I Redesigned My Viewers Websites To Get Them More Clients


  • I’ve learned that many service businesses could lose 61% of potential clients in the first 5 seconds their website is visited. Making key adjustments can turn an average website into a client-converting machine.
  • It's important for your website's hero section to focus on the client as the hero of their journey, not yourself, as this resonates better with visitors.
  • For a clearer website, use headlines that directly address the client's needs, as well as concise sub-headlines that explain what you offer and the transformation you can help achieve.
  • Replace low-quality and work-in-progress images with high-quality images that showcase the desired end result, as this will inspire confidence in potential clients.
  • You should use emotionally appealing headlines that offer a lifestyle benefit, as most customers seek an upgrade rather than just a basic service.
  • A website should build trust with clear presentations of team credentials and processes. Certainty about the services offered and the outcomes helps clients feel more secure.
  • It’s crucial for a call to action (CTA) to be straightforward and located in a prominent place so that visitors are clear on what steps to take next.
  • Make impactful social proof visible by using concise testimonials that focus on results rather than process or personal characteristics of the team.
  • For those making websites, consider using a structured framework like my Profitable Website Launchpad. It combines human insight with AI-driven precision to create effective content quickly.
  • Remember to integrate strategic page templates and optimized design elements that guide visitors’ eyes seamlessly from headlines to CTAs.
  • Leverage video and other dynamic elements appropriately, ensuring they don’t distract but rather complement and enhance the user experience.
  • When seeking to build a professional website confidently and efficiently, consider step-by-step guidance paired with AI tools and live feedback sessions.
  • Transformations can be achieved quicker than ever with a process that focuses on creating client-generating machines in just about two weeks, using 30 to 60-minute increments.
  • Emphasize lifetime learning and adaptation by creating a website that evolves with your business, harnessing skills and tools designed to grow your online presence.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing some key strategies to improve your website in a low-cost and efficient way. Let's make sure your website turns visitors into clients!

First, focus on the hero section. A good way to start is by featuring your clients as heroes. This means using clear headlines that focus on your client's needs and how you can help them. For example, instead of stating who you are, describe what they can achieve by working with you.

Next, use high-quality, relevant images. Replace any blurry or low-res photos with ones that show success stories or desired end results. This builds confidence in potential clients.

Another strategy is to use emotionally appealing headlines. These should offer a lifestyle benefit, making your service or product the key to a better life for your clients.

For trust-building, clearly present your team’s credentials and outline your process from start to finish. This helps potential clients feel secure in what they’ll receive.

Make sure your call to action (CTA) is straightforward and prominently placed. Avoid confusion by offering a clear next step.

Finally, showcase impactful social proof. Use short testimonials that highlight results. This reassures visitors that your services are effective.

By focusing on these simple yet powerful changes, you can significantly improve your website's effectiveness without spending much time or money.

Quotes by Author

"Your client is the hero in their own journey, you're just the helpful guide"

"Effortlessly beautiful gardens all year round"

"Turn your talent into a showstopper career"

"Your podcast deserves better than a closet studio"

"Your website can either be your best salesperson or your biggest barrier to growth"

