I Did 7 Years of Keyword Research in 25 Minutes (with AI)


  • I used AI and keyword research tools to get seven years' worth of keyword research done in about 25 minutes.
  • Overanalyzing keywords can limit creating helpful content; flexibility is essential.
  • You need some level of experience in your niche to provide valuable content.
  • Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs are tools to discover and download relevant keywords.
  • Filtering keywords by difficulty and volume helps in prioritizing which to write about.
  • Publishing three articles a week for seven years equals about 1,092 articles.
  • Focus on creating helpful content, not just content driven by SEO metrics.
  • You can use AI tools to automate writing and organizing content.
  • Human input is needed at the beginning (planning strategy) and the end (reviewing content).
  • Use Google Keyword Planner for free and Ahrefs for more detailed keyword data.
  • Look for keywords containing “best” for affiliate revenue and “how” for informational content.
  • Create content clusters to organize and interlink articles effectively.
  • Timing is crucial for keyword success; use Google Trends and other tools to identify trends.
  • Start with both informational and transactional keywords for a balanced content strategy.
  • Focus on creating a comprehensive and helpful content plan rather than perfect keyword metrics.
  • Ultimately, this strategy helps build multiple income streams through websites and content creation.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing a few simple and practical steps to use AI and keyword research tools for improving your content strategy. This way, you can create valuable articles without spending too much time or money.

First, use free tools like Google Keyword Planner to find relevant keywords. Just type in your niche (like "backpacking") and download the keyword list. Focus on keywords with high volume but low difficulty. You can also look for keywords containing "best" for affiliate opportunities and "how" for informational content.

Next, avoid overanalyzing keywords and feeling stuck trying to find the perfect ones. Instead, focus on creating helpful and relevant content. Remember, not every article needs to be fully optimized for SEO; human-friendly content is just as important.

You’ll need some knowledge in your niche to provide valuable insights. If you’re knowledgeable about a topic, it will naturally reflect in your writing and make it more trust-worthy.

Once you have your keywords, you can use AI tools like GPT-4 to draft articles quickly. However, a good way to ensure quality is to add your personal touch at the end. Review, edit, and humanize the AI-generated content to make it more engaging. This includes adding your own experiences and possibly some images or examples.

Organize your content into clusters to make it easier to interlink related articles. For example, if your niche is backpacking, create clusters around "Gear," "Trip Planning," and "Destinations."

Lastly, keep an eye on trending topics using tools like Google Trends. Timing can be crucial for the success of your articles. Write about trending topics in your niche to capture more traffic.

By using these strategies, you’ll have a more efficient and effective way to handle your content creation, driving both traffic and revenue to your site.

Quotes by Wiki Wayne

"There's a big problem in SEO right now with people just overanalyzing keywords to death"

"Google has said themselves that not every single individual article needs to be SEO first right some should be just human first"

"What girlfriend should I get it's like I don't know"

"There's 36,000 of them which is crazy"

"Traditional SEO versus AI SEO a lot of it used to be manual work"

