Top 7 Google Ranking Factors for SEO


  • I learn that crawlability and indexability are crucial for ranking on Google. I use Chrome extensions to check my page's robots tag and ensure it says "index follow" or is blank. If it says "no index," I need to fix that.

  • If my pages aren't indexed, it might be due to an algorithmic mistake, page age, or lack of website authority. To fix this, I try growing my site's backlink profile and improving internal linking so key pages are no more than three clicks deep into my site.

  • Diversify my internal link anchor texts. It's crucial not to overuse the same ones. More internal links, especially in the body content, help with ranking.

  • For pages with poor indexation, I can use tools like SEMrush to identify strong pages with backlinks and add internal links from these to help boost weaker pages.

  • User experience (UX) is the second most crucial factor. Ensure my website is fast, mobile-friendly, has a modern design, and an SSL certificate. Then, I focus on engagement rates using Google Analytics and possibly user tracking software like Mouseflow to identify and fix UX issues, incorporating session replays and heat maps to understand user behavior more effectively.

  • Ensure my pages' content matches the intent of the keywords I'm targeting. Avoid mixing multiple intents on one page. Each page should be hyper-focused on one service and one location if applicable. For example, a page targeting "St Louis injury attorneys" should focus solely on that topic.

  • Good content structure is important. My pages should have clear headers that match the keywords and intents. I use chat GPT to create SEO content outlines and first drafts, then personalize and humanize the content to make it unique.

  • For technical SEO, I prune pages that have zero traffic, impressions, and backlinks. This involves deleting, redirecting, consolidating, or upgrading these pages to avoid wasting resources.

  • I build topic authority by creating supporting pages for different aspects of a topic. For example, if I have a page about "how to get 4,000 watch hours on YouTube," I create additional pages like "how to get 1K views on YouTube" or "best YouTube video length for monetization" to cover related keywords and add depth.

  • Finally, backlink authority is vital. I strengthen my site's backlink profile to gain an advantage. Services like Search Intelligence help by securing high-quality backlinks from reputable sources. Data-driven content tends to attract many backlinks, which I can replicate in my industry.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing these strategies:

  1. Check Page Crawlability and Indexability

    • Use a Chrome extension to ensure your page's robots tag says "index follow" or is blank.
    • If it says "no index," fix it.
  2. Improve Internal Links

    • Diversify your internal link anchor texts; don't always use the same ones.
    • Ensure key pages are no more than three clicks deep into your site.
    • Use tools like SEMrush to find strong pages with backlinks and add internal links to weaker pages.
  3. Focus on User Experience (UX)

  • Make your website fast, mobile-friendly, modern in design, and SSL certified.
  • Use Google Analytics to check engagement rates, aiming for above 50%.
  • Use tools like Mouseflow for session replays and heat maps to see how users interact with your pages.
  1. Match Content with Keyword Intent

    • Ensure your pages are hyper-focused on one service and one location if applicable.
    • Don’t mix multiple intents on one page.
  2. Structure Your Content Well

    • Use clear headers that match your keywords and intents.
    • Create content outlines and first drafts with tools like chat GPT, then personalize and humanize the content.
  3. Prune Unnecessary Pages

  • Identify pages with zero traffic, impressions, and backlinks.
  • Decide whether to delete, redirect, consolidate, or upgrade these pages.
  1. Build Topic Authority

    • Create supporting pages for different aspects of a topic to add depth.
    • Analyze additional related keywords and create new content to cover these areas.
  2. Strengthen Backlink Authority

    • Focus on getting high-quality backlinks from reputable sources.
    • Replicate successful data-driven content in your industry to attract backlinks.

By following these steps, you can improve your website’s SEO performance, rank higher on Google, and grow your business.

