How to Monetize a Blog in EVERY Niche (Dominate in 2025 )


  • To start a passive income website, first establish a website with an affordable hosting plan, such as BlueHost, which costs $1.99 per month.
  • Choose a niche carefully, focusing on less competitive areas to avoid high competition. Avoid niches like insurance and credit cards, which are highly competitive.
  • For a successful blogging strategy in 2025, rely on both Google traffic and other platforms like YouTube to diversify traffic and not depend solely on SEO.
  • When selecting a niche, look for low competition but with some search volume. For example, food blogs could focus on less common recipes or specific food categories.
  • Utilize keyword tools to identify 100+ low competition keywords within your chosen niche for long-term success.
  • For each article, aim to offer unique insights or personal experiences in the write-up to differentiate from generic content.
  • Consider combining blogging with other content forms like videos or social media; for food, consider Instagram and short videos for added exposure.
  • Advertise through ad networks and build an email list to sell additional products, like cookbooks for food blogs.
  • Explore sub-niches within a larger category. For example, for travel, focus on specific travel types like RV travel rather than general travel content.
  • Engage in niches with high user interest and potential for affiliate marketing. For example, hobbies like gardening or fishing often present opportunities for product recommendations.
  • Cater content to the niche's dominant search intent, such as informational or transactional, to maximize engagement and monetization potential.
  • Establish a secondary platform besides the blog, such as YouTube or Instagram, to reach a wider audience and minimize reliance on a single platform like Google.
  • Consider using AI tools to speed up the content creation process, but make sure the content retains a personal, human touch.
  • Aim to have a diverse monetization strategy that includes ad revenue, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and potentially selling personal products or courses.
  • Stay adaptable and ready to pivot as digital trends change, ensuring continual growth and sustainability of the website business model.


How To Take Action

I would suggest starting your website journey with a low-cost hosting service like BlueHost for $1.99 a month. This is a great way to begin without spending much money. Picking the right niche is super important. Focus on areas with low competition but still have some interest. Avoid super competitive areas like insurance or credit cards. Maybe think about hobbies like gardening or specific food recipes.

A good way of diversifying your website's traffic is using more than just Google. Try platforms like YouTube or Instagram to share your content. For example, a food blog might benefit from posting recipes on Instagram or sharing cooking videos.

I recommend using keyword tools to find over 100 low-competition keywords to help rank higher on search engines. When writing blog posts, make them special by adding personal stories or unique insights. This helps your content stand out.

I encourage you to mix your blogging with videos or social media to get more followers. You could even build an email list to sell products like cookbooks if you’re into food blogging. Don't stick to general categories; delve into sub-niches to get more targeted audience interest.

Think about using AI tools to help with writing but always add your personal touch. For making money, don't just depend on ads. Consider affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or even selling your own products.

Finally, remain flexible and ready to adjust your strategies as the digital space evolves to ensure your brand's growth and sustainability.

Quotes by Author

"Screw Google, I don't want them to control my life"

"I teach dead simple content strategies where you don't have to go viral"

"Money is the hidden force behind everything online"

"You have to become a brand in 2025"

"Teaching opens up the door for all the different revenue streams"