Full Transcript

in this video I'm going to use Ai and keyword research tools to get seven years of keyword research done in about 25 minutes so these keywords will be optimized to rank put within the proper content silos I'll even show you how to automate this entire keyword and content strategy so you can put your keywords into an AI tool and get the content all the way in WordPress basically finished for you so we have a lot to cover and if you stick around to the end you'll have a full AI keyword strategy of over a thousand keywords I'll also be sharing the exact Frameworks and prompts AI stuff used throughout this course if you're interested in getting all of that all my 10 AI prompts along with my free AI Master Class to run a successful business once and for all click the link in the description below enter your email I'll send that to you all right let's get into it all right I'm going to get into this in real time but I want to just cover a few really quick things first so there's a big problem in SEO right now with people just overanalyzing keywords to death like the keyword only works if it has 500 search volume and a difficulty under five and all of these different perfect things are like putting keywords in this perfect little box and I'll only write the article if it has these perfect things and what that really does is it limits you in like creating helpful content you're just going to have a bunch of random articles that don't make sense because the SEO report says they're good so being only blind to the SEO tools is not a good thing there's also a problem with people do asking like Adam tell me what is the most profitable Niche I should join what Niche should I get into and that's all they it's like I don't know that's like asking what type of business should I start what girlfriend should I get it's like I don't know what you have to have have some level of experience in your Niche you don't want to go into something you know absolutely nothing about because ranking content with keywords who's Google who is Google going to rank are they going to rank the site that has somebody has some experience in the niche and they're providing the intricate little details about the topic that they're writing about or somebody that's just pasting AI content and not really adding anything to the conversation so no you don't have to be an expert but you do have to have some level of knowledge in the niche and in the keywords that you're targeting and also just don't overthink it you know keywords should create a helpful content strategy Google has said themselves that not every single individual article needs to be SEO first right some should be just human first so to do that you need to think less about the perfect keyword metrics and more about just your site strategy as a whole like what are the categories of content what are the silos you're going to create in your keyword plan so what we're going to do is we're going to use some tools to create years of keywords but we have to realize that sometimes the human mind can't come up with everything so we might put a seed phrase in we might try to do some key research sometimes AI plays into it too so we're going to have three main ways to do this one of them being AI so let's get into it now first is a free option that is the Google Keyword Planner so it's really simple I'm going to say I want to discover new keywords and I'm going to put in my Niche is backpacking I love backpacking let's get results for that and what it will do is now it's going to give me based on backpacking it has 1,95 keywords available so what I can do then is I'm going to it says and also it kind of separates it too it's like not brand or non-brand product activity gender all of that I'm going to click download I'm going to put it into a Google sheet I'm going to save it to my drive I'm going to call it backpacking keywords I'm going to hit download and that while that's downloading it's going to send it right to my Google Drive while that's going on we'll get to that one but while we're doing that this is the free version another way to get tons and tons of keywords is the paid version I'm going to open that in a second with h reps so with h we can do a similar thing I'm going to put in backpacking and then I'm going to go to you can do both and I'm going to actually do both so there's related terms which is giving me all kinds of things related to backpacking but doesn't necessarily need to include the word backpacking right so like camping checklist might be in here backpacking packing list and then also there's matching terms so all the things that include the word backpacking there's 36,000 of them which is crazy so I'm going to click export on this one and I'm going to say the first 1,000 let's not go crazy I'm not going to export 36,000 right now just for this example but it's going to go to Google Sheets I can link my google account here and do it that that way all right so it's been exported to the Google Drive I'm going to click open in Google Sheets so now what I have here and then I'm going to go back to the Keyword Planner and I'm going to open this sheet too so let's look at these two sheets next to each other the backpacking one from Google Keyword Planner it's got about a th000 keywords in each so what we're going to do now is I'm going to kind of kill off some of the keywords I don't really or the columns I don't really care about this one country I want difficulty volume cost per click's good I don't really care about this one parent keyword that's fine last update I'm just going to keep some of these delete some of them just to make it easier to look at for our example so hypothetically if you're publishing three articles a week for 7 years that's about 1,092 articles so we'll get there with some of these but what we can also do is how do we prioritize and discover what you want to write about well let's create a filter so let's go to create filter now it'll filter it out so I'm going to say I only want difficulty that is filter by condition it is less than 16 so it can be 15 or lower okay boom so out of that we still have 708 keywords that we can write about this is sorted by volume so these all could be written now we can look at it and be like okay which ones potentially are overlapping you