Quotes by Wiki Wayne

"Google's ranking factors are exposed"

– Wiki Wayne

"I've been doing SEO full-time for over a decade"

– Wiki Wayne

"It's impossible to rank without both crawlability and indexability"

– Wiki Wayne

"Ensure your page is no more than three clicks deep into your site architecture"

– Wiki Wayne

– Wiki Wayne

Full Transcript

Google's ranking factors are exposed and in this free training I'll show you a step-by-step SEO checklist focusing on the seven of the most important ranking factors in fact I use this checklist to grow a client's organic search traffic by 889 I'm Nathan gotch the founder of gotch SEO Academy and I've been doing SEO full-time for over a decade and have led hundreds of successful SEO campaigns so please like this video to show me you're excited and save it because it's super in depth let's dive in so ranking Factor number one is your crawlability and indexability because it's impossible to rank without both so here's how you can check your Page's crawlability so to quickly see if website or page is crawlable and indexable just go onto the page and then click on the detailed Chrome extension and go to the robots tag section and what you want to see is either index follow or just nothing at all what you don't want to see is no index if you see no index that's actually going to be a problem now if it's not index there are a couple of culprits number one it's an algorithmic mistake so Google is far from perfect and occasionally does some wacky things such as removing a page from the index just wait a couple of days and see if it reexes number two the age of your page and website new pages take time to index in Google especially if your website is relatively new and doesn't have much Authority this brings me to the next point which is number three website backlink Authority so websites with strong backlink profiles don't have any issues with indexation and the opposite is true for weak we websites which often struggle to index new pages so the solution is to grow your site's Authority more on this later but let's say you have a decent link profile then it might be number four internal link coverage so ensure your page is no more than three clicks deep into your site architecture and that you have at least five internal links to your target page so craw depth and unique in links are closely related because unique in links are the quantity of unique internal links going to a page okay so I always like to sort this from A to Z and the reason is I want to see are there pages that have very poor internal link coverage and so for me you know anything less than five in my opinion would would fall under that category as poor internal link coverage and if we will in the opposite side you'll see like you know some of these other Pages have 12,000 internal links so there's some pages are getting tons of preferential treatment and then others that are getting no love at all and so if it's a page that you really want to improve the performance of you should definitely be improve like looking for opportunities to drive internal links to it so you know you can go like for example if I want to drive more internal links to this post I would go into my post section I would start looking for things that are related to this particular topic so I'd search something like content and then I would try to find posts that are highly relevant to this one topic about content optimization tools so looking through here and looking at these opportunities is there a way that I could inject an internal link uh on these posts okay okay and when it comes to internal linking just really focus on uh diversifying your internal link anchor Texs don't use the same internal link anchor Texs every single time but in general you you really can't go wrong with more internal links especially in the body of your content those seem to carry a little bit more weight than links that are you know let's say in a sitewide navigation so definitely take advantage of that and if you see you know if it's if it I would say if it's less than three definitely do it but for me I like to go a little bit higher and go kind of less than five and I'll talk more about if you can't find opportunities for internal linking then that's actually a symptom of of another challenge I'll be showing you here in a second and one bonus tip is to drive internal links from pages with existing backlinks so I showed you how you can go into your post and look for Relevant pages to add internal links but another thing you should do is definitely take advantage of your strongest pages from a link building perspective or from a backlink perspective so go into sem Rush go to backlink analytics and click on indexed pages and then sort this by domains and this is going to show us the pages that have the most websites linking to the pages and ultimately the goal here is to is to add internal links to these Pages because you know they're your most powerful pages and so this is a way to take advantage of all this beautiful link Equity that you have to boost up whatever page you're trying to rank so fixing these five variables will help nine out of 10 pages get indexed but if they still aren't indexed go into Google search console and request indexing and if that doesn't work after 2 weeks Drive some relevant highquality backlinks directly to the page and now moving on to ranking Factor number two which is user experience or ux for short so when it comes to ux there are some bare minimums youi ensure your website loads fast is mobile friendly has a modern design and has an SSL certificate don't do anything fancy until you have these things in place but once that's done you can use data to your advantage start with analy Iz ing