Full Transcript

studies show that service businesses lose 61% of potential clients in the first 5 Seconds of visiting their website but nobody's showing you how to fix it until now I've been creating Leen websites for over 15 years and in this video I'm going to fix five of my viewers websites to show you how your website is losing you clients and the simple tweaks that can take a website from average to client converting beast mode I'll even reveal the powerful frame work I use to fix every single problem in this video so stick around to the end because you can use it too let's start off with one upyou level.com so this is a coaching website for women who struggle with people pleasing behaviors and right away I spotted probably the biggest mistake you can make with your websites hero section which is making yourself the star of the show instead of your client see Kayla here has put herself front and center in this huge hero image we got right up top but here's the thing your client is the hero in their own Journey you're just the helpful guide who's helping them get where they want to go plus you'll notice here this hero section it reads a little bit more like a blog post than a homepage with three paragraphs trying to explain everything at once and not only that but she's trying to introduce something here called the RO Compass toolkit right up at the top now this really isn't the best place to try to teach a New Concept concept it really just needs to connect with her client biggest desires and pain points in a way that they understand so putting this right here it's really creating more questions than answers but what's not here and really should be is what exactly does she do for her clients and how so I get that she'll stop me from being a people pleaser but how does she do that you know what am I getting myself into here and it was only after digging through the entire site that I did finally find what she actually offers I had to really hunt to figure out it's a 4 week coaching package I think it's over Zoom but even that's not totally clear and leading with a quiz as your main call to action just adds to the mystery instead of clearing things up so here's how I fixed it so first I really tightened up this hero section the new headline is stop people pleasing start living true to you it's simp it's direct and it speaks to exactly what our clients want then the sub headline here gets right to the point I coach women like you to shed people pleasing habits Embrace their true selves and build fulfilling relationships and instead of leading with Kayla's photo I tried to use images of women who look like they would probably be her ideal clients confident empowered living life on their own terms these are the after photos that show potential clients what's possible for them I also added a clear call out that says four weeks to Lasting change and I got that because I found out that she does offer that 4-we coaching package because when someone's considering investing in coaching they want to know exactly what they're signing up for no more guessing about the format or timeline and now for the call to action I didn't completely ditch her quiz idea but I did demote it the main call to action is now a bright orange schedule your free Discovery call button with the quiz offered as a secondary option underneath so this way people who aren't actually ready to talk to her can still get on her email list but we're not hiding the main conversion path behind a quiz and remember all that really long copy from the original hero section well I moved it down to a more appropriate place a dedicated problem section this is where we really paint that picture of what people pleasing is costing them then and only then do we introduce Kayla as the mentor who can help them Break Free of it so this new version of the homepage does a much better job of putting the client first and making it really Crystal Clear what transformation they can expect so now let's look at another website that's focusing on the wrong thing in their hero section this is my tidy Garden in England thanks for submitting now these images are perfect examples of what I call the sausage being made right where you're showing people the work in progress instead of the end result that they really want you know here we're seeing photos of you know their employees doing the actual work and not only that but they're kind of lowquality low resolution images that don't really do anything to inspire confidence or make this business look professional you know nobody's dreaming of watching gardeners work they're dreaming of having a beautiful well-maintained outdoor space that they can enjoy and the wording here is just as utilitarian as the photos are right it's all about what they do garden maintenance hedge cutting lawnmowing you get it but there's no emotion there's no promise of what that means for the homeowner no mention of finally having that perfect outdoor space for family gatherings or the pride of having the best looking Garden on the street now right here they've tried to build some credibility by uh using a Google review right at the top but the thing is it's way too long and focuses on all the wrong things it goes on and on about how the workers are young and energetic and proud of their work but here's the thing clients don't care if your gardeners are proud right they care about having a gorgeous Garden at the end of the day and this aggressive use of color isn't really doing them any favors either they've got this really drab heavy green background paired with a bright orange called action button that well let's just say there are better ways to use those colors so here's what I did to fix all of those issues so first of all I kept the same basic color palette right greens and oranges can work great for a garden service but I tone down everything to create a much more sophisticated professional look but more importantly I completely changed out all those work in progress photos so that now we're just showing a beautiful aftershot of a pristine perfectly maintained Garden this is the kind of image that's going to get their potential clients to think yes that's exactly the kind of garden I want that's what I want mine to look like so then I rewrote the copy and the headline to focus on the lifestyle benefits right effortlessly beautiful gardens all year round because that's what people are really buying not just Garden maintenance they secretly want a lifestyle upgrade and we also replaced that really long Google review with a new much shorter one that I was able to find online and that focuses on the results my garden looking Immaculate rather than on the process because at the end of the day clients want to know what their Garden is going to look like not how it got that way okay next up here is is a perfect