know what is backpacking might also rank for something like backpacking but we can rank it by that sorted by volume and difficulty cost per click we can also see the parent keyword here so this is a really good starting point we could take all of these and put them into uh an AI tool an automation tool and get started some of them might not make sense like branded ones you'd want to remove things like REI or like if it says Reddit on there like if I search for Reddit there's none which is good so I thought maybe there would be a few in there um however this one so this is Google Keyword Planner so what we're going to do we're going to do the same thing so we're going to take out the top two so I can actually organize this better and then I'm going to take out currency I'm going to take out some of these are fine whatever I'll just leave it like this and I'm going to select it all now I'm going to sort it sort it by volume Za a and we can see we have some data here I don't know why 9900 is showing ahead of 9,000 and all that it's actually sorting that's actually weird it's sorting it not like a number so this is actually a number Okay so let's actually redo that sort it has a header row monthly search is Z to A now it makes more sense and I hate when it does little decimal so we have this we can organize it now we have 1,96 1,95 keywords sorted by volume and all of that now it's going to be a little bit different than what hrefs gives us we're going to have more like branded searches uh Patagonia backpack right some of these are not necessarily worth doing because if someone's searching for a Patagonia backpack they're just going to go to patagonia.com and find the backpack there so Google Keyword Planner is good to get some Initial Ideas um with some of these I would almost say like what if we wanted to just have the word best in it so if I search for best there's 117 keywords that include best so these are great for affiliate Revenue best travel backpack best ruck sack best backpack laptop backpack travel backpack for women traveling bags carryon however you notice in here that some of these keywords if we're going to go really go after these they're in different niches so something like travel and then like work backpacks and laptop laptop backpacks is not related to backpacking so that's kind of an interesting distinction like you can't just publish all of these immediately we have to kind of narrow this down so what you could do is you could filter the keyword here in this uh this is the HRS one again so if we filter the keyword you can filter by condition and you can say text contains best because that's going to signify compar buyer intent and now we have all the best ones that are good for affiliate Revenue so this is a list that I would start with for affiliate revenue for sure this is a good list so there's still if I count it up 134 to start with so that's a really good point to start with so what we can do is then we take this for our example I'm just going to take them all okay copy and then we can put it into a tool like machine so I'm going to create a cluster around backpacking and I'm going to say people interested and camping hiking backpacking and then I'm going to do a manual keyword thing and it says you can add up to 50 so I'm going to go boom wait there's way more than 50 here there 134 maximum 50 all right well we'll go back a little bit we'll take some out we'll go like to here how many is that 53 oo I was close very close 50 then you click create cluster now this is going to fully automate our content system so this will you can hook up your WordPress account basically with one click and then what you could do is you go to the cluster backpacking select all the Articles we're going to bulk it it how we do this so they're not going to give you volume in here in machine. a with when you do it manually not going to give you all that but what we can say is we want every article to be very long we want it to use GPT 40 we want it to be friendly which I've found to be the best most humanized version first person perspective do some research and then humanize it now I don't know why you can't select humanize on every single one so you have to go one at a time click them all the way down right and then what we can do is we would just say action write articles so we write all 50 they all and then we say interlinking enabled yes Interlink them together use Dolly 3 if you want for the featured image we're going to do it in a retro sci-fi fantasy style that is also uh maroon so every single one has a kind of similar formatting for the featured image you can also do it one at a time so I just want to look at one of these and see what it looks like so I'm going to write this one now while that is writing the content it doesn't take long just a few minutes you can create all these it'll Interlink between them and then it can just if you wanted it to it could just automatically publish to WordPress which is pretty crazy I don't recommend that because that's kind of crappy AI content we want to edit this ourselves as a human um but this is like taking keywords to the point of you know getting seven years worth of keywords we could do this for a thousand articles put them into individual 50 content clusters and then get them into WordPress like in a day like I could do that in a day easily then I would just be about editing and Publishing now we used Google Keyword tool which was fine we'd have to it just requires more manual editing like I could do the same thing I could do something like data creative filter and then I could say uh filter by condition you know the text contains the word best or something like that for affiliate Revenue which there's a lot of good ones here too so that's a free way to do it now we don't want to only have affiliate keywords we want to have helpful informational content so maybe I would say that the text contains backpacking the actual Niche itself so then it'll give us some affiliate ones but then we kind of want to say like okay Essentials is a good one because that's a list so like backpacking list I wouldn't have REI I would just say um most of them around this Niche are you know there's tips yes there's information a lot of it's around products when it comes to backpacking so like or I could