engagement rates via Google analytics 4 here's how so to find pages with low engagement rate just go to the screaming frog crawl and you're going to scroll over until you find engagement rate over in the Google analytics section here okay so you can see this column I'll go ahead and highlight it and what we want to do is we want to sort this so we see the engagement rate that is the lowest okay so obviously ones that don't have an engagement rate isn't super helpful so let's look at the ones that do and what I'm looking for is anything below 20 but honestly if it's my website I'm probably going looking at anything that's you know below 50 and remember the this number if it's low is actually not good it's the inverse of Bounce rate so bounce rate was the old metric you would use with the previous version of Google analytics and if that was low that was a good thing now with engagement R we don't want to see a low engagement rate this means users are not truly engaging well with this whatever these pages are and that essentially means that they're not scrolling and it means they're typically not visiting a second page uh so some sort of action is not really taking being taken on these pages so you want to address that we want to make sure that our Pages have as high engagement rate as possible and I also recommend installing user tracking software like Mouse flow here's how it works so you already know that with Google analytics 4 you can see engagement rate and that's something you should absolutely be tracking and that's a free metric that you can track but if you have a little bit of budget I would recommend investing in a a user tracking software like Mouse flow there's also hot jar there's a bunch of other ones but this is the one I've been using for a while and there's basically two things that you really want to use with this number one is the session replays so this will actually show a recording of how this person interacted with your website and you can see like if there's certain areas that they're getting held up on you can go and improve those areas uh you know on a kind of onetoone basis like that but I also recommend using the the heat map technology okay so with the heat map technology you can see so much and see how people are interacting with your page so what we're looking at here is this is the clicks so where are people clicking on the homepage well uh you know to No Surprise they're clicking on the main call to action that's right here okay they're also clicking on the reviews they're clicking on various other things I can also see the other calls to action that they're clicking on which to me is important because if I see a lot of people are clicking on things about starting an agency that's an indication that there's a lot of demand for that so maybe I should create more content regarding that and the opposite side if no one really ever clicks about systemization maybe people aren't that interested in systemization right so I can I can glean insights from looking at this data um and there's so much you can learn from this uh and I I just can't express it enough especially like looking at the different types of products that I offer and seeing where do people like to click what are they actually interested in okay that's what matters so you can use the click data to your advantage you can also use it from an SEO perspective which is where are people clicking on your on your page and if they're not clicking why why are they not clicking you can also look at the movement patterns see where they're kind of you know their their cursor tends to go um you can also look at the scroll data so you can see how far people are actually consuming your content and so in the context of SEO if you see like most people aren't getting ped above the fold that's an area where like maybe you should try to improve it and now moving on to ranking Factor number three which is keyword placement this page does not match the intent of the keyword that we're truly going after they're trying to rank for St Louis business and personal injury attorney so they've added two different intents into one phrase uh they have Misouri insurance lawyer okay and then they're talking here about injured an accident and workers comp accused of a crime there's just too much going on here this page is not specific enough it's not relevant enough it's not hyperfocused enough uh and this will not rank right and and the proof is in the pudding there's a reason why this is not ranking because it's not relevant enough so it needs to be more specific it just live and die by the concept of one primary service offering per page and one location right so if it's if you're going after St Louis injury attorneys that page should only be about St Louis injury attorneys that's how the whole page should be structured as soon as you start adding other things in here it throws off the whole intent uh you know of that page okay so you know right now I haven't even talked about link quality and all these other things I obviously get into because we're not even handling the basics at this point and when you look at pages that are just not doing well for their keywords it's usually because they just haven't even you know really tackled the basics okay so we're just going to keep going through this so they do have St Louis personal injury attorney so that is a variation of that of that kind of main keyw so that actually would pass in my opinion but let's go ahead and look at how this is kind of structured so once again St Louis personal injury and then also medical malpractice so once again blending intense together we don't want blend intense we should have maybe just the homepage be optimized for St Louis personal