Full Transcript

so you want to start a passive income driven website but you don't know where to begin well you're in the right place so in this video I'm breaking down how to monetize a true brand in all the different popular niches like Finance the outdoors lifestyle food travel all the different options right because strategies are radically different for each one might be different monetization paths different platforms to be on plus I'm going to show a few you know super competitive niches that you probably want to avoid they might be better suited for YouTube or other things and some options to Pivot into so you're not just reliant on Google traffic alone so by the end you'll have an full understanding of the current landscape and exactly how to make money with a simple website in 2025 and Beyond now if you're new to the channel don't know who I am my name is Adam infro I grew the fastest growing blog at Adam it's made me a million dollars three years in a row and I teach dead simple content strategies where you don't have to go viral spend a bunch of money or waste your time all right so we're going to get into exactly what to look for and all the different niches first if you want to start a website you want to build a Blog you just need to set up your website in the first place so I have a link if you click the blue host Link in the description below it's the best possible the cheapest option you can get it's hosting for $1.99 a month so for $2 a month you can get started you click the link you get to a page like this you hit get started now you go to basic choose the basic plan over here on the far left and then you can put in a put in your own domain name if you want one like your name I always recommend personal branding let's just say choose it later cuz you don't have to pick it right this second it then gets you to the checkout page you'll see that you can check out for $23.88 it's pretty cheap just to have a full website for a year all right all right so let's get into it all right so when it comes to creating a true brand online cuz that's what we're actually doing now we're not creating a tiny little niche affiliate site we're trying to create a real brand around ourselves think of all the different niches out there there things like Hobbies indoor Hobbies outdoor Hobbies lifestyle travel business health wealth relationships all kinds of different things well blogging that's going to work well for you in 2025 you have to couple yourself your personal brand with one Google traffic because that's still what blogging is to a certain extent you need to be able to find 100 plus low competition keywords that you could rank for over time but also we don't want to just put all our eggs in the Google basket Google owns a monopo on bloggers as we've seen from all the recent algorithm updates in 2024 it's very volatile so what I want to give you in this video is a way to Pivot and adapt so that we're not just relying on Google because screw Google I don't want them to control my life I don't want them to control my business I think if you have just a thing that's 100% reliant on SEO you don't have a business you have something that Google completely the controls so with that said you know think about what your website needs so what are we looking for in a good Niche here well we lead low competition we don't want to be going after like financing credit cards when it's been super competitive for 20 years we also need some search volume so we need to be able to find these keywords because we need people to be searching for the things that we're writing about and also I'm not saying like it's impossible every Niche is impossible like Insurance you should never start Insurance blog in 2025 but I'm just saying if you want to make money with insurance content you should just do it on YouTube and do affiliate marketing through there it would be so much easier and so much faster so I'm just trying to give the most realistic expectation of what blogging is in 2025 because sometimes you could pivot you can do I'm going to do YouTube or PPC I'm going to do some paid ads and do all these different things so let's get into some specifics let's get Niche by Niche Niche by Niche we will get into each one starting with my favorite and that is delicious food so you love Gordon ramsy guy Fury you think Bobby fle is cute whatever you want to get into you love food you love cooking it you love eating it what do you do well if if you're trying to create food content there's a couple different things here every food video that I've ever seen is like a Tik Tok a short or something where it's ASMR and they're going right they're doing that now with the blog it's actually a lot different there's a good strategy though overall the strategy that I would do is I would find low competition recipes that I rank for for ad revenue and a ton of traffic and then I would build up my email list and sell a book and couple this with Instagram and short form videos that is how I would become known as a food influencer in 2025 so let's get into some blogging strategies I'm using HRS for this uh keyword tutorial but it's really just giving you ideas of different niches you don't have to use this specifically I'm using it to find different opportunities and to show you how competitive things are how easy is to rank or not so if I put in the word recipe and I look at different matching terms this is giving me all the potential articles I could write right related to all different recipes there's 2.69 million different recipe keywords banana bread apparently is the most popular one right now everyone just loves that nice old moldy Black Banana that you say I'm not being a slob I'm making banana bread I can leave fruit on my counter for months if I so choose so people love banana bread or meatloaf a nice just blob of mystery meat in a thing where you pour ketchup on it and you eat it this must be an American yes it's in the United States okay beautiful so what we want to do is we see there's lots of different recipes and we could write all of them but we don't want to just if we're in food we don't want to just do like banana bread recipe and then you know margarita recipe and then sourdough bread recipe it's too random right we want to find a sub Niche that we dominate so is it vegan food is it barbecuing stuff you love meat versus not meat what is it well we have to find that so we could say maybe it is vegan so you could put in a second keyword what you always want to do is look at the niche broadly then put a secondary keyword in to find a seed phrase