I have led SEO campaigns for over 13 years, learning that hard work pays off more than shortcuts. Easy paths can lead to failures, as I experienced when Google penalized my sites for using blog networks. Always commit to long-lasting SEO strategies.
Using Natural Language Processing (NLP), we can understand and feed search engines what they need. Tools like Rankability help capture competitor keywords, which can be enhanced and personalized for unique content that ranks better.
Focus on reverse keyword research to convert traffic into revenue. Target intents that lead to conversions rather than just high-volume keywords. This ensures that the traffic directed to a site is more valuable for businesses.
Starting with client SEO can help build cash flow faster than relying solely on strategies like affiliate marketing. Earning about $10,000 per month in client SEO can significantly boost income while providing the capital to scale other projects.
Diversifying income streams is key to financial stability. Relying on one source is risky, so it’s beneficial to develop other related ventures, such as training programs or tools, for a balanced financial support system.
Action is crucial for progress. No amount of theory or planning replaces the learning experience gained through real-life application. Take consistent action to achieve growth and success.
Surrounding myself with like-minded and successful people in the SEO field helps elevate my skills and mindset. Engaging with those who have achieved what I aim for provides inspiration and guidance.
Creating SEO systems is essential for consistency and efficiency. Systems enhance training, ensure predictable results, and make the business more efficient. Building repeatable processes from experience is critical.
Learning from mentors or experts who have achieved what I aspire to do can significantly shorten the path to success. They help me avoid mistakes and achieve goals faster, which is invaluable given time is not renewable.
How To Take Action
If I were suggesting a way for you to kickstart personal growth or boost a small business, I'd focus on the tried-and-true approaches first. Start with what's proven to work.
Commit to Long-Term Strategies
Avoid shortcuts that promise quick results, as they can lead to setbacks. Instead, focus on building a solid foundation for lasting success. Hard work, like spending more time on quality content, often pays off in the long run.
Utilize Tools Wisely
Use Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools like Rankability. These tools can help you understand what search engines are looking for and create content that stands out from the competition.
Reverse Keyword Research
Focus on keywords that lead to conversions, not just those attracting high traffic. This ensures that the visitors to your site are potential customers.
Boost Cash Flow with Client SEO
Start with client SEO work to rapidly increase cash flow. This approach can help finance other projects like affiliate marketing or personal ventures.
Diversify Income
Don’t rely on a single income stream. Consider developing related ventures, such as training programs or tools, to create a balanced financial setup.
Take Action
Actions speak louder than planning. Dive into real-world applications of your strategies, learn from each outcome, and grow your expertise.
Build Systems
Create systems for your processes to ensure consistency and efficiency. Systems help deliver predictable results and improve overall business operation.
Learn from Mentors
Find mentors who have succeeded in areas you aspire to. They can provide guidance, help you avoid mistakes, and accelerate your path to success. Surround yourself with like-minded people who elevate your skills and mindset, aiding in achieving your goals.