injury attorney and then have a dedicated page specifically for medical malpractice right and then on top of it you know they're blending different states so Missouri and Illinois very difficult to rank when you start to blend two different states or two different locations together you have to keep your website hyperfocused uh in this day and age it it is very very important okay and then we can look at the headings uh and I noticed this when I was looking at the code uh you know the H they're not don't have an H1 filled in here okay so like this is literally on page SEO 101 you need to have your primary keyword in the H1 tag okay so a lot of the times I hear people always you know I I post a lot of content right a lot of a lot of content about SEO I've been doing this for over a decade and I can tell you A lot of times I'll get comments on my YouTube videos or on my whatever content I'm doing and people will always be asking me for like what I need more advanced tips give me more advanced SEO tips and I could give plenty of advanced SEO tips that's not a problem but the reason I don't is because there's no point of talking about Advanced SEO if you haven't even handled the basics right and when we look at this this is like totally missing just the the absolute like bare minimum just to even get on the field to play the SEO game right if you if you're not doing just if you're not even doing this you shouldn't even be talking about anything more technical than than this you have to get the the fundamentals squared away once the fundamentals are squared away then we can start talking about some of the more Advanced Techniques but when we look at a lot of these businesses you know it's very clear why they're not doing well okay let's keep going here uh this one uh first of all St Louis isn't even in in the main heading that appears on the page so we'll go and take a look we'll look here St Louis uh they're not actually even optimized for St Louis they're optimized for St Charles St Peters St Charles County St Louis County this one is is really really needs a lot of help okay because this is just not going to work you can't try to optimize for multiple huge cities on the same page you just will not rank so you have to you have to clean this up and get hyperfocused the good news is a lot of this is easy to fix super easy you just have to restructure the site and hyperfocus each page okay now on top of this going back to the relevance equation as you as you're noticing a lot of this is about relevance personal injury lawyers is too broad this doesn't actually uh doesn't signal where they serve okay so you basically you're relying on Google to try to figure it out and we don't want Google to try to figure it out we want to we want to literally spoon feed the algorithm exactly what this is about okay and Google's pretty good like Google can piece it together and try to figure it out it's see St Charles and it pulls the entities out and tries to get a pretty good idea of what this page is about but you just have to remember remember like we should be spoon feeding Google to the fullest extent and now ranking Factor number four is content what we're looking at here is I imported one of the competitors in here um and you can actually go over here to the URL extraction you just go and import them and that's why when you do an import sometimes it looks like this it can be a little messy um but you can also just write it from scratch in here now what we want to do to properly do this the right way is we want to look at these topics and try to try to take one of these topics and put it into the content don't view the these is like okay I need to talk about new patients here and just like look for areas to like inject it really what you want to do is look for areas to build new sections on this page okay so for example our team if we look at this a lot of the top competitors mention they have sections about their team the people that you're actually going to be working with when you go to the dentists okay and that makes a lot of sense so just adding a section about your team here could have a nice impact to improve relevance okay um then going down here and looking at some other things that are missing all right so uh the once again Dental team tooth extraction if that's a service that you offer it should certainly be here on the homepage it should be discussed uh dental insurance that's a really important topic you should have a section specifically about dental insurance a section specifically about dental emergencies okay so this is all that we're doing here is we're looking for these gaps in the content and the better we do this the better we fill these gaps the more relevant of a page we're going to have and funny enough even the top competitors here um I would argue they have a lot of room for improvement right like they're they're not their scores are not as good as they could be uh which means they're actually missing out on a lot of organic traffic through longtail searches and this is the thing a lot of people understand is like they think by optimizing for NLP it will help lift the main key word right so it's going to lift the main which is true but what actually happens is You're Building more relevance on the page and when you build more relevance on the page and you have these topics on there you actually start to attract more longtail traffic you start to get more traffic and your keyword footprint starts to grow right as your keyword footprint starts to grow on this page you get more organic traffic you get more leads you get more patience okay so that's actually the huge benefit um and so this is the way you need to be thinking about now if was building this page from scratch