example of an unclear promise that's holding back an otherwise great offer so Matt terrant was a contestant on austral He's Got Talent he's a magician and a mentalist who offers one-on-one mentoring to entertainers at least that's what I think he offers and that's the problem his headline and subheadline together don't really make it clear enough exactly who he helps what kind of entertainers magicians comedians musicians all of it and what does you know take your shows to the next level actually mean more bookings higher paying gigs bigger venues and then this phrase right here that cater to your unique needs makes it even worse that to me basically says I don't have a real process I'm just going to wing it based on whatever you want it to be right doesn't really Inspire confidence that he knows how to get you from A to B and there's some visual issues too a black and white photo uh in the hero section that's just not very eye-catching and a barely visible you know I don't know if you saw it book a call called action button up here in the header but the real conversion killer is the vague undefined offer so here's how I fixed it so I changed the headline to turn your talent into a showstopper career going on to say with personalized mentoring from Australia's Got talents Matt terrant you'll refine your craft wow your audiences and create a marketing strategy that elevates your act to new heights now we're clear about what he does right personalized mentoring who he is he's an AGT contestant and what specifically you can expect as a result of the mentorship right better performances bigger audiences and solid marketing and I put a video background from his Australia's Got Talent appearance right in the hero section so when you're a known personality like Matt is showing yourself in action actually builds credibility it's one of the only times that I recommend actually putting yourself front and center like that in the hero section of your site just because people coming here are most likely expecting him to be there and right you probably weren't featured on TV like this but I show you this anyway because you could still use a nice video as a background if you do it right especially now that we have all these great AI video creation programs like Sora it's just really easy to make something that shows your happy clients living their best lives in a really short video Loop now below that I added some specific outcomes to make it even clearer ditch the 9 to-5 grow your fan base turn passion into paychecks and there's clear social proof too so I just made this up over 200 entertainment careers transformed and Counting with photos of his successful students again I just grabbed these they're not real and remember how drab that called action button was before you barely saw it up to top I now Chang it to a bright magenta button with it's got a like a subtle glow around it it's just nice and eye-catching even against a fairly colorful background video so that is how you direct the eye as opposed to this website from streamline Roofing so what a perfect example of visual overload right and it's super common with this type of business it's it's like they took every piece of information they had and just threw it all at the homepage hoping that something would stick the problem here is there's no visual hierarchy there's no place for your eye to naturally land first and they've got some really good social proof here right 591 people helped 865 star reviews 30% Insurance savings but it's hard to see this because everything is competing for attention and there's this big image over on the right showing a family inside their house which is just kind of confusing it makes no sense because we're selling roofs here not living rooms it just feels like a kind of random shot of happy people and the headline here is super basic it doesn't really address location or expertise or why anyone should trust them and they just got this big blue color blocked background that feels kind of heavy and amateurish and they've got this animated called action button which honestly to me it just feels kind of scammy and here's why that matters when you're in an industry like construction or Roofing where people already have kind of a natural distrust an amateur looking website is the last thing you want it just confirms their fears about choosing the wrong contractor so here's how I cleaned this up so I kept their overall color scheme except I switched the orange out for a nice red and I just used a much lighter cleaner overall design so the headline and subheadline now work together to not only give the what but the so what right and it still keeps the location intact with Texas and Parker County for some local SEO power and now we've got an image that actually shows a roof with happy homeowners right outside their house because it's much more appropriate for this kind of business and that's what people want to see right quality worksmanship on actual roofs and all that great social proof is still there but now it's organized with a much more clear visual hierarchy your actually floats from the headline to the call to action to the proof points over here and speaking of the call to action it's now a clean professionall looking red button no need for arrows or animations pointing at it because when your design is clear and focused people are going to know exactly where to click and I'll be getting to the super easy framework that helped me make all of these fixes really fast but first let's take a look at podcast Solutions so this one is the complete opposite of what we just saw with streamline Roofing instead of information overload we've got almost no information at all the headline simply says what they do podcast Studio setup Made Easy and below that there's this little who are we section that basically just says you know we're a team of audio and video experts and that's pretty much it there's no explanation of why someone might need a professional podcast Studio what the benefits are or what they've been missing out on with their current setup and that happens a lot because we feel like the problem that we solve is obvious and that our service should just basically sell itself but Q Julia Roberts big mistake big huge and they also haven't included any trace of their team in this section no photos no names for that matter even the city that they work in and the lack of all of those things creates a real trust barrier especially when you're asking people to invest in something that's probably pretty expensive like a professional studio equipment in setup I actually had to look up the business owner on LinkedIn just to verify that this is a real company because the website makes it feel like it's not or like they just opened up shop this morning and neither of those things makes me trust that this is