Quotes by Author
#### "Easy is dangerous, hard is good"
#### "Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better"
#### "Think about it: would you rather have 10,000 visitors who browse and leave or 1,000 visitors who convert into paying customers"
#### "Nothing worth having comes easy"
#### "You become who you surround yourself with"
Full Transcript
for over 13 years I've LED hundreds of successful SEO campaigns and helped thousands Achieve Financial independence with SEO I'm the founder of gotch SEO Academy the world's number one SEO training program and rank ability one of the fastest growing software Platforms in the industry and I also authored the bestselling book The SEO entrepreneur in this video I'll distill 13 years of brutally honest SEO advice into 13 minutes let's dive in number one easy is d dangerous hard is good in 2015 I nearly closed my SEO business because I was taking the path of lease resistance I relied on private blog networks and shortcuts to manipulate Google's algorithms for years it worked until it didn't one day I woke up checked my phone and my heart sank Google had manually penalized every one of my and my client sites they discovered my entire blog Network and wiped everything out it was a brutal wakeup call and I was sure it was the end end of my business but at that moment I remembered something Jim Ron had said which is don't wish it were easier wish you were better and I realized that the easy route had led me here I made a promise to myself I would never let this happen again and I ditched every manipulative tactic and committed to building an SEO strategy based on solid Evergreen principles that would keep my sites ranking for years not months and I was fortunate to get the penalties removed but the experience taught me an invaluable lesson nothing worth having comes easy and today with the rise of AI I see the same Temptation people chasing quick wins with minimal effort now don't get me wrong I'm a huge fan of AI and creating leverage but as Jersey Gregor said easy choices hard life hard choices easy life this isn't about grinding harder it's about choosing the right path even when it's tough think about it if you spend 10 minutes on SEO content and I spend 10 hours which cont cont do you think will perform better more effort doesn't guarantee success but a commitment to Excellence will almost always be quick fixes long term so if you're feeling tempted to take shortcuts trust me it's not worth it it may seem easy right now but in the long run it'll hold you back shortcuts nearly led to disaster so now I focus on doing things right and one critical part of doing SEO the right way is to number two feed the algorithm's proper nutrients that's where NLP or natural language processing comes in if you've ever wondered why some pages seem to click with Google While others don't it's because they're built to align with what Google's algorithms are looking for here's how it works when you enter a keyword into rankability the tool scrapes content from Top competitors and uses NLP to extract the topics they cover this means the NLP recommendations are a blueprint of your competitor's ranking but you don't just want to match them you want to beat them by covering these topics with better quality depth and uniqueness here's how to start building an effective outline go into rankability copy the NLP keywords and open chat GPT use this prompt to guide chat gbt in creating a comprehensive outline next personalize it take details from your about page and feed them into chat gbt to tailor the outline to your unique brand Voice once you have your enhanced outline pasted back into rankability and refine it add a human touch and Infuse quality and you're ready to build an SEO content asset that Google and other search engines will devour once you've created content that feeds the algorithms the proper nutrients aiming at the right target is crucial at the end of the day SEO isn't just about increasing traffic it's about generating Revenue so let's talk about a strategy I swear by which is number three use reverse keyword research you might think that more traffic is always better but if that traffic doesn't convert what's the point unlike traditional keyword research which often starts with high volume generic keyword reverse keyword research begins with the end in mind focusing on keywords that drive conversions and revenue it's about prioritizing intent over volume now why is that important well as SEO Specialists we might not control product quality or sales processes but we control the quality of traffic we direct to a website unfortunately some agencies inflate traffic numbers by targeting high volume informational keywords that don't convert sure the traffic Gra grafts look impressive but clients are left asking why haven't sales increased here's how to do it the right way if I wanted to drive more sales for got SEO Academy a keyword with clear commercial intent like SEO training St Louis would be a good Target once you've built your money Pages it's time to support them with informational content like is SEO a good career or is coding required for SEO these topics attract users earlier in the buying cycle and guide them toward your highend 10 pages and the final step is to link your informational content to your conversion Focus Pages creating a seamless Journey that nurtures prospects from awareness to action think about it would you rather have 10,000 visitors who browse and leave or 1,000 visitors who convert into paying customers and now number four your SEO salary won't make you rich so once you've mastered the basics of SEO and are producing high quality work you might start thinking about how to really make money with these skills and while there are plenty of exciting ways to leverage SEO affiliate marketing creating courses or even launching your own e-commerce business there's one key obstacle that can hold you back a lack of cash flow without steady cash flow even the best business ideas can fall short in fact a study by CB insights found that 29% of small businesses fail because they simply run out of cash that's why for