How I’d Make Online to Quit My Job in 2025


  • I started my online business in 2019 alongside a full-time job, turning it into a full-time venture in just 7 months, making over a million dollars annually for three years.
  • Transform your daily routines and habits to effectively manage business efforts, especially alongside a full-time job.
  • Consider the real-time investment of a 9-to-5 job that extends beyond 8 hours with commutes and preparations, potentially consuming 50 to 60 hours weekly.
  • Individual circumstances like family responsibilities impact available time; killing bad habits such as unhealthy eating can free up energy and focus.
  • Journaling simple daily activities, like workouts or business tasks, helps track progress and builds momentum.
  • Calculate available hours by considering work, sleep, commutes, and family time, which typically leaves around 13 hours weekly for business pursuits.
  • Re-evaluate non-productive activities such as excessive phone usage and transform that time into business effort, shifting from content consumption to creation.
  • Online businesses offer low entry barriers and high-profit margins, exemplified by my blog's profit equating to 11 Subway locations.
  • Developing a new identity through gradual habit changes can foster success in online ventures.
  • Implement behavior change tactics, like those from Atomic Habits, by pairing necessary tasks with pleasurable ones for motivation.
  • Content creation on YouTube and blogging offers substantial revenue opportunities due to favorable algorithms on Google and YouTube.
  • Spend productive hours wisely, learning and creating content with a clear strategy, like mine which involved consistent blogging and YouTube efforts.
  • Building an early framework involves creating a content strategy aligned with personal branding, determining audience needs, and implementing monetization pathways.
  • Starting with Google keyword strategy and YouTube click-through insights can guide content creation to engage audiences effectively.
  • Scale your business by outsourcing tasks once expertise in content strategy and execution is gained; this gives time to focus on growth activities.
  • Monetization strategies include ad revenue, affiliate marketing, and developing personal products or courses to diversify income.
  • Building a personal brand provides a safety net against job dependency, offering career independence and opportunities.
  • Consistency in publishing content and optimizing strategies are crucial in developing authority and success in online business.
  • Recognize the importance of overcoming blind spots and gaps in marketing knowledge through continual learning and adapting.
  • Building a successful business requires persistence, learning from failures, and adapting strategies over time.
  • Not everyone needs to pursue entrepreneurship; contentment with a 9-to-5 is equally valid if it aligns with life goals.
  • Align new habits and routines with a long-term vision to pursue business goals effectively, knowing it requires time, effort, and resolve.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing some simple yet effective strategies if you're interested in starting a business while managing a full-time job. First, think about your routine and habits. Even with a 9-to-5, you can find about 10-13 hours a week to work on your business. It's all about using time efficiently, so cut down on non-productive tasks like excessive phone time.

A good way to start is by journaling. Write down your daily progress in a few words, whether it’s a workout or a business task you completed. This helps track progress and keeps momentum going. Also, try pairing tasks: something you need to do with something you enjoy as a reward, like working on your business before a meal or a TV show you like.

Next, consider content creation, either through a blog or YouTube channel. These platforms offer great potential for revenue through ads and affiliate marketing. Start by setting up a content strategy that includes regular posting, keyword research, and an understanding of your audience's needs.

Once you're comfortable with your content strategy, think about scaling. You can gradually outsource tasks like writing or video editing to focus on growth activities. Finally, consistency is key; stick to your schedule, and slowly, you’ll build authority and success. Always align your habits with your long-term vision and be open to learning and adapting as you go.

Quotes by Author

"You could change that to become a content producer, that's how money is made"

"Sometimes killing bad habits is actually more important than creating new ones"

"Money drives passion more than passion drives money"

"You need to make as much progress in those 10 hours a week as humanly possible"

"Every single piece of the puzzle is easy, the concepts are really easy to understand"

