When to Use AI for SEO Content


  • Use AI content for SEO when working with lower competition keywords. Launch the initial content and see how Google responds.
  • Consider the first version of AI-generated content as a first draft. Keep improving and upgrading it over time to enhance quality.
  • Repeat the cycle of launching, assessing, and improving AI content to boost SEO performance.
  • Transition to human-crafted content as keyword competition increases. This ensures the content is more engaging and of higher quality.
  • Rely on humans for creating content when dealing with higher competition keywords to maintain superior content standards.


How To Take Action

I would suggest starting with AI content for SEO if you’re working with low-competition keywords. Launch some content and see how it ranks on Google. It’s like testing the waters without a big investment. Once you have your content out there, keep an eye on how it’s doing. Don't forget, AI content is just a starting point. Think of it as a first draft. Over time, spend a little time refining and improving it to make the quality better.

A helpful way to improve is to repeat the process of launching, checking how it’s doing, and then making it even better. It’s like learning to ride a bike – you get better each time you try.

When you notice your keywords have a lot of competition, that’s your cue to shift gears. Start using human-crafted content. This is because higher competition keywords need content that’s extra engaging and top-notch in quality. Humans can add that special touch and creativity that really makes content shine.

By following this strategy, you can balance your resources wisely, using AI when it suits and switching to human creativity for the tougher tasks. This way, you get the best of both worlds while growing your business or personal project steadily.

Full Transcript

so when should you use AI content for SEO well the best time to do it is when you're working with lower competition keywords because you can launch that initial piece of content see how Google responds to it and then when your rankings start to stabilize then you can go back to that content and improve it and upgrade it to make it even better and then just repeat this process over and over you need to treat that first version of the content like a first draft and slowly iterate on it and make it continually better and when you start to deal with higher competition keywords that's when you should probably stop using AI content and transition towards using humans to actually craft that content to make it more engaging and ultimately to make it higher quality so the lower competition the keyword you can use AI the higher the competition the keyword you should probably be using humans to craft that content


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