anyone starting out I recommend jumping into client SEO while some might push newbies straight into affiliate marketing this approach often stalls progress affiliate marketing requires you to create content and acquire backlinks client SEO on the other hand allows you to start generating cash flow much faster by working with clients you can earn income right away which you can reinvest into your own projects accelerating your results for example with enough Capital you'd be able to scale your link building Faster by investing in a service like search intelligence they use Digital P techniques to land backlinks on some of the most powerful websites like Forbes and and they do it in three ways reactive PR which leverages trending events expert commentary and data campaigns that act as journalist Bas I'll have a link below the video where you can learn more but here's the deal you don't need to build a massive agency even making $10,000 per month in client SEO profit will put you ahead of 99% of people in the industry so just get a copy of the SEO entrepreneur if you want a blueprint for starting a successful SEO agency and now number five diversify your income streams so relying on a single income Source can leave you vulnerable to sudden changes and I learned this lesson firsthand when the pandemic hit the economy tank and like so many others I was concerned about what the future held but one thing gave me confidence I had Diversified my income streams there was a time when I relied solely on client SEO but I quickly realized how risky it was to depend on one income Stream So I launched my own SEO training program got SEO Academy and developed an SEO content optimization tool rankability and by diversifying within my core skill set I created multiple revenue streams that support each other now if one stream slows down the others can help keep the business steady the key is to diversify within your circle of competence sticking with what you know entering unfamiliar Industries can be risky but doubling down on your skills can provide lasting stability so if you're relying on one single income stream right now ask yourself what would happen if that stream dried up remember that the best time to diversify was yesterday but the second best time is today building multiple income streams is powerful but nothing happens without number six having a bias towards action at the end of the day you could watch every video on my channel read every blog post and think about SEO strategies all day but nothing will change until you actually dive in and get your hands dirty real Mastery only comes from doing the work it's the only way to build genuine long-term expertise and every time you take action whether you succeed or fail you're learning and growing this creates a powerful Compound Effect you get better and better the longer you stick with it but the key is to keep learning from your mistakes and always aim to level up if you're feeling stuck or overwhelmed remember that action is the best way to break through take consistent action and you'll see the results multiply apply over time number seven surround yourself with other successful SEO Geeks you probably heard the saying that you're the sum of The Five People You surround yourself with it may feel like a cliche by now but it's true who you spend time with shapes your habits mindset and ultimately your success reflect on who you're spending the most time with are they helping you grow take for instance a study by Oxford that found around 80 to 95% of people who lost more than 20 lbs through dieting we gained the weight within 3 years there are many reasons for this but one factor is often overlooked which is the influence of those around us if you surround yourself with people who value proper nutrition and exercise you're more likely to adopt and maintain those habits yourself the same applies to SEO and business if you want to elevate your SEO skills grow your business or improve personally then you need to be around people who have already reached the goals you're aiming for these are the people who can inspire ire motivate and guide you and remember you become who you surround yourself with number eight become obsessed with SEO systems think about this what would happen if Toyota tried to create each car from scratch every time without any systems in place it would be chaotic with every car coming out differently and possibly dangerously so why does so many SEO experts rely solely on experience rather than developing repeatable systems it's a huge mistake the top seos in the world take the expertise they've gained over time and turn it into organized repeatable systems a strong SEO system allows team members to be trained effectively and ensures you can deliver consistent predictable results and this makes your SEO business more efficient and enables you to achieve better outcomes for your clients so if you're doing all of your SEO manually right now ask yourself how much more could you achieve with a solid system in place systems are the lead dominant for any SEO company's long-term success that's exactly why I created got SEO Academy it's the exact system I've used and refined over the years while working on hundreds of successful campaigns so once you've got solid systems in place remember number nine don't try to be a superhero you can accelerate your results exponentially by finding someone who has already achieved the goals you're working toward and learning from them there is no bigger shortcut in life you'll still need to put in the work to truly learn but you'll avoid countless micro mistakes that an experienced Mentor has already navigated what might take you 10 years to figure out on your own could take just a year with the right guidance and I've seen this firsthand in my business for example I spent years struggling with Facebook ads on my own and couldn't produce a profitable campaign then I decided to learn from an expert and within a month I launched my first profitable campaign thanks to his guidance the truth is time isn't a renewable resource source so find experts learn from them and FasTrack your success