Full Transcript

so this video is going to be a little bit different I'm just going to talk to you about how to create like an online business while working a full-time job because it's something I did I started it back in 2019 and it took me 7 months to go from a side hustle although I hate that word to a full-time business now it's made me over a million dollars 3 years in a row it was a launching pad to now a 10p person team this YouTube channel most importantly though lots and lots of my free time back cuz I don't know about you I never wanted to work a traditional 9 to-5 job getting someone else Rich spending a great deal of the waking hours of my life doing things that I did not want to do barely saving enough and maybe retiring at 70 if I'm lucky so I found that blueprint you know go to college get a degree get a job save 10% of your paycheck it was really a a race to nowhere so really what's the alternative where I want to share a couple ideas with you in this video so I've just got some notes on my computer here I'm going to run through you and just really about growing an online business what that even means because there's like millions of videos on YouTube about it do AI automation Drop Shipping YouTube blogging all kinds of things faceless drone videos for all I know and everyone's telling you the exact same thing you have to follow a single formula and do it this way and what you most people don't realize is like we are human beings and we make mistakes we have routines we have obligations we have responsibilities we have jobs okay not everybody has to have a side hustle that's just the truth but if you want to learn how to grow a business while you're working full-time I'm just going to cover kind of some things that I did and what worked for me so the first thing is like the three things we're going to cover mainly is like your current routine your current habits that you have in your life how to potentially change your behavior or create new Norms to become somebody new and then the actual automation the content the system behind everything so first you have to think of your current routine if you have a 9-to-5 job that's 9 to5 is eight hours a day but what about getting ready for work driving to work that could be an hour 30 minutes 2 hours I'm making lunch for work like all these things add up so it's not really 8 hours it's more like 10 or 12 hours a day 5 days a week so it could be 40 hour work week but it's more like 50 or 60 hours of your time every week There's also family responsibilities you know when I was when I started my online business in 2019 I was single living in Austin Texas I had an unlimited amount of free time outside of my 9 to-5 and I spent a ton of time building it I spent all mostly all my time for 7 months building this thing on the side doing it pretty much incessantly nights and weekends but there were also periods in my life where I never would have been able to do that there were periods in my life especially my early 20s where I wasn't responsible enough to even start a business let alone wake up before noon so like you know you have to actually have some decent habits first we have to realize that if you're eating pizza every day drinking beer at night and not working out not feeling good then your brain's not going to be really ready to even start something on the side of your full-time job so everyone has different amounts of free time I've had different amounts of free time in my life you know there's some people are single some people have kids family responsibilities I have a baby in the house now so my wife does a lot you know pretty much everything with the baby a lot of the time but I also spend a lot of time with the family so I have different obligations different set of new worries worrying about a little small version of me running around right so different things take up different amounts of times but sometimes killing bad habits is actually more important than creating new ones so if you can stop eating that pizza and drinking beer every night you're going to feel a lot better now that's what I did when I was 23 I couldn't have even done that so what I always recommend is like journaling once a day just a couple simple things I'm not talking about writing out your day I'm just saying like literally a couple words like did you work out what did you do back workout leg workout back workout times8 sets I ran two miles whatever it is and then did you do anything for your business wrote One article scripted a YouTube video something anything did some keyword research something right that actually builds momentum so you have to write down what you did because you're going to forget the progress that you made and you're going to get discouraged so I would just write in a piece of paper the date whatever it is and then right under that two lines Fitness business could you have to no matter if you have kids let's say you have five kids you're running around you don't know what you're doing you still need to try try to make time for yourself if you can might seem like a you know pipe dream for some people but I think that writing this thing down this these two simple things down help but really we're thinking about changing a behavior to start an online business I want you to think about this so in one week there are 168 hours that's 24 * 7 so let's say you work 40 hours a week that's minus 40 hours okay subtract 40 let's say you sleep 8 hours a night I really haven't done that in a while but let's say you sleep 8 hours a night that's 56 hours remove that now let's say there's another 2 hours per weekday driving and getting ready for work there's another 10 hours gone that leaves you with at the end 62 hours a week now let's say you have to eat and prepare some food right you you got to actually eat let's say you eat three 3 hours a day