so if we go to vegan recipes we have a lot of options I'm going to drop the difficulty down to five or less meaning that this is the lowest competition keywords out there so I can see there's actually 773 easy to rank for vegan recipes from croissants kitos Bagels salmon basically what you realize in any nich when you think about blogging you're like oh it's saturated it's this it's that it's like when you go deep on these topics you'll realize just how many random words in the English language there are I mean look at there's vegan pizel recipe I don't even know what that is is that like a mixture of a pizza and a Michelle it's like a Michelle Obama Pizza I don't know what it is but it sounds delicious and I would eat it so we find one area and then we write all of these so that's why you know I talk a lot about AI strategies and how AI content is going to make up like half or like 30 40% of the world's internet content in the next few years I'm not great exact stats but uh we have to come up with a plan to create content and this is for all niches in the background of our life that's not going to consume our Liv so we can use again if you click the link in the description below not the Blu host link but my own Link at the top there you'll get 10 AI prompts and one of them is finding the sub niches and then outlining everything so if you can automatically just outline every post and have it almost written for you and there's other ones that'll write stuff for you you can again the idea of blogging is use AI speed up the process add in your own humanized personal takes like you know when I created my vegan pizel recipe it was when Barack Obama was in the white house and I looked at Michelle and I said you know this is the best vegan recipe I've ever seen that's actually how recipe uh blogs are written a lot right like I started my vegan mushroom recipe when I was first in the womb and I went and then I became 2 years old and my grandmother my great great-grandfather told me about the vegan mushroom recipe and well it's kind of funny but that's why food blogs are so long and obnoxiously long it's because to get to the recipe it's because they're monetized with ads so the more you scroll the more money the Blogger makes money is the hidden force behind everything online the quicker we know that the better anyways I'm getting a little bit sidetracked here with food because I like it so much but part of my strategy would be recipes in a specific sub Niche within food and write them all and then of course the second half of your strategy should be around affiliate Revenue like things like best plus different tools you need in the kitchen so it's going to be different for every sub Niche within food if it's vegan like it's not going to say like best vegan spatula right it's kind of hard to have a seed phrase it'll come up with like 20 different affiliate keywords that's why I recommend using like the AI Niche Hunter tool that I have if you click the link in the description you'll get that it'll give you like you put in a niche idea it gives you five sub niches and then it'll give you 20 affiliate article ideas but you know I put in like best juicer that's something that involves fruits and vegetables but you can see a lot of even Variety in that so you want to have like 80 to 90% of your articles just be recipes and stuff and another 10 to 20% would be about products that you use in the kitchen you can even see just with juicing there's so many different varieties so best juicer is an article citrus juicer masticating juicer whatever that means juicer for celery slow orange lemon affordable these are all like you could write 30 articles on just juicers if you're into that if that's part of your Niche so overall if you're into food you write a lot of recipe you join medine as an ad Network to make money through banner ads you join uh kit uh which is free convert kit to create exit intent popups to have people join your email list maybe you give them your top 10 or 20 recipes in a PDF as a lead magnet when they sign up and then you sell stuff to them over time affiliate links maybe eventually you want to sell your own thing and food is probably a cookbook or something like that so you couple it with Instagram take pictures of the stuff have a cookbook build your email list lots of AD Revenue through recipes all right let's get to the next Niche and that is travel now as a person who has traveled a lot I love travel I don't I haven't done it too recently with a baby but if you follow me on Instagram you can see all kinds of random travel and places I've gone to in these highlights like the Great Pyramids of Giza or Thailand or Japan when I went there Ireland Etc so there's so many different types of travel content that you can see so what should we do when it comes to blogging well there's so many different isues within travel you could talk about specific countries like only in Spain or only in Italy you could talk about RV travel traveling with a baby Budget Travel Travel Insurance travel credit cards all of those things typically what happened is some of the biggest blogs that ever were created uh like the Points Guy for example or nomadic Matt these big blogs that started 10 plus years ago they became huge I remember like you get onto a flight and you can see on the side of the the airplane it's like number one recommended so and so airlin by US World and health whatever no uh Points Guy is on a freaking side of an airplane so okay they blogged 20 years ago they started what if we're just starting today well I think you avoid if you're blogging and you want to rank on Google you're probably avoiding a lot of the harder stuff travel insurance travel credit cards a lot of the financial products related to travel are just too competitive now that's much better suited for YouTube actually a really good YouTube channel around travel would that where you don't even have to travel is you're just talking about travel credit cards Insurance all those financial instruments but there are still good blogging opportunities it just is in within you know sub niches within travel take RV for example if I put in best RV there's tons of different affiliate articles I could write on like the best RV Insurance these are all low competition I didn't even have to filter it they're all just low competition keywords and before like you saw SV as search volume I think anything is worth writing even if it just says 10 here cuz as I showed in another video It Doesn't it's not always accurate you can get thousands of visits from something that