or your podcast or whatever kind of content you created so it needs to say something so don't forget that part customers don't care about you they don't care about your product and they don't care about your brand the only thing they care about is themselves so if you want to sell more simply show how you are all about them and how your product transforms their life help them solve problems reach goals or feel amazing when you position your audience as the hero in their success story your brand becomes their place to be yeah no I couldn't agree with this advice more so basically so many websites get this backwards and you go to their website and they just talk all about this is why we're so great we've been around since 1985 uh we do this this and this but really what your clients want to see is they want to see how you're going to help them so if you make your hero section you know at the top of your homepage all about your business and you show a photo of yourself and you know maybe you know the outside of your building a lot of companies like to do that I don't see myself reflected in that Journey whatsoever so you make it about them you make it about the results you get them and you are just the helpful Mentor that helps them get what they want that's your role in the story if your website's a story you are the the Obi-Wan Kenobi right and they're the Luke Skywalker and it's actually a much more powerful character to be the Obi-Wan cuz that's the person with all the experience all the knowhow but he's not the hero Luke the hero digital marketing is the biggest scam and waste of time and here's why 90% of the people telling you to start a business how to start a business building a business growing on social media have never done any of those themselves they've never built a business themselves well that's true there's a lot of people out there talking about stuff they don't know about I know this cuz a ton of them come to me for coaching but also I've poured hours of research into this side hustle and a ton of other ones and if you're a digital marketer watching this I hate to tell you the truth but it's better that you know it now so you can stop wasting your time and probably money and actually do something that will get you to where you want to go I know for a fact that you want to make money it's the whole reason why you're in it and so if you want to make money do it the right way well what's the right way you may ask in terms of social media it's talking about things that you actually have experience and knowledge in this could be Fitness it could be Health it could be relationships he's talking about content marketing I guess he's saying don't be us your way through it I like the fact he has a little microphone and a spatula I don't take him super seriously just with like you know with with all that kind of stuff but yeah don't BS your way through it don't talk about stuff you don't know about but if you are an expert in something or at least at least if you know a lot more than your clients know about something you don't have to have been around for you know 20 years to have something to say about your industry right create the content research to fill in the gaps of your own knowledge and you will learn very quickly just by creating that content but yeah don't bamboozle people don't tell them you have experience when you don't that's that's not cool then what I want you to do is create content around that for a straight year but the big thing is don't do it for the money because if you do it for the money not only you probably not going to do it but you're not going to stay consistent with it your sole focus should just be helping people for free and spreading your message out for free yeah I mean there's something to be said for that as well um it's it's decent advice because let's face it we're all in business to make money we're not just in business to send out Good Vibes but I think the bigger picture what he's saying here is if you get on this content train especially if it's like YouTube don't expect to get a Payday right away cuz you're not in most cases you can start to see some more client interest in the first maybe 3 to six months it'll be slow and then you know 6 months to a year it picks up steam so know that going in you do have to kind of pay your do and you're you're doing a lot of free work and he's right you're basically you're helping people for free doesn't mean you're helping them oneon-one for free I don't think what he's saying is go out and and do jobs for people and not get paid for it but if you're helping them with content with advice that is helping and that's building up a lot of Goodwill of people who will then become clients so a video cannot go viral without passing the silence test so before you post your next video I want you to turn off the sound and ask yourself within the first two seconds was it clear what this video is about and is that interesting enough to tens of millions of people so what he's talking about is like viral short form video I don't even recommend that this be a strategy for you for a couple main reasons the first one just being um short form is a terrible way to go deep with people people will watch a short of yours on Tik Tok or whatever and then even if they really like it they're very unlikely to be shown a video again like even if they are they're not going to necessarily remember you they've got to see you probably 10 times or more before they would ever start remembering who you are to begin with and when we're talking about virality there what do you think is better being seen by 10 million randos or by 100 of your perfect audience members who were searching for Content like yours so when people ask me like how how do I go viral I just tell them don't even worry about going viral you don't want to go viral you want to be found by your exact clients at the exact right time that is how you're going to make a lot of money through your videos so if you want to watch me react to even more advice on Tik Tok this video has some of the worst marketing lies I've ever heard and they're really easy to fall for if you don't know what you're looking for so just click right here and I'm going to show you what to avoid for the good of your business meet you right there