Does Google Penalize AI Content? New SEO Case Study (2024)


  • Google does not penalize all AI content, but it targets spammy AI-generated content.
  • 83% of the top Google search results prefer human-generated content.
  • Google's algorithm may detect low-quality AI content and remove it from the index.
  • High-quality, human-written content generally outperforms AI-generated content.
  • Google favors user-generated content (UGC) like Reddit and Quora over AI content.
  • Google's advanced AI technology can likely detect low-quality AI content.
  • Avoid generating low-quality, spammy AI content by focusing on user experience and quality.
  • Review Google spam policies before using AI tools to create content.
  • Use AI to create drafts but always have human editors improve and personalize the content.
  • The primary purpose of content is to help users achieve their goals, not just to improve search rankings.
  • Focus on generating high-quality content rather than scaling content production.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing; use AI tools to find topics and fill relevance gaps naturally.
  • AI content tools should be used carefully; always involve human intervention for quality.
  • In short, focus on creating original, high-quality content written by humans.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing a few easy strategies to boost your content quality without spending too much time or money. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Quality Over Quantity: Focus on making high-quality content rather than creating lots of content quickly. Start by thinking about what your audience needs and what helps them. Create content that is useful and informative. Always have a human check and improve anything an AI tool creates for you.

  2. Smart AI Use: Use AI tools to draft your content but don't rely on them completely. After the AI generates a draft, make sure to edit and personalize it. This gives it a human touch and ensures it's not detected as low-quality by algorithms like Google's.

  3. Understand Google’s Rules: Before using AI tools, read Google’s spam policies. They can guide you on what’s acceptable content and what might be flagged as spammy.

  1. Fill in Content Gaps: Look at your competitors and see what topics they cover that you might be missing. Adding sections about these topics to your own content can make it more comprehensive and relevant.

  2. Avoid Keyword Stuffing: Don’t cram keywords into your content unnaturally. Instead, let AI tools suggest relevant topics and naturally incorporate those ideas into your content. This approach makes your content more valuable and less likely to be penalized.

  3. User-Centered Content: Always remember that your content should help users, not just rank high in search engines. Think about what your audience is looking for and how you can provide it to them.

These small steps can lead to big improvements in how your content performs online. By focusing on quality and user experience, you’ll be setting yourself up for long-term success.

Quotes by Author

"Google does not penalize AI content according to its policies"

"83% of the top Google search results are not using AI generated content"

"Google's algorithms favor human generated content"

"It's not always about what Google punishes, it's sometimes about what is rewarded"

"History repeats itself before Google's Panda update"