um I would do this very differently okay so I would just go ahead and eliminate this and let's say I needed to reoptimize the page so first thing I do is I would copy these keywords so I just go into chat gbd and put a very simple prompt and always start with an outline okay create an SEO content outline for the keyword and then you paste the NLP keywords in there from rank ability okay and then you just go ahead and run that okay and then within just a a minute or so you're going to have a nice outline to work with now what you could do is you could theoretically just take take this outline and then you can put it into rank ability like so and what this will do is first of all it's highly optimized because it includes a lot of the kind of keyword phrases in there but if you if you're going to be working with a writer you would just go ahead and just take this and you could share this specifically with the writer and then they could go through and write the content right but let's say you have a smaller budget and you don't want to invest in a writer okay well good news we can create a first draft with with with chat gbt okay uh and by the way this function is going to be native to rankability coming up here very soon but just showing you kind of like the different process but this will actually you're going to be able to do this inside of rankability but the point is chat GPT you can go right back in and then just have it write it for you so then just say write the SEO content asset based on this outline and then make sure you include the optimal word count which I just pulled directly from rankability okay so then once the draft is done we're going to go over here go ahead and get rid of this and then we're going to go ahead and redo this and just paste in the draft and we'll see how we did on that first run so on the first draft already really really well optimized so that's great uh but remember what I'm saying here is draft okay this is the word that I'm using is critical here this is a first draft you should not just take this and publish it on your website this is just the first draft and keep in mind you also have to take this content and put on your website and has to be within a proper design that can actually convert but at least for the copyright we're we're just beginning here and then we're going to you're going to work either with an editor or a any type of human to go through and and and make this better right make it better humanize it now there's some tricks to this okay one thing you can do is you can go to a site like this let's say it was for this website in particular and we could go to our practice right and we're going to open this up and I'm actually going to pretend like I'm going to print this but I'm actually just going to save it as a PDF okay so now though I've saved about three different pages about that that dental clinic now I'm going to go over here and I'm actually going to upload these specifically to chat gbt okay and this is just assuming like if this was my client go and do this so we're going to upload these and then what we're going to do is we're going to have it Revis this content to personalize it and make it unique to this brand okay and then what we have here is a very different draft that now actually include some personalization and some uniqueness and some originality into this content content and you can just keep doing this over and over keep taking pages from the site and uploading and it's going to use that that information to make it highly relevant and remember the key here is it's not whether we use AI content or not that's not the issue the the issue is the originality and the quality of that content and so what we've done here is we we basically checked off the originality component now and then what I would personally recommend is obviously take this content and still it's got some kind of citations and stuff and then you have to remove but we'll go ahead and put that one back into rankability and what I would do from this point is I would have an editor a human editor go through here and just clean it up just have them clean it up make it better uh and then it'll be in a sufficient place where we can take that content and we can re-upload it to the site and so really within just a few short minutes we've really basically revise this content uh optimize it we've done all the critical work and if you look at this going back to the competitors you'll see that by having the 77 means we have by far the most relevant page uh among the competitors so that means just by doing that alone we our performance will significantly improve and we have overwhelming data proving this uh and it it it just works okay it just works especially when you have the the business set up the way that it should be right you've got a nice keyword-rich domain you're actually located in that City and you have the most relevant page I mean it's pretty hard to lose if you do that okay and you and you take care of all the other stuff we mentioned before so that's really on page SEO in a nutshell and now for ranking Factor number five which is technical so first we're just going to look at pages that have zero traffic okay then we're going to go over to the clicks and Impressions and under Impressions we're actually going to look at those that are also have no Impressions okay and this is from Google search console and then we're going to go over to the backlink section and we're going to look at referring domains and we're going to do blanks and zero so now we're left with our only pages that have no traffic they have no Impressions which means these pages are not ranking for any keywords in the top 100 on Google and then number three they don't have