so that's another 21 hours a week gone that leaves you with 41 hours now I say spending time with your family a lot of the gurus on here will say don't spend any time with your family F your family actually if they're getting in the way of your progress time is money I'm not doing anything with my family unless they pay me $50 an hour at least right it's it's crazy spending time with your family I would say this should be maximum I'm just going to say 4 hours a day you know I'm lucky and that I have a lot of time Freedom back that I don't have to work a 9 to5 and I can spend more than that but let's just say four hours a day this should be more but you do have to make sacrifices if you want to turn a side hustle into a full-time business that most people don't make that leap and it's because of the time commitment but I'm going to say 4 hours a day you're spending with your family still that will now after all of that that's 28 hours a week that leaves you with 13 hours so these can be your business hours right really you can need 10 hours a week to get the ball rolling on this thing and you have it even spending four hours a day with your family preparing food working all of that now you're removing and you're sacrificing some things so maybe you're sacrificing Netflix or Doom scrolling on Reddit thinking it's the end of the world every two days like they do on there or answering all of the presidential polling texts you get on your phone I've get like five of those a day answering every spam call I get 10 times a day right so really you have to make a sacrifice but I think the sacrifice you can make is just stop looking at your phone just stop looking at your phone remove that and turn that into a business because if you think about it when you're looking at your phone you are consuming content you're a Content consumer you're making someone else money whether it's you're making them some ad revenue or you're clicking on an affiliate link or you're watching YouTube videos or something that you're watching you're looking through Instagram somebody else is making money it's not you so if you're a Content consumer you could change that to become a Content producer that's how money is made any brand out there whether it's an e-commerce company an agency a blogger a YouTuber has to create and build some type of audience now I'm not saying every person on Earth should be a content creator that's not the case either but it is if you look out there at the economy today who's getting rich doctors lawyers things like that sure but if you don't want to go to school for 10 years you have to create a business I don't care what type of business it is you could start a lawn care company for all I care but just know that to make more than you know 100K a year which is a good salary don't get me wrong but if you want to make 500k or 600k or really build long-term wealth you should start your own business and an online business is a good one to start because of the profit margin so my blog makes the same profit margin now as about 11 Subway locations and it's just me and one writer and it cost me $1.99 a month to start there wasn't overhead there wasn't inventory there wasn't employees there wasn't rent any of those things so the power of online business is that it's a Level Playing Field anyone can do it the barrier to entry is low which means a lot of people are trying it which means you have to be a little bit better than them which means you have to work a little bit harder than them which most people won't tell you that but you have to just work smarter but really this isn't about just a habit changing a habit stop looking at my phone and I'm just going to start working on my business instead this is more about overtime becoming a new person this is not incremental change this is about transformation so you have to pretend you're someone else just pretend you're someone you look up to who do you really look up to on online somebody that you look up to from a business standpoint or just a family standpoint something like that imagine you are them what would they do I mean for me it's like what would Danny DeVito do my hero you know he'd probably eat some eggs and ham rum ham and run around and lay on the beach and stuff but all jokes aside pick somebody that you look up to and then just pretend you are them and you have to start forming these little habits until they become natural there's also a book you know the famous book Atomic habits huge New York Times bestseller they have some good points points there's this score chart how to create a good habit what they say is use these implementation intentions up blah blah blah ultimately it's like I like this one make it attractive you use Temptation bundling this is the big one in the book pair an action you want to do with an action you need to do so if you need to work on your business if you need to write that blog post create that YouTube video do something that requires work pair it with an action you want to do so when you're done doing that then you reward yourself then you get a coffee then you go eat dinner then you watch the Netflix then you do something else so you want to pair it and make a positive reinforcement positive feelings with that thing that you don't want to do it's really procrastination is the enemy I'm lucky that I haven't really had too many issues with procrastination I did when I went to college I you know last minute writing a 10-page essay putting it in 14-point font with my per my periods and commas were a 16-point font and it was not double SPAC but like 2.2 spaced and all the little tricks that you do I wish I had AI when I was in college but I don't anymore but that's an interesting one is atomic habits so you want to pair that action make it easy make it satisfying you don't want to do thing you dread don't if you're not