says 10 here so I try to avoid it if you're going to stack rank what to write I try to do ones that have a lower competition and higher seemingly search volume which ones you think will get you more traffic but anyways if you look at RVs as a form of travel like or like van life stuff you have so many different keywords RV mattress battery loan rates toilets campgrounds generators GPS there's just so many different products so this is really good for affiliate you could just write an entire RV gear thing how to convert a van into an RV all of that so sub niches within travel are possible but we don't want to just do broad travel a big mistake I see a lot of people do in general with niches they they just start broad the top they say I'm going to do Wellness so then my articles are like how to be well best Wellness apps and it's like you don't want to go that high level with your keyword strategy you have to dive deeper I saw that a common problem people have like we'll get into fitness but some will say Fitness and then you get into best treadmills best ellipticals best chest press best this how to do squats how to do yoga and it's just too like who are you helping what is the point why do you exist what's the elevator pitch of your brand it's too broad same thing is true of travel if you're just trying to say General travel you have to get deeper into a niche you want to be known for one specific thing for example you could also put in like how to plus a country or location so how to plus Italy you get how much is a trip to Italy how to plan a trip to Italy you know how much does it cost to live in Italy how to order coffee in Italy all kinds of different things related to as individual location right so if you want to be a local travel guide that's one aspect if you want to do a specific type of travel like RV your van life that's one I would just say avoid these super broad travel insurance travel credit cards or things like that because that's better suited for YouTube where you can just get views on your videos and have people click affiliate links that way let's get into the third niche in this wonderful list and that is lifestyle so lifestyle it sounds really broad lifestyle a style of life like that could be fashion it could be home it could be personal development it could be parenting it could be anything so that's a little bit broad right but there's some niches within here that are worth discussing so there's a couple different ones so like home content so there's a huge amount of blogs that talk about things like furniture and Home Products and interior decorating and design and even outdoor patio stuff and all kinds of home stuff so that Niche specifically is one that I want to cover personal devel will be another and then parenting baby stuff is another one so first on the home front uh one thing to look at is ideas post so if you put in ideas you'll get a lot of different ideas there's 2.3 million of them but if I put in something like bathroom ideas or whoops bathroom ideas or living room ideas patio ideas you get tons of different ideas post which is a huge highly searched thing when it comes to blogs so you can see even like bathroom ideas there's 24,000 different keywords things you could write again take a step back we're looking for individual keywords because one keyword has to become one article right and we have to create individual articles for each of these to rank them separately so you know if you're talking about bathroom ideas we could drop the difficulty down to like let's say 10 apply that and then we can see what do we see here well bathroom mirror it's just like you'll notice every Niche you go into there's so many freaking keywords because millions billions of people are searching for stuff all the time so bathrooms Shelf ideas flooring ideas kids wall you get the point tons of different ideas post related to the home these if you're a home blogger you would mainly monetize again through ad Revenue with all these high volume posts that you're ranking for hundreds of them uh that would be the main source of Revenue then building your email list maybe selling your own course or product on interior interior design or building a community around it that way okay another one in the lifestyle category is personal development to me I love personal development mindset stuff self-limiting beliefs overcoming motivation all of that it's just not that good for blogging okay people find motivation in personal development content like on YouTube or videos where people are talking it's a lot more personal it's a lot better in my opinion the only ways to really monetize personal development content is trying to rank for these really old keywords like letting go of your past or these things that aren't really monetizable they might make you some ad Revenue but they're actually competitive and hard to rank for you're much better suited for video content the only really like yes you could be an affiliate for other people's courses on mindset stuff but then you're writing like Tony Robins reviews that's not a sustainable way to build your own brand so if you're into personal development I would say do it on YouTube but not necessarily A Blog however another one in lifestyle I'm going to cover is parenting and baby stuff which is an affiliate marketing Powerhouse just knowing for my own house all of the random products that are made for babies babies are the way to sit up like this and then sit like that and this little toy and that little toy and then these new cloth diapers that are really nice and then this gadget device and it's just the amount of baby products obviously is very high so and people spend a lot of money on them so there's a lot of products there there's a lot of affiliate potential there so when you think of you know a niche for blogging think of product categories think of like and then think of what does it categorize all right there's like home there's electronics there's baby products right what are some of those and then based on those which ones are really competitive like for example technology lapt tops TVs Tech I don't want to do that it's too hard baby stuff some of it's not quite as hard as that or pet supplies like what you know all of these different areas of opportunity and again if I put in best baby in here we can see all the different keywords best baby monitor carrier bottles formula there's 50,000 of them I'll drop the difficulty down to five one thing I would look for is like if you're going to write an article get the have a difficulty under five the first articles