- I found out that many marketers are not using the full range of creative options available on platforms like Facebook, which is important for successful campaigns.
- To create campaigns that spend over $10,000 a month, you need to test many different creative ideas.
- Over 70% of the 13,000 marketers we surveyed said their paid ads aren’t making money because they aren't testing enough creatives.
- When running paid ad campaigns, it is important to experiment with many creative formats to see what works best for your industry.
How To Take Action
I would suggest trying out different creative options when using social media platforms for advertising, like on Facebook. There are lots of choices, so play around with them and see which ones catch people's attention the most.
A good way of doing this is to start small. Pick a few creative formats and test them to see which ones work best for your business. This won't cost much, and all it takes is some time to experiment.
If you're thinking of spending money on ads, remember this: more creative ideas mean a better chance of success. Lots of marketers don't test enough, and that's why their ads don't make money. So, switch it up and use different styles, colors, and messages in your ads.
It's also smart to set aside a small budget each month just for testing different creative ideas. This could help you discover what really clicks with your audience without breaking the bank.
Think of it like a science project: you have a guess about what will work (your hypothesis), and then you try out different ideas to see if you were right. This approach can lead to big wins, even when starting with a low-cost strategy.
Lastly, keep an eye on what other businesses in your field are doing. Their success can give you clues about what might work for you, too.
Full Transcript
this is how many creatives on average marketers are creating her platform to create profitable scalable campaign and when I mean scalable campaigns I'm talking about campaigns that scale up to more than $10,000 a month in ad spend now keep in mind a lot of platforms like Facebook have tons of creative options and formats not everyone's using all of them or they're not using all of them per campaign and depending on the industry it can be even more complex the next time you're running paid app campaigns you need to look at this post so make sure you save and bookmark it why because when we surveyed over 13,000 marketers over 70% of them said that PID ads aren't profitable most of them aren't testing enough creatives and what I just showed you is how many creatives you need to test on minimum per Network to generate profitable campaigns at scale