if you don't want to go on video and the thought of being on YouTube is horrible then probably don't do that or if writing and blogging s and using AI tools sounds horrible to you don't do that do YouTube instead but I do think the main two paths are going to be blogging or YouTube Google and YouTube it's where people go it's where people consume and buy things it's not necessarily Instagram or Tik Tok as much in my opinion because they don't treat their creator as well it takes uh you might make a penny for a 10,000 views on Tik Tok right so you're not making much money at all you're making hundreds of times more on YouTube and then blogging so you can create content create systems in your life where content is ranking on Google over the course of time making money that way and YouTube is the same way you're getting views over the course of time people are clicking on links in your description they're taking action over time it's not just one and done so you're creating this content system into your life it's kind of like little mini Investments that you're making in your future and hopefully they make you money long after it's created but really what I would do is is get a Google Calendar put in stuff into your Google calendar do it with your spouse or just do it yourself put it in there just make sure that you block off about 10 hours a week and think of when are you most productive is it in the morning is it at night for me it's like I'm most productive from like 7:00 a.m. to noon that's my most productive time that's typically when I want to work at 2:00 my brain shuts down I just can't work if I had to write something at like 400 p.m. 5:00 p.m. it's not going to happen so find out when you're most productive and do it there I'd block off see if you can block off an hour and a half a day doesn't sound like much but that's 546 hours a year more than enough time to build something that can become big and in that time you want to just learn as much as you can so think about a Content strategy unlock your Niche I have full videos on how to unlock your Niche with AI figure out what you're going to create a business around and it's really about basing a business on you you are a brand you're a personal brand it's the economy of the individual today what do you want to teach think about what audience would you want to serve who would you want to help and how can you monetize it now you want to start publishing content eventually now you have to avoid perfectionism that's what I did when I first started my blog I spent two weeks on an article perfecting it writing every word editing editing again editing again like editing 10 times publishing it and guess what no one read it because no one cared it wasn't even didn't even have a good keyword strategy it was a decent article but no one read it so we live in this algorithm economy which I'm going to cover shortly but to get attention and make money we live in this algorithm world now probably in like 10 years people are going to all work remotely we're all going to be tapped in and getting our vaccines and living in a bubble and getting Amazon packages sent to us every day and never leaving our house but until then I don't I hope that doesn't happen but until then we have to start thinking about and realizing that everything is online if you want to build a business and make money and get your time freedom back you're probably going to do it online you're not going to start necessarily A a big you know lawn care company or a traditional brick and mortar business while you're working in 9 to-5 you can do an online one so stick to a publishing schedule monitor your analytics begin a monetization strategy that's pretty much with content that's going to be ads affiliate marketing and selling your own products and just keep going this is about you know creating content is many Investments those things sitting and ranking over time so what you do with each individual hour and a half is up to you whether you decide to write content prepare YouTube scripts shoot YouTube videos most of it's going to be spent at the beginning on learning how to do this stuff that's totally fine it takes a lot of hours to truly Master something now you don't you're not going to have to become a master but you will have to be decent at it right and the only thing that you can look at look at people's old YouTube videos go back to the oldest YouTube video on my channel and you'll see how not that great I am I'm not saying I'm good now but usually you can see YouTube you can see constant improvements same thing with blog posts you can publish it you can infinitely update blog posts any number of times to make it better and better and better it's really just about creating something through your personal brand building some type of Authority for yourself online because I think the risky thing is just only having a job then your fate your family's future is dependent on your boss's attitude one day or if you're doing good enough and I'd rather have something as a digital backup plan something I can use as a resume too right that's why I always recommend personal branding having your name on the thing so that even if the content doesn't work you delete you pivot you change this is your brand no effort goes to waste so let's talk about the content automation system so creating content in an automated way on the side of a job so we need to build content in the background of our life that doesn't consume our life that doesn't take up all of our time and the goal is to create simple workflows to make money you want to make as much progress in those 10 hours a week as humanly possible because money drives progress a lot more than passion does I always say money drives passion more than passion drives money if you start making money with your blog or your YouTube channel you're going