legit and then the call to action right here just says get connected right which leaves me wondering what happens next is it a phone call an email a form when should I expect to hear back so now let's take a look at the fix first I created a headline that speaks directly to the problem your podcast deserves better than a closet Studio then the sub headline gets specific about exactly what they do and why it matters I also added a really clear called action button schedule a free consultation I made it in bright purple now you know exactly what you're signing up for it's a consultation a nice low bar to entry then I added some social proof with some you know podcast cover art let's say they helped these podcasts with their Studios and then moving down I added a problem section that really paints that picture of what podcasters are missing with the DIY setup you know messy cables bad audio unprofessional video quality that could be driving listeners away but most importantly I added a nice solution section after that that's meant to introduce the team behind the business that's such a small easy win that way too many businesses drop the ball on and it really cost some clients so now I'm going to let you in on a little secret so every single one of these Transformations I use the exact same framework that's already helped thousands of service business owners create websites that actually convert visitors into clients it's called the profitable website Launchpad and not only have I just completely updated it for 2025 the doors are open to the brand new version this week only so let me just show you a peak behind the scen sces exactly how it works take one up your levels hero section so remember how cluttered and unfocused it was watch this first I took Kayla's basic business information and ran it through my personally trained AI powered writing assistant that comes with the launch pad included and do you see what just happened there in about 10 seconds we took her basic idea that took way too long to explain and then transformed it into that Crystal Clear emotionally res res message that you saw earlier that's what happens when you combine human Insight with AI driven Precision it just comes out perfectly every time whether you're a writer or not and I know because my team and I personally trained it that way and tested it to make sure that it's great every time but here's where it gets really exciting so once we have the messaging dialed in you get 10 fully customizable drag and drop site kits that are perfectly aligned with the content that we're going to create section for Section so just watch how quickly we can just start dropping this content into one of the templates just add in a new text images fonts and colors and look at that transformation in just a few clicks we've got a professionally designed strategically laid out hero section that's ready to convert and that's how it works for the whole page and for every page on your site too and just so you can see how customizable these templates are this is the same template styled three different ways the combinations are endless here and yes I do show you how to get the best images color combos and fonts so you can have something that looks just as great as these and they're all pre-optimized for mobile views too now I need to be really honest with you about something so in the past versions of the course even with my templates and Frameworks getting your website strategy copy and design just right that would take most of my students about 4 to to 6 weeks to finish but this new version for 2025 is a whole new ball game we've integrated AI throughout the entire process and I'm not talking about generic chat GPT here this is a precise AI assistant that I've personally trained on over 15 years of website copywriting formulas and conversion strategies all that to say you can now complete your entire website in half the time so I'm talking about two week weeks from start to finish just 30 to 60 Minutes at a time and it's important to remember these aren't just basic websites these are strategic client generating machines like the ones that I just showed you but look I get it maybe you're thinking that sounds great Wes but I'm not techy or I just don't have the time to do this and that's exactly why I've structured the profitable website Launchpad to be completely step by step and why I did most most of the pre-work for you so AI can help you get launched fast and the best part is you're never going to be alone in this process every single student gets 90 full days of access to my weekly live Q&A calls so that's about 12 sessions where you can get direct feedback from me on your website stuck on your homepage headline hop on a call not sure if your Design's working let's look at it together want confirmation that you're on the right track that's what I'm there for so just think about what that means for a second instead of spending about five grand minimum on a professional team to build your website and that's on the low end by the way you're getting everything you need to create a high converting website yourself plus you're gaining the skills and tools to keep evolving your site and your marketing as your business grows so from now until Friday night only the profitable website launchpads open for enrollment so let me be crystal clear about what you get when you join first you get lifetime access to our complete website creation system including all of our new AI powered tools that cut your work time in half every template every framework every strategy I've developed over 15 years it's all yours plus those 90 days of weekly live Q&A calls with me that's three full months of getting direct feedback as you build your site no getting stuck no wondering if you're doing it right you've got an expert in your corner the whole way and since we're now celebrating our 2025 AI upgrade here's what you're going to get that's brand new so you'll get instant access to our AI writing assistant it's going to take care of everything for you basically 10 fully customizable drag and drop templates with a complete video training how to use each one and this one's pretty cool it's my FastTrack launch planner that breaks all of your tasks into short 30 to 60 Minute bursts with a realistic timeline so you can always stay on track and again the doors are only open till midnight this Friday January 17th and I would love to see you inside so just click right here to learn more and join us in the profitable website Launchpad or if you want to hear about the Real Results my past students got with the program watch this video so remember your website can either be your best salesperson or your biggest barrier to growth so click right here and let me show you how to make it work for you 24/7


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