put in the keyword like how nothing nothing there whereas with this one I'm going to select it and do how so this is where kind of HF is better for this I'm not going to lie gives you more this is like info content how to pack a backpacking pack how to pack a backpacking backpack it's a tongue twister how to train for it how to start it how to do it so this is like if you put in how it'll give you really good info keywords or in a different n you might have like living room and you put might put like ideas in here now might be not any ideas cuz it's backpacking there's not a ton but you could have backpacking dinner ideas breakfast ideas meal ideas things that you eat when you're backpacking so there's different ways to filter out informational content in this list too soz we want to have a decent ratio we're not writing all affiliate posts all right so going back to this machined has created this so we can read it it's got a pretty awesome maroon backpacking pillow I mean look at how sexy that thing looks with its curves and it's it's uh fancy oh my gosh look it's got like some type of devices over here on the side and it's got all kinds of stuff zipper I would lay on that except doesn't look really comfortable there in this section it looks like it's like pushing air out of it I don't know anyways a maroon AI image of a pillow is really really what it's all about right now but then you can see it kind of creates the outline of it for you so is this by itself like good enough no not really probably not you'd want to edit this make sure you actually check the information check the links uh add your own unique take again we have to add our own elements to it but what's cool is that we can just save this as a draft so we just push this to WordPress as a draft and we're good to go because we can have it sitting there and then we can edit it ourselves so it's taking the process of like years and years of keywords getting it into a cluster of articles in one specific topic now speaking of which when I'm clustering articles how how would I choose which clusters to have instead of just doing backpacking as a whole I would want to have individual content silos or clusters related to the keyword so that there's actually some internal linking like strategy and it's not just linking everywhere so what I would do is I could use a tool like Claude and one of my AI prompts again if you want them it's uh the link is in the description to find the specific sub niches for backpacking so this is the content clustering tool I created this system prompt this framework for Claude so I'm going to paste it in it's going to ask me then what is my Niche what is the topic that I want to cover pondering it's a little slow today sometimes he's a little slow it's thinking what is the main topic backpacking so what this will do then it'll kind of give me like the silos of content the ideas cuz that way we can actually you know begin to organize this a little bit it'll give us some general 15 keyword ideas you know article ideas first but then what it'll give us after that is an actual little Silo structure to think about so like what would we think about getting started with backpacking information while getting started destinations so yes I'd want to write about if I was doing a backpacking site I'd want to write about the popular destination best backpacking in Colorado in Michigan in wherever trip planning so how to budget how to pack how to be safe eco-friendly and then on the trail like the things you actually need food resources all of that so that's decent it's a decent you know strategy like if you think about how can you take a keyword or a niche and then create like five categories so if I'm talking about backpacking I need to talk about the gear you need the destinations trip planning that's pretty much it like other resources I wouldn't need like five necessarily but you can kind of bucket it into those areas another one you could use is something like this AI Niche Hunter which I created so you copy this text again you can get this with the link in the description and the free AI master class so I'm going to start over here I'm going to paste this one in and what this will do is it's kind of brainstorming the niche and the keywords that you actually want to Target so for that it's going to run a couple different system PRP in succession and it's going to say what's your Niche so I'm going to say backpacking and then it'll ask me it'll say all right here's five sub niches you should cover ultra light so that's one that I wouldn't have really thought of maybe I would have if I knew more about backpacking like that's where the niche expertise comes in budget backpacking solo Wilderness and family so yeah family kids can do it solo so then say which subus would you like to focus on I'm going to say ultral light and then through that it'll give me 20 keyword ideas manually here for free too so this will give me 15 information keyword ideas and then five affiliate keyword ideas so you can see some good ones here ultr light backpacking for beginners gear how to cut pack weight tense sleeping bag versus quilt and then it has some affiliate articles and then what it does what kind of nice is it gives you the main pillar post that you should focus on so the main affiliate post would be best ultra light backpacking gear the ultimate guide and then the main informational post is ultralite backpacking for a beginner so if you have a Blog and you're creating keywords and you're only focused on an SEO report and you're talking about backpacking but you don't have these two articles that is pretty pointless because that is kind of what you should do even search volume and difficulty be damned like you need to have that that part of your content strategy so really when you think about like the problem with keyword research tools a lot of the times if we're only focused on volume and competition metrics we're not focused on our content strategy and sometimes once ATR says the volume is high it's probably too late it's already been people have found that months ago they found it in there that's the problem with some keyword research tools is everyone if everyone's using them then they're seeing the same stuff they're writing the same stuff so sometimes again if we only focus