to probably stick with it a lot more than if you're really passionate about the topic that'll last a while but if you're not growing an audience and you're not making money you will quit 100% of the time even if you're super passionate about it it's because people want respect from other people they want to be known for something people want significance and if you're not getting an audience or building money you're not going to stick with it so we need to know the content strategies now there's some important things here you need to help an audience that's number one any personal brand on the internet we don't want to create random entertainment content entertainment content on YouTube prank videos comedy videos random lifestyle content on a Blog about what you did today is not what works what works is you know the one way where you don't have to go viral to make a lot of money is to just help an audience because you teach them how to do something could be anything a hobby a skill a business skill Fitness food doesn't matter you're teaching an audience something with teaching you open up the door to monetization with education you can then monetize via your own courses ads and affiliate Revenue because they're going to need products to do the things you can't golf without a club you can't cook without kitchen wear you can't start a blog without web hosting this is an algorithm economy you have to stay consistent you have to know how the algorithms actually work so really in today's algorithm world like there's two different ones we'll talk about Google and then YouTube so with Google it's SEO so you're going to go do keyword research you're going to add keywords into the URL the title The H1 tag of the article an H2 heading add a keyword in the intro and then match the search intent so match the psychology of what people actually want to see in that article good catchy title right seven best whatever you know numbered people love lists clickbait things without being overly clickbait but the number one goal with Google is to end the search Journey so provide a good enough article and information that the reader likes this isn't this is a Google driven engine unfortunately it's not just writing whatever you want YouTube the algorithm is based on one the click-through rate of the thumbnail and then retention on the video so how long somebody watches do they actually click the thumbnail you have to realize like how does Google make money how does YouTube make money well YouTube makes money from advertisers paying for ads so the longer and more people that are on YouTube the longer they stay the more money they make so if your videos entice people to click and then get them to stay you will be served more up on YouTube so it's the unfortunate truth you can't just create content for fun anymore if you want to build a real audience Once you turn it into a business you I was talking to different people about this like they were asking do you want to do it it's like well once you turn that hobby into a business you know if you like just shooting little videos on Instagram and stuff just do that but don't expect to build a big business once you start getting into you know blogging and YouTube and creating content and building a business it actually is a business it it can take a little bit of the fun out of it when everything has to be optimized it's just the truth however it can make a lot more money so again Tik Tok and Instagram not great for creators there's too much friction for affiliate Revenue you have to be selling your own product you need DM sales team you need to be dming people to make sales now the truth about content too is you have to become like you don't have to be an expert when you're starting but over time you have to stay consistent there's a concept called topical Authority on Google and the same thing is true on YouTube like if you're building a business you're building a brand around yourself you can't just have one video on the topic you can't just have one blog post on the topic you have to have 10 20 50 100 eventually articles or videos on a given topic to be seen as an authority in that topic in Google or YouTube's eyes so this is about creating a consistent content calendar and sticking to it this isn't about oh I published one thing congratulations to me it's setting a consistent schedule and sticking to it so for a Blog with now with AI with other you can check out other videos on my on my Channel about the actual exact way to create AI articles and then edit them humanize them and all of that but you want to publish like 10 to 15 articles a month now it used to be like four a month now you need about 10 at least this is a Google driven business with YouTube I think four videos a month minimum one a week minimum is kind of the amount to enter the game if we're doing it this way now yes there's other YouTube channels that do like really long documentaries once a month that's a different model limited by the ability they can't really do affiliate Revenue through that when you teach you open the door to easier monetization there's also you know keyword research I think with Google and with YouTube you need to do keyword research to know what are the topics and content that you're going to be covering in your blog or YouTube channel so I have a full Niche Hunter prompt that I've shown in other videos you can get it by clicking the link in the description below it'll give you your exact Niche and subcategories and all the keywords you can go after and it gives you tons of ideas you can click the link in the description below to get that plus my AI master class but you need to know that you're you know using keywords to tell Google or YouTube what you are why you exist and really what kind of authority that you are and then over time we're going to want to turn this from a