you ever write if you're just starting should be like zero or one zero one here but we can see best baby books wipes gifts bouncer food makers monitors swings bottle warmers Activity Center I mean it's just endless an endless supply of low competition keywords to rank for in the baby Niche all right moving on from lifestyle to Hobbies this is actually probably my favorite area and the one that in my opinion is best for blogging in websites in 2025 and Beyond because we have a lot of categories here there's things like gardening home homesteading fishing kaying boating knitting crocheting playing musical instruments all kinds of different things related to hobbies and people spend a lot of money on their Hobbies golf Sports and when you think about creating a Blog there's only two types of content we ever write there's how to do stuff in a niche like a hobby like how to golf so how to swing how to chip how to putt and then transactional things the products that they actually need to do those said things the best irons Potters drivers all of that those are the only two types of Articles you ever need to write and what you find is that with Hobbies it's not as competitive as like technology or software or business or Finance because it's my question is has it passed the Forbes test until Forbes has articles about the best ice fishing tents right which maybe they will in 10 years but they don't right now so a lot of these outdoor hobby based uh niches are some of my personal favorites because of the affiliate potential and the low competition so let's just look at a couple ideas for example here's a site called wired Toof there's ice fishing essential gear guide so you can see they have a lot of ads on their site multiple ads lots of ads here but then they also have all these different things and affiliate links to different products like base mid layers all these different things you'll need so with ice fishing you put in like best plus ice fishing you've got all the different products you can write about the best boots fishing rods fish finders bibs gloves lines uh 1,900 of them and then if you just put in a nich but by itself what if I just put in ice fishing right you still have gear some of these are more product focused so you might have more people searching for the gear and the products in a niche than you do for how to do stuff that's true of the baby Niche not everybody is you know Googling how do I put my baby into a stroller how do I you know it's like no they're searching for the safest baby strollers they're usually looking some niches there actually are more searches for the products than for the actual information not true of a lot of niches but it's true for some so with ice fishing and gear it is probably more focused on the actual gear cuz you can see when I was put in ice fishing it's still showing me all the products so there's always a ratio of informational to transactional content it's going to be dictated by the niche you have a site like baby gear laab for example that's mostly all transactional affiliate articles but they still rank really well because they have topical Authority around all of those things whereas if you're talking about something else another Niche like tattoos for example you're not going to have a whole a lot of tattoo products like tattoo gun tattoo like no like no one's searching for that as much as they're searching for the millions and billions of tattoo ideas arm chest back Viking Roman god whatever it is so that has 99% informational search whereas ice fishing kaying boating some of these Hobbies might be more like 80 to 90% transactional product based searches so you just really have to like kind of think about all this stuff before you're getting started that's why I'm covering all of these in depth so it'll help you choose in the long run what you're going after let's look at another example the craft how to pick the best knitting needles for any project individual uh woman named Sarah nice looking blog good images it's a knitting blog okay now if we look at knitting in general it's a hobby best knitting best knitting machine best knitting needles best knitting books it's not a ton of products though right because some niches have a ton of products some have a few knitting you just need the needles and the yarn all the different types of yarn there's a lot of different types but there's not going to be a ton of searches there's 1100 keywords related to best knitting but if I put in how to knit this one will have actually more informational so how to knit a sweater how to knit a hat scarf how to knit in the round how to knit a beanie finger knit a blanket socks so all kinds of different keywords so that one for this Niche I would do uh mostly informational articles to make ad Revenue build an email list sell your own course on knitting now to make this even a little bit more complicated when it comes to how every Niche is different let's talk about gardening so this is a really cool site the Michigan Gardener He's from Michigan and he has a YouTube channel and a Blog teaching people how to garden all types of different stuff and then on his website he actually sells seeds he has a shop so he sells different things as well it's like an e-commerce Brand Plus all of that but when it comes to the actual blog post is it and I try to you know put it in here is it like is it best gardening is it best how to garden it's not always that if you look at actually the most top pages on this guy's site with uh this is what I've seen across the board for gardening the biggest traffic is coming from the individual vegetables and plants themselves creating guides on purple dragon fruit and banana melons muncher cucumbers honeydew melons black watermelons big red peppers A lot of these different ones so some niches also are just harder to find the seed keywords because you can't just blanket one seed word in there and find all your articles so sometimes you have to know like all right in gardening if I'm going to create a garden blog I know that like I can write some affiliate articles on like the best raised Planters and the best you know micro green kits and like these certain things that you might know about when it comes to affiliate Revenue but then if it comes to the informational like blog content that you're writing yes there's things like how to plant strawberries how to plant potatoes and asparagus and all of those different things but a lot of the times you have to find keywords that you're just individually manually looking for like if you want to rank for purple dragon