any backlinks okay so these are really Pages uh that need something needs to change okay and there's a few options when it comes to Pages like this when it comes to pruning there's there's complete deletion so that's number one is like should this page even exist okay because you don't want to waste a 301 redirect if if it doesn't have backlinks so you need to be very deliberate with this group of pages and we're talking like there's a significant amount of pages here it's about 800 pages on this demo website so 800 pages that are subject to pruning so your options are delete uh another option is redirect uh and that would mean finding a relevant page on the website and 301 redirecting it to it uh another option is to consolidate so take some of the content from one of these pages and consolidate it um onto another page uh and those are basically your only options so delete redirect consolidate or you could also upgrade and improve the existing page you know that that is an option like let's say you you built a you built a page and uh it is targeting a keyword but maybe it just didn't perform well for whatever reason you could try refreshing it and and changing that publish date to get Google to reindex that page again and see if that pushes it up but most of the time you know these types of pages just have no positive metrics whatsoever are the ones that you should really consider maybe just getting rid of they're not helping your website at all um and a lot of the times the the websites that uh tend to be uh to to object to this idea is because they've become romantic about their content and they're suffering from Sun cost fallacy okay they think because they created all these pages that you know they invested so much time and effort into them that therefore they should keep them which is just a fallacy right there's we can't be romantic about our websites we need to be ruthless about our websites and only keep what is actually working um and so don't don't don't keep all this fat we got to trim the fat okay and now ranking Factor number six is topic Authority so let's say I wanted to improve our performance and build more topic support around this one page that's about how to get 4,000 watch hours on YouTube well first thing I can do is I can go right into Google search console and I can look at all of the data that exists and I can ultimately be able to see are there particular topics that we're just not covering well and you can only cover so much on one given topic so when we look at this you know we're seeing all the keywords that we're doing really well for and that's great we want to do you know continue to do well for those but we want to build more support around this page so what I do is actually filter this by position and then I can start to see the topics that are going to be definitely warrant their own dedicated page so for example I can start to look at these how to get 1K views on YouTube very different than the topic of that page this needs its own dedicated page okay and we keep going down here uh another one here which is uh best YouTube video length for monetization that's a very very specific longtail keyword that would require its own dedicated page here's another one about buying watch hours on YouTube I could look at this keyword and create a reverse kind of angle with this one and say why you shouldn't buy watch hours on YouTube right a dedicated page specifically for that and I just keep going down the list and what you'll find Is On Any Given page that is already ranking pretty well you're going to be able to find at least 10 20 sometimes 30 ideas to build topic support so people really underestimate this and they really look at this at way too broadly you got to really drill down to the page level so you can start to find these opportunities and there are opportunities everywhere everywhere like there's unlimited content ideas just and I'm just looking at one page imagine if I did this for every single page on my website how many ideas I would have so ideas are everywhere okay this is just one tactic you can also look at you know someone who's doing this really well or website's doing this well as Healthline they are ranking really well for high protein foods well it's no coincidence because they have tons of pages that are built to support that one topic like if you look at this they have 102 pages that are specifically linking with the anchor Tex protein right 102 we're talking about hundreds of pages that they have built to support just this one page and you can actually do a site colon search and see this with your own eyes you can look you know look at the Domain and then look at that one little topic they're going after and look at how much content they've written just about protein there's an overwhelming amount and so a lot of people don't you know don't go to this level when they talk about really just dominating one particular topic one particular um Point here and so this is this is the level you need to go to if you want to take your website to the you know to to the highest level possible another thing you can do is inside of rank ability this is a little cool tactic you can use is if you go and run an analysis for a keyword like this link Building Services you go in here and look at the keywords that are being mentioned you know a lot of these topics you should be you should be hitting as many of these topics as possible in the content itself but a lot of these topics require their own dedicated pages so for example link building strategy well that's very different than link Building Services link Building Services is more about you know what of the best services that we can invest in to do this work but a link building strategy