on the perfect keywords we end up with a unhelpful and messy content plan that is not structured in the right helpful way so AI helps us organize the keywords and the blog categories better the silos uh than we can do on our own it'll give us different ideas so we have to think about what are the three to five sub niches or just categories of content and then how can I get 50 100 keywords in each one and how can I publish them as fast as possible with AI and automation because really traditional SEO versus AI SEO a lot of it used to be manual work manual keyword research manual content writing writing every single word myself like I did when I started onpage SEO technical SEO analysis all of that requires people or time your own time or hiring and Outsourcing to a human being now it's AI based keyword research AI content writing automation AI analyzing everything so I have another video on AI SEO and we can like put in a URL and analyze it and tells us exactly what to change and how to make it better now this requires software but it's actually really cheap like I showed you the Google Keyword plan is free Claud is free chat GPT is free machine. I think it's $49 a month ATR is more expensive but there's different ways that you can kind of get this strategy together to find hundreds of keywords and years of content now the key here is knowing where human input is needed so there's two parts where human input is needed in this AI world and that is the beginning and the end so the beginning is the actual keyword and content strategy what are we actually going to write you don't want AI you don't want to Outsource your actual content strategy to a machine like you should know and learn what works what makes money what types of keywords make money and then at the end we humanize we add our own Human Experience to the Articles we add our expertise we maybe add some pictures images of ourselves just simple stuff to make a good article now you don't want to a out of control the entire keyword strategy like I said so another hidden factor of keyword research is timing timing is one of the most crucial elements that you can't find in a report doesn't say this keyword first started in July of 2020 that was when the keyword was born it's like Well if I knew that then I would write it right then or even before then but there's new ways to find keyword Trends things like Glimpse Google Trends exploding topics review hacking which is like finding brand new products on like appsumo or something that no one has found yet but timing is going to be a crucial component of this too and that's again it just goes back to Niche selection picking something that you know about because then you know you have the instinct to know if it's a good keyword or not if I went blindly into the niche of like uh you know accounting I just don't know enough about it tonight is that a good keyword is that too popular I don't even know so a little bit of experience goes a long way with keyword research Focus Less on the perfect metrics and more on creating the most helpful content so when we think about making money informational keywords how to do stuff ideas all of that is going to be probably the bulk of traffic will make you add Revenue you can add banner ads to your site it can build your email list exit intent popups into a lead magnet into a course into a community eventually selling your own product and then the transactional keywords the best ultr light backpack those things are product reviews comparison posts those lead to affiliate Revenue now we start with both informational and transactional those are the only two types of keywords you'll ever need and really the informational intent is going to be different based on the niche so camping backpacking it's probably gear checklists how to do stuff pretty simple and the the uh popular destinations is info if it's Fitness it's going to be workouts and exercises if it's food it's recipes if it's living room and Patio and home stuff it's going to be ideas living room ideas gray living room ideas blue living room ideas patio furniture ideas if it's tattoos it's ideas how many tattoo ideas are there millions right so we find the informational intent the main seed phrases we find the transactional the main thing so basically your Niche just needs some affiliate potential we don't want to get into something like journaling for men over 60 because that is too narrow it's like okay what are you going to make for affiliate Revenue a pen and paper and then what else we need to probably have a little bit of room go a little bit broader have at least 20 articles that we can create affiliate revenue on and then at least like a 100 articles that we can create in that Niche we go deep on topical Authority we cover the topic better than anyone else we give a little bit of experience and we have a comprehensive keyword strategy that other people don't have and we don't just go Broad and blanket with a keyword research tool so ultimately there's four ways to monetize five of you include selling services or speaking or things like that but we having a website having a keyword strategy is Central to building the income streams that you would want to have in your life so if you want to learn more you need a comprehensive monetization plan again make sure to click the link in the description below I'll send you my AI prompts in my free AI master class so you can get started with this type of content business once and for all so I hope you like the video hope you found it useful you know doing a bunch of keyword research we don't have to agonize over it a lot of the time you just publish just do it just publish content don't worry about the perfect keyword because we don't know what's going to work a lot of times we don't know if it's going to work or not so we just have to take action because keyword research it leads to paralysis people watching this video are not going to take action so I challenge you just take some action it doesn't have to be perfect because usually the perfect keywords don't Rank and the ones that you just randomly pick to so I hope you found this useful please check out other videos on the channel like like the video subscribe and I will see you in another video


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