fruit right you can't find that by putting in how to garden or best gardening you just have to kind of know the niche so this comes from having some knowledge of the niche you're entering now you don't have to be an expert but you can't be making up BS on your website trying to hack your way to the top with just I'm only going to create this little tiny Niche thing that's why again I'm telling you you have to become a brand in 2025 you have to be known for one thing not just with the blog or website but also maybe have a secondary platform a YouTube channel talking about it an Instagram account an X account something depending on the niche so if you're in gardening the main thing that you would do is you'd get a lot of informational content because that's mostly what gardening is people are searching for information not there's not again not a lot of products there are some things like green houses and raised garden beds and different products you need but it's mostly information because the amount of information just think about it just think of your gut reaction to it like is there more informational content or more transactional well with gardening there's seeds there's some tools but there's years of knowledge that you would need to be able to do this stuff based on Seasons weather patterns how to set things up in the house like it's mostly informational so with that again when there's a lot of information like that you create blog content based on that information in one area and you ultimately you'd want to sell a course so you build your email list up give a lead magnet out and then sell your own course on or Community you know it could be like a $10 $20 a month community on certain types of gardening so let's just take a quick second to I'm going to come up with a random Niche and I want you to think to yourself what the strategy would be so I'm going to say music okay if there was a website strategy for music what would it be well okay let's take let's think about it first we have to realize there's lots of different types of music are we talking about rap music are we talking about the guitar piano are we talking about audio being an audio file are you talking about buying vinyl albums are we talking about audio engineering and all the products you need there so first we have to dictate well okay we think of a a big Niche but then what do we want to talk about so for example one area there be there's two I want to cover in music one would be the guitar so how to play something on the guitar so You' want to yes you could have a Blog but you'd want to couple a YouTube channel with this if you're trying to teach music any hobby requires teaching because people want to go from beginner to intermediate to Advanced so a course is the best way to do that whether it's gardening or beekeeping or playing the guitar your content needs to lead to an eventual product now you don't obviously you don't need a course right away but think about it in a year or two can I have a course that people will buy through my website and also through a secondary platform like YouTube so for that it's like how to play blank on the guitar that would be a lot of search F there so like how to play on guitar would be a good seed phrase because there's 15,000 of them how to play F chord on guitar how to play Sweet Home Alabama on guitar how to play G B wonder wall all these different things so that's like again the informational intent is always there so if it's what's searched the most in the niche if it's food it's going to be recipes if it's music it's going to be how to play stuff on the piano or the guitar right so that is one thing so how to play things on an instrument selling your own course product that's one Avenue then there's another one that like could be a good affiliate angle and that's just the best like audio products audio engineering so if I put in best audio you're going to see a lot of different stuff so best audio interface you might not know the terms like best D aw Daw digital audio workstation so this again where some Niche expertise comes in where you at least have to know a little bit about it to even find the keywords in the first place that might be hidden from the majority of people that don't know about the niche but then you can go deep on it best offer PC iPad Mac windows for beginners Linux there's so many different for live perform performances every Niche goes super deep so you just have to find that pocket of opportunity you want to go after so this one would be better for affiliate Revenue if you're talking about audio engineering and the products and all that you wouldn't be talking about how to engineer Queen's Bohemian rap city on a digital audio works like no one searches for the information as much again they're looking for the gear so if it's gear focus on the gear if it's teaching focus on the teaching so with Hobbies definitely a good one for blogging you just have to know kind of the ratio of content and the monetization streams let's get to the next one and that is Fitness now Fitness is a pretty broad one as well there's tons of different things right there's losing weight there's gaining muscle there's all the different body parts you can do attached to Fitness all kinds of different stuff ultimately you know when we think about the informational intent like the most searched things in Fitness it's much like recipes where recipes are food's biggest search well for Fitness the informational intent is going to be exercises and workouts so if you put in workouts you'll see 95,000 then we want to just like narrow it down a little bit because what tends to happen again people go really broad they try to write everything around Fitness and they can't do it now this is a quick distinction I want to make because if you look at a really successful Fitness site garage gim it looks like well they cover everything why can't I they have equipment everything from apparel strength equipment conditioning supplements reviews barbells body weight training kettle bells everything right comparisons gym resources all of it hundreds if not thousands of articles on this stuff so why can't you do that well much similar reason as like the spruce pets are ranking for everything related to dogs cats birds small pets aquariums our beautiful hamster the reptile the horse and everything they can go broad because they're they're not like Forbes where they're the biggest media site on Earth but they're like the big media site of the N of the niche so they have tons of topical Authority thousands of Articles tons of backl so