oneperson business into a two or three person business because it can be hard to write every single article yourself add affiliate and do all of these things we want to eventually Outsource it and make it as automated as possible when I started my blog in 2019 I wrote every single article myself I hired a writer by month three or four I believe and I was paying her for just a few articles a month nothing crazy but with that time back I was able to focus more on my affiliate links that I was adding in and I started building Partnerships and making you know money through the agency business model I was doing link building for Brands I was doing a lot of other things by getting my time back knowing that my content was then automated so it was being written without my direct involvement I would go and edit stuff but it was the huge amount of time was was given back to me so you can find a writer for a Blog on something like the pro blogger job board when you're ready to scale or you can find YouTube editors script writers all kinds of different things on ytj it's really simple you want to make a little bit of money for first Master the skill before you Outsource anything you can only like Outsource once you know it good enough to kind of clone yourself in your thought process of doing it right now to monetize content again we start with ad Revenue We join an ad Network like media Vine for a Blog once we get to 10,000 visitors a month you apply for the YouTube Partner program once you hit those certain thresholds you need to get through so that's just kind of going in the background as we build the content we can have an affiliate strategy where some of our articles or blog or YouTube videos are about the best products in Niche to review them recommend them and send people to those links and the thing about this is it's about consistency you need a lot of clicks on affiliate links to make money you can't have five clicks and expect to make affiliate sales you need consistent clicks every single month hopefully without your direct involvement every single month and those are the biggest driver of affiliate sales are Google and YouTube people are going to be coming through blogs and YouTube videos clicking links in the description to buy products bigger than any other platforms then of course you can sell for and community so you want to build up your email list that's the ultimate thing we're going from algorithm to ownership we when you think about YouTube Instagram Tik Tok they're all secondary thirdparty platforms that you don't own you don't own it if YouTube goes away tomorrow you know you can't do anything about it now is that going to happen no but what what a website is is it's actually a first-party thing that you own so and so email lists so once you start building your email list up you can mark it to those people until they unsubscribe so that list is something that you own so you go from a platform like YouTube to an email list is now an asset that you own and you can Market to so it's really different the the monetization entry point for a Blog is an exit intent popup people move their Mouse up to leave they see that exit intent popup they can put their name and email in and get a lead magnet that's how they get into an automated welcome series of emails to sell a product now again I started in 2019 I built my email list to 40,000 people by 2021 and I didn't sell anything I gave a free lead magnet built a little bit of trust to send some automated emails and then 2 years later I started selling courses and things like that so it's a long-term play uh with YouTube It's a link in the description the YouTube videos description is kind of like a monetization box what's nice about it is none of the revenue streams interfere with each other you could have a sponsor in there you could have affiliate links in there you could have links to your own product in there and then there's ad Revenue so those are the four main revenue streams now with all this said it's a lot of information I didn't cover the Tactical stuff in this video because this is more about mindset tactical videos exist I publish six videos a month I can't always talk about tactical AI keyword stuff in every video again you have to know what works in the algorithm economy to maximize the productivity of your time you need to become someone new you need to develop new habits by pairing rewards with them by changing your routine for at least a couple weeks until it becomes easy and natural you need to understand your current schedule put your business time into a Google Calendar you have to know that you're going to have to work hard for six or seven months to get the this thing off the ground working hard on it outside of your full-time job and you have to be consistent how bad do you want it a lot of people like you have to have somewhat of a chip on your shoulder if you're kind of complacent you're complacent at your job it's probably not going to be very you're not going to push too hard when it comes to building a business for me for whatever reason I kind of had a chip on my shoulder I wanted to build the fastest growing blog it was because I had failed so bad at College I had failed in you know High School I did good in college I did horrible it took me six years to graduate I was completely lost at that time of my life didn't know what I wanted to do was drinking way too much I went to a party school I was lost miserable I failed nine classes I finally I got kicked out of college I got back in I graduated at 24 years old with a degree I didn't know how to use and a bunch of student loans I worked at a pizza place for 3 years I started hammering it out until finally around 25 26 I removed a lot of my self-limiting beliefs that I had for myself I just didn't think that I could do it I looked at like delivering pizza and