Full Transcript

so we studied 487 Google search results to answer one simple question does Google penalize AI content so first Google does not penalize AI content according to its policies however Google recently applied manual actions on websites using spammy AI generated content created by large language models or llms for short there's also evidence that the algorithm can detect some AI written content and our study of 487 competitive keywords found that 83% of the top Google search results are not using AI generated content now while this is a tiny case study with a small sample it shows that Google's algorithms favor human generated content so here's a sample of the keywords we used for the study but this raises an important question can Google detect AI content well recent algorithm updates may have proven that Google can detect autogenerated content created by llms or large language models the last spam update saw Mass D indexation of entire websites through manual actions and even algorithmic D indexation for example we generated content using chat gbd for the keyword SEO training Houston and this content registered as 100% Ai and after the recent updates it was completely removed from Google's index which is deserving because it was lowquality content so we replaced it with human generated content and upgraded the quality and within hours it was reindexed and now it's ranking in the top 10 now this is just an anecdotal toal example but we've seen similar situations across many campaigns and it's not always de indexation but it's also underperformance for example we tested AI generated content for the keyword SEO for dentists and it performed poorly for months so then I rebuilt it using rankability and human Rider to create high quality content and keeping NLP in mind so here are the results of this change so in our experience working on countless campaigns and studying thousands of Google search results we've seen that high high quality content written by humans outperforms llm content written by AI now one reason is that as of right now there's an algorithmic preference for user generated content or ugc for short it's no secret that Google Now loves Reddit Kora and other ugc driven websites the question is why well Google's algorithm prefers ugc because it probably doesn't resemble llm driven content now this is pure speculation but it's something to consider it's not always about what Google punishes it's sometimes about what is rewarded Google also has one of the most sophisticated large language models with Google Gemini and they've already started rolling out AI overviews in the search result via sge or search generative experience we're talking about a trillion dooll company at the Forefront of AI technology for over a decade it would be foolish to think that they can't detect lowquality AI generated content they may not be able to detect AI content with a human touch but they can likely detect lowquality AI written content so with that said Google can't roll out algorithmic changes that are too aggressive because of collateral damage they'll likely only turn the dial enough to attack the lowest hanging fruits like spammy content that uses AI generated text without considering user experience or quality so does this mean that you should never generate content with AI riding tools well the answer is no we have tons of AI generated content that's ranking right now such as are H1 tags Google ranking factor or is keyword density a Google ranking Factor but the key is that you have to use the AI technology the right way so here's how number one review Google spam policies so Google is not against all forms of AI content so with Google's web Master guidelines in mind here's how to use generative AI to create people first content what we're looking at here is I imported one of the competitors in here um and you can actually go over here to the URL extraction you just go and import them and that's when you do an import sometimes it looks like this it can be a little messy um but you can also just write it from scratch in here now what we want to do to properly do this the right way is we want to look at these topics and try to try to take one of these topics and put it into the content don't view these as like okay I need to talk about new patients here and just like look for areas to like inject it really what you want to do is look for areas to build new sections on this page Okay so for example our team if we look at this a lot of the top competitors mention they have sections about their team the people that you're actually going to be working with when you go to the dentist okay and that makes a lot of sense so just adding a section about your team here could have a nice impact to improve relevance okay um then going down here and looking at some other things that are missing all right so uh the once again Dental team tooth extraction if that's a service that you offer it should certainly be here on the homepage it should be discussed uh dental insurance that's a really important topic should have a section specifically about dental insurance a section specifically about dental emergencies okay so this is all that we're doing here is we're looking for these gaps in the content and the better we do this the better we fill these gaps the more relevant of a page we're going to have and funny enough even the top competitors here um I would argue they have a lot of room for improvement right like they're they're not their scores are not as good as they could be uh which means they're actually missing out on a lot of organic traffic through longtail searches and this is the thing a lot of people understand is like they think by optimizing for NLP it will help lift the main key word right so it's going to lift the main which is true but what actually happens is You're Building more relevance on the page and when you build more relevance on the page and you have these topics on there you actually start to attract more longtail track traffic you start to get more traffic and your keyword footprint starts to grow right as your keyword footprint starts to grow on this page you get more organic traffic you get more leads you get more patience okay so that's actually the huge benefit um and so this is the way you need to be thinking about now if I was building this page from scratch um I would do this very differently okay so I would just go ahead and eliminate this and let's say I needed to reoptimize the page so first thing I do is I would copy these keywords so I just go into chat gbd and put a very simple PRP and always start with an outline okay create an SEO content outline for the keyword and then you paste the NLP keywords in there from rankability okay and then you just go ahead and run that okay and then within just a a minute or so you're going to have a nice outline to work with now what you could do is you could theoretically just take take this outline and then you could put it into rank ability like so and what this will do is first of all it's highly optimized because it includes a lot of the kind of keyword phrases in there but if you if you're going to be working with a writer you would just go ahead and just take this and you could share this specifically with the writer and then they could go through and write the content right but let's say you have a smaller budget and you don't want to invest in a writer okay well good news we can create a first draft with with chat gbt okay uh and by the way this function is going to be native to rankability coming up here very soon but just showing you kind of like the different process but this will actually you're going to be able to do this inside of rankability but the point is chat GPT you can go right back in and then just have it