they can afford to do it so when you're just starting out you need to pick one you need to pick one thing within here you start with something like the beautiful hamster and then maybe you move to guinea pigs and then the wonderful Hedgehog and then the you know any the prickly Pokey pets and then you can move on to other stuff but you have to get one area of topical Authority before you expand to others so for example if you're in Fitness going back to Fitness let's just say it's like bicep is your thing then you can do there's still 987 possible things you could do about B bicep so like bicep workouts with dumbbells bicep and tricep workouts cable workouts at home so lots of different opportunities there back and bicep so you want to narrow it down to why does your site exist what is the one area of Fitness you want to cover is it build a bigger back is it strengthen your shoulders is it lose weight you need to find something specific the more specific the better everybody hitting your website all the content should be helpful to that one person if you have a Blog about losing weights but then you have like this super intense CrossFit type of article they might not be interested in that right so we have to figure out the sub Niche area of expertise again the AI Niche Hunter if you click the link in the description get that it's the bottom of email one a lot of people people ask me where is it it's the bottom of email one you can use it make a copy yourself it's a Google doc so you can just copy and paste that into chat GPT your Claud helps you come up with these sub niches that'll be helpful to you so the main way to monetize a fitness site at the beginning is ranking simple workout articles getting ad Revenue ultimately though again we want to sell our own product that's the biggest way that you can make the most money you want to be a millionaire in the fitness industry you got to sell your own program you can't just be pedaling affiliate links on a kettle bell you have to actually get an audience sell your own program probably do it through YouTube all right let's get into the next Niche and that is finance so Finance I'm almost going to wave a magic marker over the whole thing and just say avoid don't do it cuz yes there might be a little bit of opportunities around like certain types of insurance or a little keyword area that you find here or there and there something related to crypto that might be good but really it's just so competitive think about Google when it comes to finance versus like something like YouTube so in Google it's like there's 10 results for each thing and that's it so if you want to rank for the best credit cards the best boat Insurance Mo even like some of the ones that look easier so for example if I put in something like best motorcycle insurance cuz I found it I'll show you I just put in best insurance and you'll see like pet car all that like what looks like the easiest on this first page motorcycle is lower than all of these so like it's 22 difficulty so if I go to it it's like okay it's a medium difficulty doesn't look too bad but then when you actually go to the sites that are ranking for it it's Reddit Forbes market watch Geico CNBC Liberty Mutual All State and insurance opedia value penguin Progressive I mean you just go down this list like yes there's this one anomaly site that's probably sales Insurance themselves you have to get to page like five or six before you start seeing a small blog in here so I say a blanket across the board whether it's credit cards checking accounts all that it's just so much easier on YouTube set up a simple talking head Studio like this and just review the best motorcycle insurance if you look at the videos here there's some videos like this yamy Noob who's got 67,000 or this one motorcycle insurance motorcycle insurance there's tons of different people here with not a whole lot of subscribers talking about motorcycle insurance so again if we're talking about insurance products whether it's credit cards business accounts anything just do it on YouTube avoid blogging for now unless something changes another set of niches that I had here is the outdoors so that kind of falls under hobbies and I really like these if you're just starting out things like again homesteading so that could be anything from home defense and guns and weapons and archery and anything like that to kayaking boating hunting ATVs utvs there's tons of low competition stuff out there that you could rank for a lot of different affiliate content even if there's not affiliate programs you get sponsors in those articles so if you're an outdoor man or woman that it's a really good blogging Niche I want to get into a couple though that are a little bit harder so like software for example software was the one that I was in and most sites got decimated that were ranking for software terms because Forbes media sites and the software tools themselves kind of took over the search results over time we didn't couldn't really see it coming but it is what it is that's why I pivoted my strategy to different things but um software is really good for YouTube so do YouTube tutorials if you want to rank for rank on Google for how to build a website that article was written 20 plus years years ago the top 10 results are solidified it's not going to happen but if you make a video on how to build a website and you say sign up for Wix this is step one and you do that it's a really good affiliate marketing machine so software best affiliate marketing machine for YouTube right now another example of something that's really hard is indoor Tech and just Home Products so if I put in something like humidifiers this is probably the worst Google result you will ever see in your entire life put in humidifiers first they're sponsored results so all these these are Google shopping ads that Brands pay to be put here then we have an ad for Amazon so that's paid another ad all right then we have let's just do this here New York Times Amazon another brand more sponsored results Home Depot buying guide questions more sponsor results and products the spruce so again they have authority years of testing humidifiers n here the nine best but to get to this fifth result you have to get through like a lot that's the fifth result more discussions and forums Medics I actually used to work for this company back in the day as their e-commerce manager back in like 2015 or 16 humidifiers Target Walmart P what I'm saying here is no blog is even in here and it's not going to rank even if I go to page like five you're still going to