is very different that's about trying to formulate a particular strategy that's going to help you beat your competition so that would require its own dedicated asset okay and then looking at these other there's t tons of other idas here backlink profile you create a dedicated uh you know asset about how to how to build a really high quality backlink profile or what does a high quality backlink profile look like you keep going down the list and there's just endless endless opportunities and so I often use the NLP to my advantage because I'm looking at this and I'm not just thinking about how do I get these topics in this content but I'm also thinking about oh wait a second I could use some of these topics to create additional assets so like Niche eics n n nich edits for example I create a dedicated asset for that I create a dedicated asset for private blog networks and broken link building and Link building tactics and guest posting Services I mean it's this all the information we need is right here this is all the information we need to properly build real topic Authority in these really small pockets and now for ranking Factor number seven which is backlink Authority so although using NLP technology and creating highly relevant original content is is the pillar and the lead Domino for SEO you can create content all day you can use NLP all day but if you don't have the biggest variable which is a strong backlink profile then you're not going to see the best results possible so this is not a fair assessment when I show you rankings like for example showing you you know the rankings for this one okay like this would not be possible unless I had this strong domain okay there are domains that are way stronger than mine but mine is strong and I write about the same topics there's there's link Authority there's uh topic Authority there's a lot of good things that are working together to make this possible and so if you want to get results quicker you want to get results easier the way to do it is you have to have a stronger website from a link profile perspective so just looking at my site which once again there's way stronger websites but just put in perspective my site has been around for going on you know I guess it's been 10 years at this point which is kind of crazy but I have almost 5,000 referring domains okay I have nearly 30,000 backlinks okay so there's a lot of strong stuff hitting the site and as a result when you have a powerful website when you publish a new piece of content you get an automatic Advantage right out of the gate compared to a brand new website so I cannot stress this enough you have to build your site Authority it has to be a really really important thing and this is why on you know like my my uh you know SAS business here rankability I'm not even really going to be creating any content really on rank because instead of what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be building up the site Authority so I may create a few linkable assets so that I can leverage them to build the site Authority but the number one objective right now with this new website is to grow that site Authority as much as I possibly can so then when we start to publish new content it's going to start ranking a lot easier Okay so definitely needs to be the number one objective now the question is how do we go about doing it well you've got a few options first you can Outsource it so you can use a service like search intelligence the reason why I recommend them is because they focus on getting really high quality backlinks like those really powerful back links that are honestly very expensive to get on their own like you can go to uh some of these you know these Market places to buy links and to get a link on like huffing and post could be you know $3,000 or $4,000 sometimes or on the New York Times in my might be three four sometimes $5,000 to get that link um but the way that they do link building is they're focusing on creating assets they're doing you know obviously having the expert contribute to a lot of these articles so they're actually able to get these Links at a much lower investment per link and you're going to actually get a higher volume of links as well so you're getting links from very very strong sources and these days you don't want to be getting links from Mommy blogs and a bunch of blogs that you know everyone knows that they sell links and if you can go to a Marketplace and find you know find that opportunity to buy it well other people are also buying it which means it's probably already been uh it's not going to be effective anymore right so you really want to focus on the links that are a little bit harder to get just there's a little bit more barrier to entry and so that's the beauty of using you know Outsourcing your link bilding to a service like sege intelligence okay but along those lines another thing that you can do is look at what's already successful we can go to the indexed pages section and we're going to be able to see all of the top pages that have attracted the most back links and then from there even if you're not in the same industry you can take some of these Concepts and make them applicable to your industry so for example look at the types of pages that have attracted the most links they're pretty much all datadriven pieces of content okay like there's no secrets here data tends to attract a lot of backlinks so so when we look at this we say okay we've got a model here that works and we can take this model and we can apply it to our specific industry so those are seven of the most important Google ranking factors for achieving maximum SEO results thank you so much for watching


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