write it for you so then just say write the SEO content asset based on this outline and then make sure you include the optimal word count which I just pulled directly from rank ability okay so then once the draft is done we're going to go over here go ahead and get rid of this and then we're going to go ahead and redo this and just paste in the draft and we'll see how we did on that first run so on the first draft already really really well optimized so that's great uh but remember what I'm saying here is draft okay this is the word that I'm using is critical here this is a first draft you should not just take this and publish it on your website this is just the first draft and keep in mind you also have to take this content and put on your website it has to be within a proper design that can actually convert but at least for the copywriting we're we're just beginning here and then we're going to you're going to work either with an editor or a h any type of human to go through and and and make this better right make it better humanize it now there's some tricks to this okay one thing you can do is you can go to a site like this let's say it was for this website in particular and we could go to our practice right and we're going to open this up and I'm actually going to pretend like I'm going to print this but I'm actually just going to save it as a PDF okay so now though I've saved about three different pages about that that dental clinic now I'm going to go over here and I'm actually going to upload these specifically to chat gbt okay and this is just assuming like if this was my client go and do this so we're going to upload these and then what we're going to do is we're going to have it Revis this content to personalize it and make it unique to this brand okay and then what we have here is a very different draft that now actually includes some personalization and some uniqueness and some originality into this content and you can just keep doing this over and over keep taking pages from the site and uploading and it's going to use that that information to make it highly relevant and remember the key here is it's not whether we use AI content or not that's not the issue the the issue is the originality and the quality of that content and so what we've done here is we we basically checked off the originality component now and then what I would personally recommend is obviously take this content and still it's got some kind of citations and stuff and then you'll have to remove but we'll go ah and put that one back into rankability and what I would do from this point is I would have an editor a human editor go through here and just clean it up just have them clean it up make it better uh and then it'll be in a sufficient place where we can take that content and we can re-upload it to the site and so really within just a few short minutes we've really basically revised this content uh optimized it we've done all the critical work and if you look at this going back to the competitors you'll see that by having a 77 means we have by far the most relevant page uh among the competitors so that means just by doing that alone we our performance will significantly improve and we have overwhelming data proving this uh and it it it just works okay it just works especially when you have the the business setup the way that it should be right you've got a nice keyword Rich domain you're actually located in that City and you have the most relevant page I mean it's pretty hard to lose if you do that okay and you and you take care of all the other stuff we mentioned before so that's really on page SEO in a nutshell number two always consider the primary purpose of your content so the sole purpose of creating content is to help someone get closer to their goals it's not about you it's always about who is consuming the content too many people who do search engine optimization or SEO forget this part they're fixated on search rankings but don't consider the target audience and what happens after they actually rank so you need to reverse this equation in your content creation process what's the goal of the content you're about to create if the sole purpose is to get more traffic you're not thinking about it from right perspective the objective of content marketing is to generate some type of conversion so if it's informational content at the top of the funnel the goal is to move the Searcher deeper into your funnel that means you'd like to offer a lead magnet to get them on your email list if you're targeting commercial queries the goal could be signing up for a free trial purchasing a product calling for more information or submitting a lead form just start with the end in mind and your content should always match the search intent of the target keyword number three C more about the quality of the content not about content publishing velocity new technologies have enabled content creators to use automation to generate content at scale using AI but this is a classic just because you can doesn't mean you should situation the truth is that history repeats itself before Google's Panda update scaling thin content was all the rage but Google ended that when Panda slaughtered countless websites with thin poor quality content so here's the deal if you want sustainable SEO results focus on content quality and guess what you can't have both content quality and scale the concepts are opposed to each other it's not possible to create highquality content at scale without a large team of subject matter experts and content writers and an enormous content budget Google's algorithm has the helpful content system built into it and the system is designed to reward high quality content and punish the opposite it's far from perfect but read the writing on the wall focus on quality not quantity number four stop keyword stuffing the misuse of NLP tools has led to over optimize content and it's not NLP which is a proven concept that's the problem it's how these AI tools are used for example I'm writing this content inside of rankability and using the NLP recommendations to build something highly relevant for the Target key word and the key to correctly using NLP tools like rankability is to focus on a topic not keywords I view NLP recommendations as relevance gaps in my content so to build a hyper relevant asset I need to narrow those topic gaps and make my content deeper and at the end of the day don't worry about how often you mention an exact keyword phrase focus on narrowing the topic gaps and write naturally number five be careful with AI content tools so there's a flood of AI content tools on the market right now and I'm not necessarily opposed to any of them but I'm opposed to how people use them it's so easy to click a few buttons and generate content now and as a result it breeds laziness and if you study Google's eat guidelines they mention effort countless times in short low effort content shouldn't be rewarded and that's exactly what these AI tools incentivize most people just autogenerate and have little to no human intervention this is a very dangerous game to play so if you want to use these AI tools ensure that the AI content undergos a human Le editorial process you need to add human elements to it and make it appealing to users so to conclude using anecdotal evidence search engine rankings and common sense I believe that Google rewards original content clearly written by a human but the question is does it penalize AI content well not all of it but it likely can detect the lowest quality autogenerated AI content created via llms so if you want to learn how to create SEO content that ranks check out my free SEO content Master Class below thank you so much for watching


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