see more sponsor results and more things pure air system CNN CNN ranks on page five or six for the best humidifiers so this stuff just not going to happen so that that kind of goes across a lot of these very very common products so like humidifiers mattresses it's just like really really hard now because a lot of big media sites are in there it's not really going to happen again do it on YouTube don't do it through a Blog because you might think it looks not that competitive like best blenders or something but then you see Rolling Stone is writing article a lame magazine that used to be maybe cool like decades ago is now writing articles about blenders and it's because what happened a lot of these big media sites like Forbes scet tech radar Rolling Stone all of them they ended up hiring instead of having like journalists they just hired a bunch of SEO people that just created a bunch of crappy AI content they just swarmed a bunch of these product niches with tons and tons and tons and tons of content now they rank on Google because Google Chang their algorithm to reward them I think it sucks I think it's lame but again we're not going to be going after humidifiers anyway so ultimately when we think about these niches that are really hard that we could shift to YouTube or not the things that were competitive got a lot more competitive business finance technology the things that weren't that competitive to begin with Hobbies outdoor goods different types of Niche products did not that get that much more complicated but as you see from this this video about monetizing a website you can potentially choose the wrong Niche so you could choose something that is really hard the idea here is that you just create content in a way that's consistent every single week every single month and you build this in the background of your life you don't hate doing it you enjoy it and it can eventually make you money and you can pivot enough until you find success so that's going to be the key which is why I always recommend personal branding so you need to do in 2025 and Beyond is to have a Blog strategy write down 20 articles within a sub Niche that are low competition informational probably in nature that you can create then you can use AI to plan your Niche again all of the the 10 free system prompts are linked in the description you can get those and use them all to it'll basically give you your Niche give you the sub niches give you the first 20 articles create the outlines and write them for you now again I've talked about this a lot we're not just publishing these there's a whole business strategy behind it but it'll get you pretty far and then you want to think about coupling this with the secondary platform I do not trust putting all my eggs in the Google basket it's why I started this YouTube channel three years ago knowing that if my website were to collapse or something were happen with the blog it wouldn't really matter because I've already made millions of with it and I need to create other platforms so that's why YouTube is happened three years ago podcast will be starting again so it's just layering in these systems in the background of your life but just think of a secondary platform if you're related you're talking about business stuff it's probably X or LinkedIn to have you know build an audience on there if it's more related to Hobbies it could be Pinterest or if it's it could be YouTube basically usually it's like if it's women Hobbies it's going to be Instagram more women are typically on there if it's men hobbies like video games or things like that more men are on YouTube it's like 80% men on YouTube or something like that but ultimately you need to build a true brand a Blog is Central but it is just the sales engine Google is one source of traffic for your blog post but there's other sources of traffic there's YouTube going to sales Pages getting people into your email list there's X there's LinkedIn there's Pinterest there's Twitter there's all kinds of stuff uh traffic needs to come from multiple places I don't want to have all my eggs in one basket ultimately in 2025 so if you want to monetize site you can do it in a number of different ways add revenue for the info posts so having banner ads that's very passive adding affiliate links into your content for those product based ones the best baby strollers right adding all those affiliate links in adding sponsors in so Brands will pay you as well and then eventually of course the Holy Grail the one that you eventually want to get to is once we built this audience up enough you sell your own product and that's typically a course information in a community right so those are the different things you need to think about so if you're ready to get started you're you know if you're interested in this first thing to do again is to click the Blu host link below you can start for $1.99 a month figure out your website name just get it up and running with WordPress it's really easy I've got full other tutorials on like setting it up and how to do in-depth affiliate marketing how to join programs all that stuff I didn't want to cover it in this video but there's really tons of options out there you can get started with ai ai is text based stuff so you can actually use it better than a lot of other business strategies get the Frameworks click the link below to get that it's an Outsource sble business where you can you know I currently spend a lot more time on YouTube than I do on my blog but again I enjoy teaching I enjoy having this other subset of a business separated from my blog but again if you want to start a blog and you want to monetize it you have to kind of pick a niche that you're familiar with that you want to teach in because teaching opens up the door for all the different revenue streams over time and you want to make sure you choose the right one so if you need any help you have any questions on niches like hey I'm choosing between these two let me know in the comments below like any questions that you have on is this a good one or is that a good one use the AI prompts and then asked me like you know I'll tell you like I'd probably go with this one over this one and here's why so again I hope you like the video um lots of different niches I can't cover every single one inone video i' be talking for like 5 hours 6 hours and I don't want to bore you to tears with that so again if you haven't yet I hope you subscribe to the channel check out other videos on my channel and I will talk to you in the next video


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