I'm like maybe this is just what I'll do you know whatever and I almost became that person but over time I finally got out of that rut I started learning digital marketing I got like one client I padded my resume a little bit and then I got my first job at a small agency making $42,000 a year when I was 27 I believe I moved up the corporate ladder a few times I switched jobs twice and then by the time I was 30 I was working for a tech company in Austin making 90,000 a year still I wasn't saving any money I was saving maybe 10% of my salary I had a rented apartment a rented car fun weekends but no actual wealth building was going on even at that salary it's not what it used to be with inflation so I learned a lot and then finally I learned more Cutting Edge content stuff how startups are using doing SEO doing content marketing creating pieces of content that make a lot of money I saw Affiliates making $100,000 a month I was like why can't I do that So eventually I did that's what I became so I learned enough I took 10 years of knowledge and condensed it all down and I finally figured it out and I had I tried tons of different businesses in the past I tried like DRFT shipping and an e-commerce store and other blogs and I just had blind spots I didn't know what I didn't know and that's the problem a lot of people have that's probably the main problem actually why people don't take things full-time from part-time like building a business they just have blind spots that they're unaware of like when I started my Drop Shipping Store back in maybe 2015 or something like that I don't know exactly when it was I didn't even know about SEO I didn't know about link building I didn't know about content strategies I was just putting like Facebook posts up about products and writing a few blog posts that weren't optimized I didn't know what I was doing so it didn't work I didn't see anything working for like a month or two and I quit I spent a lot of time on the sideline building the logo the website looked great tinkering with all the pixels on everything creating an LLC doing all of that and I wasted so much time that I didn't actually just dive into the actual marketing part and that's the truth about any online business if you don't have if you have blind spots or you're missing little details it's like putting together a puzzle except the puzzle pieces are scattered all over the house that's what marketing is that's what starting an online business is every single piece of the puzzle is easy the concepts are really easy to understand like SEO is easy creating a YouTube video is easy affiliate marketing is really easy they're all easy but they're all over the house you have to find that knowledge you have to know where it is and you have to click it together and often times it's really freaking hard to click it together if you can't find even out of a thousand piece puzzle You're missing two pieces it's somewhere under the couch you're not going to find it so that's the problem I think a lot of people have I learned digital marketing in 2008 I heard of the 4-Hour Work week I followed a blog called like nerd Fitness I'm like oh this blog is doing really good he's crushing it he's got an email list but it still took me 11 years of trying and failing and learning before I even started one successful thing so just know that everyone has a different timeline if you do want to build a business for yourself great you're going to learn a lot you're going to try and fail a lot that's totally okay you're just pushing something forward you know don't get discouraged by that everyone is on a different timeline of life you can start a blog at 50 you start a YouTube channel at 60 it really doesn't matter and again and if you don't want to that's fine too A lot of people have videos that say if you're not successful you're not making a million dollars a year with your own business you have no time Freedom then you're not not living life and that's not the case either a lot of those people rob you from living in the current moment because you think that if only if only I was making more money if only my website or my YouTube channel or my business was working then I'd be happy then you're robbing yourself of the current moment I know plenty of people that are perfectly happy working a 9 to5 job they keep their work at work they keep their home life at home they have a great family life and that's it you should not feel bad about anything like that either so I'm just saying if you are interested about building an online business about creating content making income streams that are unattached to your time then I say go for it just know that you're going to have to have some new habits you're going to have to spend some time on it there's no such thing as getrich quick schemes so if you're interested in learning more about that getting all my free AI resources to hopefully speed up the process make more productivity productive use of your time in those 10 hours make sure to click the link in the description and top comment below sign up for that you'll get my 10 favorite AI prompts that'll find your Niche your keywords write create content for you do all of those things plus my AI master class so I didn't dive super deep into each granular detail of content creation on that like I do in other videos just check out those on my channel this one was more about mindset habits belief systems a little bit of personal stuff so I hope you enjoyed it it's probably not going to get as many views as a lot of the other videos but whatever right it's not optimized for the algorithm but sometimes whatever I just don't care so anyways I hope you like the video please subscribe if you haven't give it a like give it a comment any questions you have and I will see you in another video


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